This is a must see.. a global Media community dedicated to Free Speech and Public Access!
The Global Village CAT Worldwide links to Media sites related to the movement
for the Freedom of Speech.
Media Organizations:
3WE - the Third World and Environment Broadcasting Project — a coalition of the UK’s leading international
development, environment and human rights charities, whihc works for better broadcasting on developing countries. Adbusters Media Foundation (Canada)  Alliance for Community Media (USA) AlterNet & the Institute for Alternative Journalism (USA) AMARC World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters APTN Aborginal Peoples Television Network (Canada) Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio & Communication (BNNRC) Benton Foundation promotes public interest values and noncommercial services through research and policy analysis,
outreach to nonprofits and foundations, and print, video and online publishing. Center for Democratic Communications of the National Lawyers Guild - Legal information about
the Lowpower FM movement Center for Public Integrity - a nonprofit organization dedicated to producing original, responsible investigative journalism
on issues of public concern.
CIMA - Center for International Media Action for activists and educators concerned with media justice, media reform and communication rights Columbia Journalism Review Community Broadcasting Ass. of Australia Community Media Association (U.K.) Community Media Forum Europe to strengthen the participation of the Third Media Sector in European discussion and decision-making
processes connecting people active in Community Media Research, Teaching, Policy and Practice across Europe
Contact Center Network Action Without Borders Deep Dish TV Network New York DN! Democracy Now A daily news program pioneering the largest community media collaboration
in the U.S. Downtown Community TV Center NewYork
FAIR -Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (USA) - a national media watch group Free Speech TV - Programming service for activist, community-based alternative media Freedom Archives (USA) historical hot audio materials Freedom of Expression Network (USA)
GATV Institure (USA) mission is to promote Government Access Television to city communities IFEX - International Freedom of Expression eXchange a network of non-profit watchdogs who monitor press freedom around the world IGC Internet - connecting people who are changing the world Independent Media Center - INDYMEDIA - a grassroots organization committed to using
media production and distribution as a tool for promoting social and economic justice Institute of Local Television & Television Trust for Scotland(UK) International Community TV and Video Exchange International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF)
Link TV Television Without Borders
Media Access Project a non-profit, public interest law firm Media Alliance an advocacy and service organization in New York Media Awareness Network (Canada) MediaChannel - a not-for-profit project - " as the media watch the world, we watch the media"
Media Working Group (USA) a non-profit media production, education, research and development organization Media Tracker The Center for Public Integrity's popular Web-based guide to ownership of broadcasters (USA) Northern Visions (Northern Ireland) media centre in Belfast offering training, access and video production OLON - Organisation for Local Radio & TV in the Netherlands Open Channels for Europe OURMedia Academics, media practitioners, activists, and policy experts involved in grassroots, community-based,
alternative, citizens' media in local, national and international policy arenas.
Paper Tiger Television New York Phillips Community Television Minneapolis - Media From a Youth Perspective Public Access Awareness Association (USA) Public Access (USA) Reclaim the Media a grassroots media organization
The Coalition advancing public, educational and governmental access channels for local use. Television Trust for the Environment (TVE) An information exchange promoting the development of community broadcasting
in the UK
Undercurrents (UK) a non-profit making video production company UnCommon Sense TV Media A forum committed to working to renew a truly democratic republic through the use of independent
and citizen-supported media WACC World Association for Christian Communication Whispered Media (USA) a video activist collective
DOCUMENTS - Articles, Lectures, Reports, Conferences & Projects 
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a national effort to get transparency in our Government now! to know about what this means Comflm Registry News supports this and if you read this site you should too! Reporter RSS feed link.. must have for all legal press stories. where to find the Press Releases from News Papers.. across the Country thanks C span video site for Politico.. good stuff online news