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Good People & People of Faith,
[ NOTE: please send any message replies to this monitored addr:
jmurtari@AKidsRight.Org> ]
We wanted to send out a brief announcement that John Murtari was
arrested again today in Lyons, NY.
(SEE HOW YOU CAN HELP BELOW) Before the arrest occurred John had been joined by two other parents, Mark
Hough <
markh8710@hotmail.com> & Scott Rhodes. They are members of the
Equal Parents for Children group in Rochester, NY.
http://www.EqualParentsForChildren.org/They all went to the offices of Assemblyman Robert Oaks and dropped
off personal stories of the injustice
done in Family Court along with
a copy of the "Declaration of Family Rights" -- you can also sign the
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/3/the-declaration-of-family-rightsAt approximately 11 AM they went to the County Courthouse and
participated in a silent picket outside the
building. A while later
John used kid's chalk to write a Family Rights message on the side of
the building.
John expects to be held in jail until his next scheduled
Village Court date on November 25th.
We don't have
any more details yet, but they will be posted at the web
site once we hear from John. There are also pictures of his
http://www.AKidsRight.Org/parental_notificationFor more background and details you may also see this report at
http://www.examiner.com/x-15873-Family-Rights-Examiner%7Ey2009m10d24-Activist-Murtari-resumes-Youre-a-Parent-Notification-Act-campaign-in-LyonsJOHN'S 'COMPETENCY TO STAND TRIAL' MADE AN ISSUE BY THE DA
While jailed last week John had a brief meeting with his assigned
counsel. She was not familiar with his efforts,
but was attentive
and still had to get some details on the actual charges. He missed
a phone call from her,
but did get a letter over the weekend which
"The DA also indicated that he also
planned to request a
psychiatric examination of you, because he does not believe you are
to stand trial. I would like to discuss this further
with you."
John is waiting
to talk to her, you can read his email reply:
http://www.AKidsRight.org/parental_notification/notes.htmThis issue has never come up in the many trial proceedings John has
been involved with, including Federal
Court. He doesn't have any
concerns, but it was disappointing to see local officials attempt to
'embarrass' him
by this type of action.
The local Court sees many cases of robberies, domestic violence, drug
use, and other
criminal behavior. But when a peaceful person is
willing to risk jail to show the importance of a Civil Right issue
they need to have their head examined?
Please take the time to call the officials below. Be polite
and let
them know your concerns and your support for Family rights.
can contact Assemblyman Oaks by:
oaksr@assembly.state.ny.usphone: 315-946-5166
write: Assemblyman Robert Oaks, 10 Leach Road, Lyons, NY 14489
You are also welcome
to call/write these officials on his behalf.
* DA Richard Healey , Hall of Justice, Suite 202, Lyons, NY
(Phone: 315-946-5905 / Fax: 315-946-5911)
* Village Justice Nicholas Forgione, 79 William
St., Lyons, NY 14489
(Phone: 315-946-4565)
John Murtari
A Kid's Right to BOTH parents"
(315) 944-0999(x-211)
http://www.AKidsRight.Org/ =========================================
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