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SERMON ON THE NET, BY LIBBY, copyright protected, use with permission please 
What is your oppinion on the pledge of allegiance, are you a God evictor?  If not can you confer that the dastardly compromise of free speech has been backhandedly implemented in this maneuver by making it illegal to speak of God. Our flag is a representation of the Grace we all need in every situation.  Old Glory is now a rag without its source of Glory.  who is Glory anyway.  It is the Lord who gives us our birth rights in the first place.  We all did not choose to be born.  Here or anywhere.  We just got here then we are responsible. In other words a President can ask whoever he likes to close in prayer at our governmental and whatever meetings he chooses.To threaten the highest office in the land is outrageous insult how shall we on the bottom endure such an incideous war of insults to the Living God.  I salute my flag, my legally elected President, my God, and my Country when I salute.  I  salute my conscience and my fellow americans,  who uphold the good faith of others,  who honor our Creator.  What laws can we uphold?  if not the ten commandments written on stone with the Fnger of God.  I ask if you are a God fearing individual?  who will uphold the above when elected to govern in the great state of Massachusetts.  Greater from its roots,  which implemented reading the bible in its schools,  to small children, up until the forties even, in order to promote wisdom and culture!. Now exchanging testimony to this present posterity of sexual instruction instead of the early testimony old testimony and new testimony of the Holy Bible and even now evicting our  Creator stating He has no place in our classrooms, our government, our town halls.  Conclusively, the end is not my choosing,  but it is,  as I do not choose the apostasy of this nation.  I choose to uphold the Constitution with all its reference to the Hand of God,  confering His Blessing on us and will not support in anyway any choice to the contrary.  We will not succeed in any endeavor to remain covered,  by the Old Everlasting Glory represented in the red white and blue.  It is the dream waving in the flag that makes us one.  It is the dreams of others past present and future that continues  our vision.  If we as a nation loose our vision we are going to perish,  as others before us perished, who got too smart for their own britches.  May we continue to remind ourselves from whence we came and stand against the present enemy from  within who has always hated goodwill , for the source of all goodness is God and the end result of a good life is God.  It is God who has moved men to fight for liberty and who has shown men how to win.  We need God more than ever at this time.  We need to be one as well, and not divided which the elimination of the God word will surely do.  We have not begun to know such darkness as will be imputed on us,  who openly turn away from the living God and teach our little ones to shame the name of their Creator.  God help us in this and every  election to return to the old days of prayer and the fear of God not man.  For the fear of man and all his foolishness surely brings a snare on us all.WE certainly do not have a choice to pray,  if the choice is taken from us and prayer faith and the reference to such,  is considered illegal.  Get real.

Memorial Day Prayer 1993 Libby, copyright protected use with permission only

The Prophet speaks and no one listens
The Prophet speaks and who will listen.

The hour has come, the bend is near.
The coming choice, faith or fear, choose faith.

Arise Oh mighty warriors!
Assemble at the Bench!

The Lord is Coming soon!
To judge the wicked................

Oh, won't you make your mind up!
Saddle up the horses!
Gird your loins. and join the forces!

Arm yourselves in prayer!
Weapons for our warfare.

Make your heuristic choices..........see
the vision is nearer than the voices!

Pestilence, herses, carrying the wounded.
Fallen from deaths arrows.

It is time to pick our places.
Saving souls, familiar faces.

Have we fallen into paralysis?
Wake up! It is not the time to stricture Graces!

Prayer Warriors, Levites, lean...............
on the Mercy Gates.

Lean .................all
our personalities in unison
on Him Who alone
 can muster our power to win.

Politicians heed the prophet
Bend in submission.

To the Eternal Mandate.......
God save the Commonwealth of Massachusetts..................

I found this poem today that I wrote in 91 . It is relevant today this week with the unwise vote on pro choice taking place .. posting this July 20 2009 JAldrich, Libby pen name for my poetry.. copyright protected poem may be used with permission..

This country is in the midst of madness.
Amidst the outward, show of gladness.
Hard knocks, are tumbling, years,
of greatness.


Angel cries,
Are being heard,
beneath the stones,
of strong foundations.

Laid in not so ancient days.

These cries,
These cries,

like Abel again,
demanding vengeance.

Sounding through the walls of Heaven.

Demanding vengeance,
On all who caused their woe.

Tasting death themselves,
These madmen try to hide their sin.

Blanketing tiny souls to cover them.

Arousing powerful Angels,
that stand ready,
in defending them.
To spoil their plot and evil course.

Still the cup of iniquity,
nears to the brim.

And God,
won't let these Angels
punish men.

Held in course

for earth's sure woe.
They cannot quench,  the sin in men.

But it will come, this Judgement day,
and sifting through the chared remains ,
These Angels will spare,
 some .

Most oft to judgement flee,
to end this temporary blissful glee.

And who will you cry to,
when the tissue you reach for
has wiped away the next generation?

