Call the
Mayors office the Attorney General and your Reps to ask them why they do not consider this criminal? Do they represent
you??? Youth Pride took place see story below.. By the way YOU th is a representation of YOU!
Showing young children about sex tease follies is not my cup of tea! JAldrich, Hamilton Put that in your pot pipe
and smoke it! passing out condoms showing indecent parts of your bodies allowing sexual preditory behavior to be instructional
is to me a crime! NOt to be paid for by my consent.. ever.. pay your own way! Do your own dirty deeds in private not in City
Hall.. thank you!
UNBELIEVABLE: "Transgender prom" for kids in Boston City Hall includes bizarre adults, homosexual
acting out, drug use, BDSM, & more. "I remained in the building
for an hour and a half and found the events inside disturbing, depraved and outright criminal." - Max,
a college student
 |  | Mr. Boston Leather. This man was an official greeter
who greeted every kid who entered the dance floor. He identified himself as a "leather BDSM fetishist" (bondage
discipline & sado-masochism). Here's the business card he handed out to kids. |
On May 9, 2009, the state-sponsored homosexual "Youth Pride Day",
with kids from middle schools and high schools across the state, ended with a "Transgender Prom" in Boston City
Hall. This was fully supported by Mayor Thomas Menino and the Boston City Council. It was run by BAGLY, an organization seated
on the Mass. Commission for GLBT Youth.
The event was officially for "youth 22 years old and under".
But there were all kinds of bizarre adults wandering everywhere. (Is the state's CORI system requiring criminal checks
for all adults working with children) being enforced here?)
Max, a 20-year-old college student, attended for the
first time. Here's part of his report. [See his full report HERE.] This is what your government and the homosexual movement are doing with your kids:
As I neared the event, I scanned the long line of young people waiting to enter. The line to the prom comprised
over 300 kids, many as young as 12 but I also spotted adults obviously older than 22.
The line included kids wearing
the rainbow regalia of the gay movement, teenage boys wearing dresses and high heels, hugging their "boyfriends",
extremely young looking girls, not much older than 14 or 15, with "Out and Proud" inscribed in rainbow letters on
the front of their T-shirts. On the flower pots and stairs leading up to the subway entrance, I saw dozens of kids aged 12-17
smoking cigarettes and making out with each other.
As I neared the entrance in the line, I witnessed two very
tall older men wearing bleach blonde wigs, dresses and make-up come up to the front of the line and enter the event without
any interference from the people manning the entrance.
Near the only entrance to the dance floor, I saw and spoke
to a man dressed in a soldier-style garb made entirely of leather. He looked 45 years old and was wearing a red sash that
introduced him as "Mr. Boston Leather". He immediately gave me his card and identified himself as a "leather
BDSM fetishist."
(He stood at the entrance and gave his "business card" to children as they entered
the dance area.)
As I circled the dance floor once more, I spotted young teen homosexual couples, kissing in almost
every alcove in the room.
After approximately 30 minutes from the start of the event, I spotted two grown men,
wearing short dresses, blonde wigs and shaman-like make-up enter and move into the dance floor.
The event contained
a "smoking section", a City Hall entrance walled off by the police, where I saw kids of all ages smoking cigarettes
and marijuana. Chaperones clearly witnessed these things occurring but did nothing to stop them. The transsexuals mingled
with the groups of kids lining the walls. I took several photos of them "socializing".
You can see Max's full report HERE.  | Two boys at the side of the dance floor. |
HERE are more pages of shocking photos from that event: Does this bother you?
See #2 below about contacting
the legislators who are funding this. Let them hear from you. And GET INVOLVED! Let us know if you can volunteer, make calls,
etc. Donate if you can. We intend to stop this in its tracks - this year! Ignoring what's
really going on. At entrance to Boston City Hall, police guard the crowd of kids lined up to go inside. | 
2. Don't let more of your
Mass. tax money go to homosexual programs aimed at children! Contact the Budget Committee with our FAX / EMAIL service! It's
down to the six members of the Joint Budget Committee. They're meeting right now. We need to make sure they get the message.
Although the "earmarked" money is out of the 2010 budget for homosexual programs in the schools (including
things such as the "Youth Pride" event above), the fight isn't over. There's a move to put "unearmarked"
money (i.e. money in yet-unspecified amounts) into these programs. That's still dangerous because it's a foot in the door
for money later in the fiscal year.
We want NO money at all in the budget for any of this. We want NO mention of
funding for homosexual "youth" programs in the state budget.
The homosexual funding for schools is referenced
in three budget items. All three are different in the House and Senate versions! The Budget Committee is supposed to decide
between these differences.
HERE is a synopsis of the differences in the three budget items
The homosexual lobby is continuing to put pressure on these six committee members for money. We
have to put more pressure on them.
Make your voice heard right away
Here's what to do right now: Do NOT let them put money back into this. They need to hear from YOU now!
