H2669 | An Act relative
to the sales tax | Cory Atkins |
H2687 | An Act providing for a certain exemption from the sales tax | John J. Binienda |
H2691 | An Act providing for an exemption from the sales tax for certain medical devices | John J. Binienda |
H2716 | An Act repealing
the sales tax on boats built or rebuilt in the Commonwealth | James Cantwell |
H2732 | An Act to Promote Sales Tax Fairness for Main Street Retailers | Mark V. Falzone |
H2747 | An Act relative
to meals and sales tax | Paul K. Frost |
H2764 | An Act amending the sales and use tax exemption for clothing | William G. Greene, Jr. |
H2771 | An Act exempting
the sales of certain crafts from the sales tax | Patricia A. Haddad |
H2797 | An Act relative to the taxation of farm machinery | Peter V. Kocot |
H2814 | An Act relative to sales tax exemption | William Lantigua |
H2838 | An Act relative to the sales tax on certain medicines | Kevin J. Murphy |
H2868 | An Act relative to the refund of sales tax upon return of merchandise | Elizabeth Poirier |
H2890 | An Act deferring
sales tax on certain motor vehicles | Pam Richardson |
H2930 | An Act providing for a certain exemption from the sales tax. | William M. Straus |
H2934 | An Act to exempt
vitamins from the sales tax. | David M. Torrisi |
H2935 | An Act to exempt medicines from the sales tax. | David M. Torrisi |
H2942 | An Act Rotating the Sales Tax Holiday. | Cleon H. Turner |
H3943 | An Act providing for a tax on sale of non-food animals. | Jennifer M. Callahan |
H3957 | An Act relative to sales tax exemption. | Paul McMurtry |
S1281 | An Act Exempting hand packed ice cream from the meals tax. | Brian A. Joyce |
S1282 | An Act Creating
a sales tax allowance for retail vendors. | Brian A. Joyce |
S1292 | An Act relative to exempting children's books from state sales tax. | Michael R. Knapik |
S1294 | An Act to establish a sales tax retention allowance. | Michael R. Knapik |
S1313 | An Act relative to the assessment of excise taxes to online cigarette sales. | Michael W. Morrissey |
S1356 | An Act relative
to exempting children’s books from state sales tax. | James E. Timilty |
S1359 | An Act providing and exemption from the sales tax for certain medical supplies. | James E. Timilty |
S1362 | An Act establishing
a permanent annual sales tax holiday. | Richard R. Tisei |
S1374 | An Act relative to exempting certain medical supplies from the state sales tax. | Richard R. Tisei |