H1143 | Rep. Garry | An Act relative to the appointment of special police officers in the Town of Dracut |
H2310 | Rep. Atsalis | An act relative to adjusted pension or disability retirement allowances |
H2333 | Rep. Callahan | An act relative to retirement classification of fire chemist |
H2346 | Rep. D’Amico | An act relative to adjusted pension or retirement allowances |
H2347 | Rep. deMacedo | An act relative to the retirement rights of forest and park supervisors |
H2348 | Rep. deMacedo | An act relative to the reclassification of public works employees at Plymouth Airport |
H2352 | Rep. deMacedo | An act relative to the conversion of certain disability retirements |
H2366 | Rep. Fagan | An act relative to the retirement rights of certain employees of a municipal electric generating
or distribution plant or department |
H2371 | Rep.
Fagan | An act relative to leave
with pay for certain incapacitating injuries sustained by probation officers |
H2373 | Rep. Fagan | An
act to place campus police at Taunton State Hospital in Group 2 of the contributory retirement system |
H2385 | Rep. Fallon | An act relative to providing fairness and equity in the retirement benefits of employees of the
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, sewer departments, sewer districts, water and sewer departments and districts, and
wastewater facilities |
H2387 | Rep.
Falzone | An act relative to the
Bureau of Fire Control employees |
H2390 | Rep.
Falzone | An act to include the
title motor equipment repairmen in Group 4 of the state employees retirement system |
H2391 | Rep. Falzone | An act to include custodians in Group 2 of the retirement system |
H2392 | Rep. Falzone | An act relative to the retirement rights of building trades employees at institutions of public
higher education |
H2401 | Rep.
Flynn | An act relative to the
oversight of Disability Pension Benefits |
H2406 | Rep.
Fresolo | An act relative to disability
pensions |
H2411 | Rep. Fresolo | An act relative to the cancer presumption for police officers |
H2413 | Rep. Fresolo | An act relative to public employee disability benefits for certain employees employed by the commonwealth
and its political subdivisions |
H2416 | Rep.
Fresolo | An act to include certain
county employees under the heart law |
H2417 | Rep.
Fresolo | An act relative to the
definition of Group 4 of the retirement system |
H2422 | Rep.
Fresolo | An act relative to non
clerical employees of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority |
H2425 | Rep. Fresolo | An
act to clarify group 2 |
H2430 | Rep.
Galvin | An act relative to retired
capitol police officers disabled in the performance of duty |
H2436 | Rep. Garballey | An
act pertaining to retirement |
H2437 | Rep.
Garballey | An act relative to infectious
diseases |
H2438 | Rep. Garballey | An act relative to retirement groups |
H2449 | Rep. Golden | An act relative to the retirement rights of tree climbers, tree surgeons, arborists and forestry
specialists |
H2450 | Rep. Grant | An act regarding benefits for uniformed members of the Bureau of Fire Control |
H2462 | Rep. Hill | An act relative to the retirement rights of Massport Employees |
H2463 | Rep. Hill | An act relative to the retirement of police officers and firefighters due to injury or illness |
H2481 | Rep. Kane | An act to include certain employees of the commonwealth in group 2 of the state retirement system |
H2493 | Rep. Kujawski | An act relative to the Department of Fire Services |
H2495 | Rep. Kujawski | An
act relative to the Department of Fire Services |
H2501 | Rep.
Kujawski | An act relative to the
impairment of health caused by hypertension |
H2514 | Rep.
Linsky | An act relative to the
retirement rights of criminal prosecutors |
H2536 | Rep.
Nangle | An act relative to the
retirement rights of police officers at higher education institutions |
H2540 | Rep. Naughton | AN
act relative to the retirement of certain employees of the Trial Court |
H2543 | Rep. Naughton | An
act relative to the retirement of plumbing inspectors |
H2550 | O’Day | An
act relative to the retirement benefits of certain employees of DCF |
H2554 | Rep. O’Flaherty | An
act to establish retirement parity for long term public defenders |
H2563 | Rep. Perry | An
act relative to the retirement benefits of John P. Cummings |
H2564 | Rep. Peterson | An
act FURTHER regulating the retirement benefits of correctional officers |
H2565 | Rep. Pignatelli | An
act relative to municipal plumbing inspectors |
H2572 | Rep.
Reinstein | An act relative to amending
disability or death caused by certain conditions of cancer |
H2574 | Rep. Reinstein | An
act relative to retirement benefits of registered nurses employed by county sheriffs department |
H2578 | Rep. Reinstein | An act relative to firefighters cessation program |
H2581 | Rep. Richardson | An
act classifying certain county correctional personnel in Group 4 of the contributory retirement system |
H2588 | Rep. Rush | An act to include certain civilian job classifications in municipal police departments in Group
4 of the retirement system |
H2589 | Rep.
