From Mike Evans the founder
of the Jerusalem Prayer Team
Dear Janet,
Despite Vice President Joe Biden's recent pledge of
unswerving support for Israel during his recent visit there, the recent pressure by the Obama administration against Israel
more resembles the behavior of an enemy than a friend!
In a blistering 45 minute phone call with Israeli Prime
Minister Netanyahu, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton rebuked the prime minister and government of Israel for authorizing
the building of 1,600 homes in Jerusalem.
Today, the so-called "Quartet group of Mideast negotiators"
met in Moscow. Representatives of Russia, the EU, the UN met in the Russian capital with our own Secretary Clinton and
George Mitchell--to discuss ways to punish Israel and force it to stop adding Jewish housing in East Jerusalem.
It's incredible that our own government would participate in such a meeting. We MUST let Secretary Clinton know
that we support Israel and the rights of its citizens to live where they choose. To tell 1,600 Jewish families they
cannot live in Jerusalem is simply racism!
Please sign the petition to Secretary Clinton now. We already
have over 5,000 signatures. We need 500,000 and we can do it--if you will send this email to your entire email list--and
ask each person to do the same--and no one stops it! This is URGENT.
CLICK HERE TO SIGN THE PETITION:'s Word promises a blessing on those who bless Jerusalem, and a curse on those who curse her. Jerusalem is
God's dream; the title deed belongs to Him. When God made His eternal promise to Israel that Jerusalem would be its capital,
there was no United States or United Nations--only pagan nations. God's prophetic time clock has been set on Jerusalem time.
It is the only city for which God commands us to pray and promises a blessing on those who do so.
The Bible declares
that we are to be a witness unto the Lord in Jerusalem. It is the only city God claims as His own. It is called the "City
of God" and the "Holy City."
"For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem's sake
I will not remain quiet, till her righteousness shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch." (Isaiah
"In this house, and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all tribes of Israel, will I put my name
for ever:" (2 Kings 21:7b)
God has put His Name in Jerusalem. He promises a curse upon the nations that come
against Jerusalem.
"And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that
come against Jerusalem." (Zechariah 12:9)
Yet today America is coming against Jerusalem! This is a tragedy
and we must speak out!
Secretary Clinton told my dear friend Prime Minister Netanyahu that the United States considers
Israel's attempt to build homes in East Jerusalem as extremely negative and demanded it be stopped. Please sign the
petition now that will be sent to Secretary of State Clinton and let her know she does not speak for you. I will also place
a copy in the hands of Prime Minister Netanyahu. Over the years I have spoken boldly confronting U.S. Secretaries of State
face-to-face regarding this issue.
CLICK HERE TO SIGN THE PETITION: you remain silent, the Obama administration will put Israel through unspeakable hell. Jerusalem has never been
the capital of a Palestinian state. Our silence will be consent of support for Hillary Clinton, the UN, the EU, and Russia
to boycott Israel and encourage them to instigate indescribable pain and suffering on Israel.
For over 2,000 years,
the Jewish people have prayed, "Next year, Jerusalem." For many, it was the last words spoken before they were thrown
into the ovens during the Holocaust. To tell 1,600 Jewish families they cannot live in Jerusalem is racism. If a political
leader in America were to say that African-Americans could only live in half of Washington, DC, he or she would be out of
office before sunset.
Please sign the petition, forward it to your entire list, and ask them to do the same. Please
keep it going so that half a million people will sign. I am asking one thousand members of the Jerusalem Prayer Team
to invest $100 to allow us to reach our goal of 500,000 voices raised against this great evil.
HELP THE JERUSALEM PRAYER TEAM GET ONE MILLION SIGNERS: Ambassador Michael Oren's assessment is that this crisis is the worst in US-Israeli relations since 1975.
Oren was referring to the crisis that evolved when Israel refused to sign a treaty to withdraw forces from Sinai after the
Yom Kippur War. Oren gave his bleak assessment when he convened Foreign Ministry consuls for an emergency briefing.
In his briefing to consuls, Oren said the crisis with the US is of "historic" proportions. The US reportedly
wants Israel to announce that it's cancelling the Ramat Shlomo project, investigate how the project came to be announced when
Biden was here, and make gestures towards the Palestinian Authority. The US also reportedly demands that Israel publicly announce
that all core issues will be discussed during the peace negotiations.
On Sunday, Anti Defamation League National
Director Abe Foxman said the US criticism of Israel was "especially troubling." "We cannot remember an
instance when such harsh language was directed at a friend and ally of the United States," the statement continued. "One
can only wonder how far the US is prepared to go in distancing itself from Israel in order to placate the Palestinians in
the hope they see it is in their interest to return to the negotiating table."
We must raise our voices in
support of Israel and turn America from the path of cursing the Chosen People and coming against Jerusalem. The consequences
of God's judgment will be severe if we do not act immediately.
CLICK HERE TO SIGN THE PETITION: need to hear from you today so that we can rush your statement to Secretary Clinton and Prime Minister Netanyahu
and PLEASE forward this urgent message to your entire email list.
Your Ambassador to Jerusalem,
Michael Evans
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