| Drew's Short Version Summary - The Grand Illusion Suite The
Grand Illusion 3-Program Suite Summary Page. Here's my
summary of the Grand Illusion 3-Program Suite. Click to visit the full pages of what interests you the most. I've got over
100 Demos and pictures for you to check out. They really are more fun than your local cinema, so take a minute and visit the
pages. They're a ton of fun.
After you check out the 3 summaries below, see
all the water surging, crazy morphing and hat changing examples on these
full review page links. Visit The Complete Water Illusion Studio. (It Loads Slow, But It's Worth It.) Visit The Complete Morphing Review Page (It Loads Slow, But It's Worth It.) Visit The Complete Retouching/Decorating Review Page (It Loads Slow, But It's Worth It.)
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| - Here's Where You Get All 3 Programs for just $24.95 - (About $8.33 per program) DAK's Grand Illusion
Suite Of Enhancing Programs. Bet
you didn't know you could do all this with the pictures from your digital camera. | Get all 3 programs for just $24.95. You save Big. You get all 3 programs
for less than the cost of 1 alone. 1.) The Water Illusion Studio, 2.) The Super Morph Studio, and 3.) Photo Retouching Graphics
Studio, all on discs and all 3 for just $24.95 ($3 P&H).
Here's the story. I was able to buy licenses to these
programs for you, but only if I bundle them with other things. I can't sell them separately. So, you're buying the Water Illusion
Studio and getting the other 2 programs as free added bonuses. I've bundled these 3 awesome programs as my Grand Illusion
Suite so I could provide you with all the powerful tools you need to make all the pictures you take with your digital camera
come alive like never before.
For all of us that own digital cameras, this opens a new door of wonders. Check out
the little introductory sections below and then read all 3 of my review pages. $24.95 for all 3 programs is awesome.
| But not nearly as awesome as making your ordinary, still, digital photos
move like movies, morph into awesome specials and be retouched like a pro photographer would do. Check it out. . .Drew
DAK's Grand Illusion Enhancing Studio 1)
Water Illusion Studio. 2) Instant Morphing Studio. 3) Photo-Retouching Decorating Studio. You Get All 3 Programs For
Just $24.95, These Programs are shipped to you on 2 discs. Take a full 30 days to try them out. I really love these programs.
If you don't love them, you don't keep them. Prove to yourself they are even easier than I say. You'll have so much fun. Your
friends will be amazed. | Just
$24.95 ($3 P&H)- Order No. 3262 In Your Cart Now: 0 | |
| Here's A Quick Summary
Of The 3 Programs You Get | Make
the ordinary still pictures you take with your digital camera explode with realistic moving, throbbing, animated life and
power like never before. Really. It's easy. And you can do it all with just a few clicks.
You don't live in a still world. Don't settle for still pictures. Make still photos come alive like movies. Imagine effortlessly
turning your still pictures of beaches, lakes , fountains, pools or sky and clouds into throbbing, moving works of art that
can look better and even more real than if they were digital movies.
It's like paint by numbers it's so easy to
do. Share them with friends as standalone moving pictures you send by email or automatically make them into screensavers,
movies and more.
2.) Morph them. What's that? Take two (or more) of your pictures and let our
Morph program use them to tell a story. Morph your kids into you. Morph a baby photo into a high school graduation photo.
Have a friend who's a football addict?
Morph them into a football, baseball or basketball. Morph a | VW Bug into a corvette. Morph 2 prospective parents
to see what their child might look like.
What about morphing your spouse into a movie star? Do they look the same?
Now you'll know. Turn them into living standalone moving pictures and movies you can email to friends and family and use as
them as awesome screensavers too.
3.) Finally, adjust your pictures by adding studio type props,
from the included studio prop room, from hats to glasses to watches to more. Crop, resize, remove red eye, add filters and
so much more. Add flaming text or frozen text or even normal text and lots more.
Add beautiful picture frames to your images. Or use all types of special edge treatments to get them the
look and feel you'd like. Even get automatic rolled up corners, turn them into 3D animated cubes or add animated fireworks
and more.
It's all super easy. Super fast and with these 3 programs on your computer you'll never need an artist
to transform all you ordinary still digital photos into awesome works for art. |  |  |
| You Get All 3 Programs For $24.95 (About $8.33 per program) Visit The Complete Water Illusion Studio. (It Loads Slow, But It's Worth It) 1.) You Don't Live In A Still World. Why Settle For Still Pictures? Make Still Pictures
Live. Water And Nature Illusion Studio. - - Is It Real? Hard To Tell |
| Make the oceans surge. Make rivers run. And make waterfalls and fountains explode with
life with just a few easy strokes of DAK's new Water Illusion Studio. Instantly turn your ordinary digital pictures into living
natural wonders.
