Newburyport Town Hall Meeting
Featuring U.S. Congressional Candidate Bill Hudak
Your current Congressman has forsaken the 6th district in favor of special interest agendas.
As a result, hard working Americans are suffering, and Congress is out of Control.
At a recent rally held in Gloucester, the sign read:
”Betrayed By
Bill Hudak will work tirelessly to ensure that the government stops suppressing hard working men and
women. That is why he is holding community meetings throughout the district; so you can learn and be heard!
join us to voice your opinions and concerns:
Saturday, November
1 – 3 PM
City Hall Auditorium
60 Pleasant Street, Newburyport
151 Endicott Street, Danvers, MA 01921 // (978) 739-2300
for and sponsored by Bill Hudak for Congress