BREAKING NEWS STORY 539AM 4 7 10 yahoo and wikileaks
a new phenomenum in wiki will release a story today on a bus incident in Iraq in 2007 that definitely makes a mark for Independant
Media and the new internet for making news. I am really excited and knew this day would come. Please Mark April 6 2010
on your calendars as the day the news teams took a back seat in scrambling the public for a last time. Yes this will
happen again but the fact is now the public have a chance at hearing the truth finally. The courage of the Media in
this video will show the valor to be on the scene and the dangers the act requires. Every story that requires investigative
research like this has a hero in the middle. Open the Govermnent starts here. Boston is no different. Follow
the trail of Comflm Reports and you will find heros also. Not to take away anything from the story but to let you know
the burden is on us locally to make transparency happen. Independant Media is everyone of us with a camera and the internet.
I am sure this day will put a scare into some today. Yahoo released the story too. Thanks yahoo and wiki media..
Sometimes it will be healthier to wait for the whole truth.. this was one of those times. Support S1458 let's
get that out of study. Let's put some legs on Internet Journalism. OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE FOR, the watchdog on Internet Access.. in Washington and Massachusetts.
Bill Hudak running for US Congress against Congressman
Tierney has a license plate NOBAMA. The Registry wanted to take it back. He is an attorney. This violates
strict scrutiny test of First Amendment Rights under the Constitution. Hudak won. Today
January 7 2009 Susan Gallagher is being called to the RMV to return her plate OMOHON spelled with rear view
mirror NOHOMO. They do not have the right to do this. Let's see what happens.
INTERPOL gives authority to a foreign body to snatch
interrogate or search US Citizens without FOIA. posted January 7 2010. On
December 17 2009 the President signed into law an Interpol Stipulation for foreign Security. This has to be passed by
Congress. He is very wrong to do this. This is an outrageous act in a time
of war. I do not think it can stand strict scrutiny test of Constitution and threatens everyone. The President
has placed this Country in harms way.
How big is the sock in your mouth? I watched
the Sandler story on the tube last night.. No one believed they were being killed.. it was mass unbelief.. family after family
believed the lie.. til someone spoke.. it was a silent march to the ovens.. what will it take for you to wake up??
Gird Your Blogs! Under "Cybersecurity", Congress Will Be the Internet's Greatest Threat!
By Brad
O'Leary Gird your blogs, because if liberals in Congress get their way, President Obama will have sole discretionary authority to shut
down the Internet or critical parts of the Internet should he feel his presidency is being tested. Worse, under the guise
of cybersecurity, Obama will essentially be granted the power to destroy free speech on the web.
On April 1st of this
year, Senators Rockefeller, Snowe, Bayh and Nelson introduced bills S. 773 and S.778, collectively
called the Cybersecurity Act, which would give President Obama dictatorial power over the Internet during a time of national
crisis or emergency WORLD NET DAILY EMAIL APR 20 2009 |