Make it rain. Make it snow. Make
21st century snow globes that will blow away your friends and family, Do it all with just a few easy paint by numbers type
It's all so easy to bring your photographic memories to life you'll do lots of them. From backyard swimming
pool candids to memories of your last vacation on the beach. Don't settle for still. Now you'll have exciting living memories
to share and enjoy. What a great gift for those that you care about.
Effortlessly turn your still digital pictures
into amazing standalone moving picture works of art that you can email to friends and family. Turn them into awesome personalized
screensavers, movies and more with DAK's new Water Illusion Studio. |
| | You Get All
3 Programs For $24.95 (About $8.33 per program) Visit The Complete Morphing Review Page (It Loads Slow, But It's Worth It) 2.) Morph your kids into yourself, into your dog into your favorite movie
star. Morph a friend into a football. What will kids look like? Morph the prospective parents. Instant Easy Morphing Tells A Powerful Exciting Pictorial Story. |
| Got a favorite movie
star? Morph your spouse into that star. What to know what a baby will look like? Morph the prospective parents. Got a friend
who's a football addict?
Morph them into a football baseball or
tennis ball. Know a male chauvinist pig? Morph them into a pig. What fun you'll have delighting your friends and family and
horribly embarrassing them too. Morph your daughter into her grandmother. Morph your son into yourself. Morph your friends
into their cats or dogs.
Make moving morphs that show the story of moving from one person to the other. Or make
still morphs where you simply choose how much of each person or thing you want. It's simple. It's so automated. You just place
dots on the parts you want to match, I show you how and the program does the rest. You'll make the most exciting, most
fun gifts that 'nobody' has ever gotten before. Make them big or small. Who will you morph 1st and what or who will you morph
them into? |
| | You Get All 3 Programs For $24.95 (About $8.33 per program) Visit The Complete Retouching/Decorating Review Page (It Loads Slow, But It's Worth It) 3.) Effortlessly crop, resize,
level, Remove Red Eye and correct lighting of your
pictures. Instantly add Props like hats, watches sunglasses and more, from the included prop room. Add text that's normal,
on fire, frozen, neon and more. Plus add frames & roll up the edges. Photo Retouching Graphics
Program - Decorate, Add Props & Enhance. | Now let's turn mundane into exciting.
Have you ever used a photo-retouching program? Normally they can be hard to lean to use and require lots of expertise. Plus
they don't do much else. Well forget that.
Wait till you visit the prop room in this program and grab hats to
put on the people in your photos. Wait till you add jewelry, glasses, hair and so much more. It's all in the prop room.
Then for great looking presentation photos, add colorful decorator frames and all types of neat edges. And if that's
not enough you can even make the edges roll up.
Oh and wait till you put text in your pictures. You can add text
that’s in flames. Text that's frozen, neon, embossed, shadowed and so much more. Plus you can skew, angle, round, flip
and color your text with just a few clicks. I love manipulating text and this program has the easiest most awesome text handling
I've seen.
 | But it's a retouching program. If you shoot a lot of pictures,
like I do you know all the problems. You get red eye. Sure you can use the red eye setting on the camera, but if you're kids
are like my grandkids they move too fast for that. Now just click and drag.
How about leveling? Do you get the
camera level? I don't. Just click Level Image and your set. Crop? No problem. Just keep the part you want. Resize? Big, small
or anywhere in between. Sure there's auto color enhance and correction. That's easy. But how about spotlighting the area you
want to stand out?
And Drew's favorite. I love cloning. You just brush over a part you want in one picture (the
same or a different picture) and it magically appears wherever you want it to. There are so many more tools. Check out my
photo retouching and decorating program. There's nothing mundane about fixing and decorating your photos any more. |
|  |  |  |  Text In So Many Ways - Easy.
So Many Stamps Make It So Easy
To Decorate Your Pictures. |
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DAK's Grand Illusion Enhancing Studio 1)
Water Illusion Studio. 2) Instant Morphing Studio. 3) Photo-Retouching Decorating Studio. You Get All 3 Programs For
Just $24.95, These Programs are shipped to you on 2 discs. Take a full 30 days to try them out. I really love these programs.
If you don't love them, you don't keep them. Prove to yourself they are even easier than I say. You'll have so much fun. Your
friends will be amazed. | Just
$24.95 ($3 P&H)- Order No. 3262 In Your Cart Now: 0 | |
Check Out Each
Full Page. The Demos are really fun. Visit The Complete Water Illusion Studio. (It Loads Slow, But It's Worth It.) Visit The Complete Morphing Review Page (It Loads Slow, But It's Worth It.) Visit The Complete Retouching/Decorating Review Page (It Loads Slow, But It's Worth It.)
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