Why would I put this page up? Because I have seen first hand the police do this sort of thing. But
it is not only on race , it is on multiple layers of things, like an old car, an old person, late driving, you name it they
do it! They are the street detectives searching for a criminal.
And the fact the Professor got the biggest
race card story of the century this is not the end. Just like certain people like to take things into their own hands
and cops take a lot into their hands. And they have the routine of answers that are user unfriendly to most people.
a disorderly crime arrest will put a cori on this guy forever.
During my divorce, I was actually in a bizarre circumstance
with multiple layors of profiling. As a single woman with a new 78 dodge van a member of a black highly known
pentecostal church and moving out of state resettlling back home I saw first hand the stupid reactions not only police
have but bigoted white folks profiling to anything slightly suspicious to them and yet deliberately construed
to confuse the truth. I was suspected of being robbed when I pulled up to a bank and asked for a large withdrawel from
my account so I could move with a black guy in my car in another state in the 80's. I was still pretty good looking
at 39 and who knows what was going through the mind of the familiar face teller that called the bank manager to watch.
It still gives me the creeps to think about it. So glad to have left that state.
In Massachusetts
I tried
to help some people who had offered to let me stay in their apartment in Lowell for a few days while deciding where to
move, and we all decided to drive up to Pelham Hew Hampshire to buy some food for the family late at night.
It was a downpour summer storm and unfortunately we parked in a handicapped zone a bunch of us in my van and ran
in . What handicapped person would be out that night? They were just starting to put those spaces everywhere and they
are usually right at the door..
We did not know whle shopping and actiing silly that the the manager caledl
the police and the police gave me a ticket of 50.00 when I came out but what we also saw outside when reentering
the van was a back seat fi;; of rifes inside the cop car ready to shoot us up I guess. It was at that moment
that I realized that Massachusetts and New Hampshire were no different than Texas a state I had visited a few years before
and saw so much antiquated profiling going on that it sickened me into refusing to move there along with other issues just
as personally sickening.. I left that persons home that night because I couldn;t sleep with the weight of this problem.
I drove back to the Police dept paid the ticket and wept all day for the black nightmare still going on now 20 years ago.
was hampered to not move to Lowell a city that was economically friendly for the level of profiling was too much for me.
I wanted to be able to start over and not deal with so many issues that would come back and haunt me. So my comment
here? New England and Massachusetts are full of race card stories. It is a sleeper story waiting
to emerge . Are we willing to listen to it is the answer. Are we on that level also where we are willing
to talk up every person that wants to pull the card??
The media have a great responsility to pull the truth
card not the back office grudge card that looks like the truth but is really just a reversal of the problem. The saying
what goes round comes round applies here. We have to be willing to see the forest from the trees and not let the rage
of a whole generation become the next white profiling problem. I actually love the blacks. I hate evil.
If a person of color does evil things I'm sorry I don't see color anymore. I see the facts and hothing but the
facts. So don't try the race card with me. It will come back and bite you in the a
I evolved in the
next 20 years. As a responsilbie person I have to be accountable myself for my own bigoted history.
To say my family was ignorant of this problem is to say that generation was innocent. They were not. They simply grew
up in an all white setting and did'nt understand the black culture. They were 2nd generation immigrants from Ireland
and England. I am glad I formed my own oppinion. I now have a totally different perspective in my own life.
I exposed my children to the Black culture first hand. I am proud of that. Blacks are people first. They
might have baggage like any segment that has been buffeted for years but they are still just human beings that have a long history
of suffering.
Am I with them on every race card pull? NO I am not but I am willing to look at the full
story and call the spade a spade. Are you?
Obama needs to pull the birth certificate card then
I will listen to what he has to say.
posted July 24, 2009 JAldrich