3. MassResistance testifies against bill to force transgender "diversity
training" on elder-care health providers. The homosexual lobby group "MassEquality"
describes it as one of their key goals for this session. They see this as another forward step in their march through
the culture. But MassResistance was there to represent you.
Bill H3805 [text of bill] targets health care providers for the elderly. It would force virtually everyone in that field to attend diversity
training sessions on "lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender" issues, with particular emphasis on "sexual
orientation and gender identity and expression".
There would be penalties imposed for failure
to comply. Moreover, these diversity courses would be developed by local homosexual and transgender groups
and paid for by the Dept. of Elder Affairs (i.e., your tax money).
strange public hearing
The public hearing, held Monday morning at 10:00 before the Joint Committee on Elder Affairs, was not posted on the State House website as all other hearings are. But we found out about it, nevertheless.
The homosexual lobby was there in force to testify. They even trotted out a panel of luminaries,
including the political director for MassEquality, the chairman of the "LGBT Aging Project", and an attorney for
Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders.
It was the usual slick presentation of emotion, disinformation, and the
creation of a "problem" that no one knew existed, which can only be solved by their mandated training. "LGBT
elders" are facing terrible discrimination, they said, and therefore heavy industry-wide diversity training is necessary
to stop it.
Committee Lapping it up
The Joint Committee
on Elder Affairs, chaired by Rep. Alice Wolf (D-Cambridge) and Sen. Patricia Jehlen (D-Somerville) - both of whom are co-sponsors
of the bill, were listening to the homosexual lobby's testimony and buying it completely. Rep. Richard Ross (R-Wrentham) even
thanked them for coming and asked for more of their "personal stories."
the only sane voice at hearing
Then, after the homosexual lobby, MassResistance testified.
We read from the actual bill (it appeared that most of the committee hadn't read it) to make sure they knew how onerous it
is. We logically tore apart the homosexual lobby's arguments. Among other things, we made it clear that this "problem"
was basically invented by the homosexual lobby, it's a waste of taxpayer money, the concept of transgender diversity training
is widely offensive, and they will get a lot of opposition if this gets out of committee. You could see from the looks
on the committee members' faces that they hadn't heard OUR side of the argument before!
We think they got the message.
But we'll continue to keep on top of this.  | Homosexual lobbyist panel testifying to Elder Affairs Committee right before MassResistance
testified. |
4. Harvard University
endows chair on gay/transgender studies. Now you can get a Harvard degree in, well, sodomy (and sex-change).
Progress abounds. We sort of knew this was coming back in 2006 when they hosted a "GLBT rights forum" for candidates for governor, and the "gay / transgender student" associations throughout the school.
At this point we're not sure what's more ridiculous: Harvard doing this
or the Boston Globe matter-of-factly describing it as some sort of academic and intellectual achievement.
We'll let you decide . . . Here's the Boston Globe's puff piece announcing this great milestone: Harvard endows chair on gay studies Professorship would be first in US, backers say By Tracy Jan Globe Staff / June 4, 2009
It took decades and, at times, antagonistic battles, but Harvard's
gay community says it has finally cemented its academic legitimacy at the nation's oldest university. College officials will
announce today that they will establish an endowed chair in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender studies, in what is believed
to be the first professorship of its kind in the country.
Harvard president Drew G. Faust described the academic
post as "an important milestone" in an ongoing effort by faculty, students, and alumni to raise the profile of lesbian,
gay, bisexual, and transgender studies at the university . . .
"Harvard has a very powerful voice, and this
is a very powerful statement about equality and inclusiveness," said Mitchell Adams, former Massachusetts revenue commissioner
under Governor William Weld and a member of the Harvard Board of Overseers who co chaired the three-year fund-raising campaign
for the professorship. "When Harvard does something like this, it causes a ripple effect around the world."
When Adams arrived at Harvard as an undergraduate in 1962, he began what would be seven years of psychotherapy twice a week
to try to be straight, he said. "We didn't have the vocabulary for gay," he said. "You didn't talk about this
More colleges, including Yale, Brown, Cornell, and New York University, offer academic programs related
to sex, sexuality and sexual orientation, though lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender studies are a relatively new discipline.
The City University of New York began the first gay- and lesbian-studies program in 1986, according to Harvard. While Harvard
has offered a sprinkling of courses related to gay and lesbian studies in the past, it did not allow students to major in
the field until the 2004-2005 academic year.
"Harvard defines itself by what it teaches, and Harvard doesn't
like to jump into something unless it really feels it's legitimate," said Tom Parry, former president of the caucus.
"People saw this as the final step in Harvard embracing its gay and lesbian faculty."
. . .The new professorship
will allow Harvard to invite scholars studying sexuality or sexual minorities to teach in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
for one semester.
The visiting professorship will advance lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender studies at Harvard
by exposing students and faculty to cutting-edge ideas as leading thinkers rotate through the position, Harvard officials
said, as well as help expand the field internationally...
Click here for entire Boston Globe article.
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