Rush | An act relative to moving
inspectors in the city of Boston into group two of the state retirement system |
H2590 | Rep. Rush | An act to include parking meter supervisors, senior parking meter supervisors and assistant supervisors
into group two of the retirement system |
H2602 | Rep. Smola | An
act relative to clarifying the application of the heart bill |
H2608 | Rep. Speliotis | An
act relative to disability retirement benefits for Stephen W. Heald Jr. an employee of the Department of Youth Services |
H2613 | Rep. Story | An act directing the State Retirement Board to retire Robert Emmet Fitzgerald |
H2617 | Walter Timilty | An act to include certain employees in the state department of public works in group 2 of the retirement
system |
H2618 | Walter Timilty | An act relative to amending disability or death caused by certain conditions of
cancer |
H2623 | Rep. Toomey | An act relative to the retirement of nurses |
H2625 | Rep. Toomey | AN act to amend retirement benefits for certain employees of the department of corrections |
H2626 | Rep. Toomey | An act relative to employees of the department of fire services |
H2627 | Rep. Toomey | An act to amend the retirement benefits for certain employees of the department of youth services |
H2629 | Rep. Torrisi | An act to include certain employees in towns and cities in group 2 for retirement purposes |
H2630 | Rep. Turner | An act relative to the retirement rights of animal control officers |
H2631 | Rep. Turner | An act relative to the retirement rights of police officers in human service facilities |
H2638 | Rep. Martin Walsh | An act pertaining to retirement |
H2640 | Rep. Martin Walsh | An
act relative to restoration to service |
H2642 | Rep.
Martin Walsh | An act relative to the
retirement benefits of emergency medical technicians |
H2646 | Rep.
Martin Walsh | An act relative to contagious
diseases |
H2649 | Rep. Martin Walsh | An act relative to retirement groups |
H2652 | Rep. Martin Walsh | An act relative to the retirement of certain employees in the Department of Youth Service |
H2654 | Rep. Martin Walsh | An act to amend retirement benefits for certain employees of the Department of Corrections |
H2657 | Rep. Martin Walsh | An act relative to disability or death caused by contagious diseases, presumption |
H2662 | Rep. Webster | An act relative to retirement benefits |
H2664 | Rep. Welch | An act relative to retirement systems and pensions for correctional officers |
H3483 | Rep. Malia | An act relative to the retirement rights of the employees of the departments of public health, mental
health and developmental services |
H3603 | Rep.
O’Day | An act relative to fire
investigation units and arson units for investigators in municipal police departments |
H3739 | Rep. Spiliotis | An act relative to define certain disabilities |
H3740 | Rep. Toomey | An
act to amend retirement benefits for certain employees of the department of parole |
H3742 | : Rep. Martin Walsh | An act pertaining to firefighter disability |
H4117 | Rep. Khan | An act authorizing the City of Newton retirement
board to grant a superannuation retirement allowance to Frank Albano |
S1014 | Sen. Brewer | An Act to authorize group insurance for volunteer firefighters |
S1026 | Sen. Buoniconti | An act relative to impairment of health caused by infectious disease |
S1054 | Sen. Eldridge | An Act relative to Group 4 retirement for police and fire dispatchers |
S1055 | Sen. Eldridge | An Act relative to retirement group classification of employees of water departments, water districts,
sewer departments, sewer districts, water and sewer departments and districts and wastewater facilities |
S1063 | Sen. Flanagan | An Act continuing retirement group membership for law enforcement officials |
S1066 | Sen. Galluccio | An Act relative to authorizing a local option for group classification |
S1069 | Sen. Hart | An Act relative to the retirement benefits of emergency medical technicians |
S1071 | Sen. Hart | An Act relative to Parole Supervisors |
S1075 | Sen. Hart | An
act relative to contagious diseases |
S1077 | Sen.
Hedlund | An Act relative to the
retirement benefits for certified harbormasters and assistant harbormasters of cities and towns |
S1087 | Sen. Joyce | An Act relative to group 4 for health care professionals |
S1097 | Sen. Kennedy | An act relative to defining employees in group 2 |
S1101 | Sen. Kennedy | An
Act relative to Brockton School Police |
S1107 | Sen.
McGee | An Act to evaluate the
cost of modifying pension benefits for police officers |
S1108 | Sen. McGee | An
Act including public works employees in group four |
S1116 | Sen.
McGee | An Act relative to the
retirement group classification of MWRA electricians |
S1117 | Sen. McGee | An
act relative to pension benefits for widows of disabled public employees |
S1118 | Sen. McGee | An
act relative to retirement group classification of employees of water departments |
S1125 | Sen. Menard | An Act to further regulate the retirement benefits of members of the University of Massachusetts
police department |
S1133 | Sen. Menard | An Act relative to the retirement rights of certain
employees of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority |
S1134 | Sen. Menard | An
Act relative to defining employees classified in group 4 |
S1136 | Sen. Menard | An
act relative to the definition of group two of the public employee retirement system |
S1140 | Sen. Menard | An act relative to the Massachusetts water resources authority |
S1154 | Sen. Morrissey | An act relative to ordinary disability retirements |
S1159 | Sen. Morrissey | An
Act relative to the retirement of certain members of the Massachusetts Port Authority Police |
S1167 | Sen. Morrissey | An Act to include county correctional case workers and social workers in group 4 for retirement
purposes |
S1183 | Sen. Petruccelli | An Act classifying certain licensed practical nurses at the Suffolk County Sherriff’s
Department in Group 4 of the contributory retirement system |
S1187 | Sen. Rosenberg | An
Act relative to the retirement of University of Massachusetts police |
S1201 | Sen. Timilty | An
act relative to the contraction of MRSA by public safety personnel |
S1213 | Sen. Tolman | An
Act relative to the retirement benefits of emergency medical technicians |
S2044 | Senator Brian Joyce | AN
S 2076 | Senator Therese Murray | An Act providing that the office of chief of police of the town of Sandwich shall
be exempt from civil service law and rules. |