This country is in the midst of madness.
Repent America,  this is your wake up call,
repent now.  For everything there is a season..........

Blog Roll ..

September 19 2010

Sweet New Year .. The press is at it again trying to decifer the Tea Party Might.  So my comment will count too.  I believe the Tea Party will have some growing pains as well in this picture.  If their motive is to remain mysterious they will have to pull off some clandestine operations.  I hope the vision will continue and they will have the long term momentum to hang in there. 

I have had my own experience with toppling the deception on Beacon Hill.  They are now exposed and running rampant trying to hold their posts.  As the vision I had was simultaneously being a fly on the wall and capturing public hearings, the suspisious network of elected officials thought my efforts nil.  Toppling the decption on the general /local front in Politics will be much dirtier.  The real rats in the pack will attack on a first come basis.  Beware entering the fray.  That is my advice.

Keep your cameras handy and openly displayed.  Do not ever do the hidden camera scene.  Not recommended.  But tape every word and get the Press events locked down.  Show up at party headquarters and watch the traffic.  We need many footmen on the gound to expose the fumblings which will abound.  Unless you are hired by an Investigative Agency do not use hidden cameras or audio equipment.  I could not stand Nixon.. no matter what good he did, he planted cameras a no no in my open transparent book.

Take your vision seriously.  Do not think you are ineffective.  If only you stand silent and stare that will have an effect at this time.  The battle is set, pick your favorites and prepare for sail.. do not jump ship.. ride the big waves.. we can win on Transparency, Accountability and Finances.  Do not let up from this day forth.  If you want some coverage.  I am available for travel money.  JAldrich, ComflmPress.

Covering Private Events:  I was recently asked to tag along with some friends to a Candidate Celebration night. I had received some invitations myself, but having done my local Town Committee pick assignment for 4 hours in front of the Middle School, I decided I would say yes.  Being Media I brought my Camera to get some Celebration News to post that night when I returned.  As I entered the office I had shot some footage of the outside but the Fact it was a GOP office never dawned on me and I did not see that.  I was quickly asked to not video.  A little shocked I started my night a little pissed. Why had I even agreed to tag along.  Why had I seemed to get this picture incorrectly?  Well, it seems there are rules when a private party has an event.  Being a Republican Committee woman in my Town had not been considered.  I thinking I was among friends felt very frustrated with what was a proper response.  So I told my friends I would wait outside.  It was a warm night and I could sit in the car.  Overall, it was disgusting.  I decided to just go home and finish my watching from the tube.  I was able to accomplish a lot more.  I thought it would have been a nice break to get some fun shots.  What am I really saying here?

Republicans and Democrats consider themselves a private party.  Events they hold are not Press welcome.  So no one covers them.  I consider that stupid.  Sorry for the candid colloquial comment.  This is a much bigger picture.  I have worked hard to capture the Press events on Beacon Hill.  And the GOP has been very good with me even when new cameras were not working properly they gave me the opportunity to capture the event.  I gave them my footage when it was salvigable and we were on the path to a good business repor.  But this situation brought even more light into a very dark corner of the Political sector. Suffering from a little Press naivete, my efforts are totally open public transparent and I do not go where my camera is not invited.  Please take note.  So if, you hear of a battle I am involved in,  please ask the question.. Was it a public event?  That is my bag.  Not interested in attending events that are closed.  They simply do not exist to me.

We are not being covered by Press properly.  CSpan has managed to cover many Private Events.  I love them.  I love their work in Washington DC. 

How would you feel when you are clearly a rising entity for Press that is truly honest and thorough.  I simply provide a service to Organizations Policital Entities to gain footage of their efforts.  To be seen in any way otherwise is a slander in my mind.  I am not going to play dead.  I will continue with my efforts to capture Public Hearings, Events Press Conferences and Rallies as they a feasibly possible.  I sustained a serious injury last February.  It is complicating my health so my presence in public may be compromised in 2011.  But my efforts to build a network of Reporters dedicated to Public Access and Transparency will continue.  I will engage those who can help and financially support my efforts.

JAldrich, Catchofthe Day, VideoNews, FreelanceReporting, Hamilton, Massachusetts,

MassResistance story on September updates on this matter posting sept 19 2010

Who supports this bill in 2010?  Here is the evidence of the chain of command back to Romney..Winslow Brown..feeling deceived?

Breaking News January 21 2010  Bathroom Bill Transvestite Lobby Day comflm reporters please cover!

2:00... TRANSGENDER LOBBY DAY: The National Organization for Women’s Massachusetts chapter joins the Mass Transgender Political Coalition to host a lobby day to back legislation to add gender identity to the state’s non-discrimination laws. Officials from both organizations will discuss bills (H 1728 / S 1687) aimed at protecting transgender individuals from discrimination. Opponents of the legislation have derided it as the “bathroom bill,” saying it would enable transgender men to use women’s bathrooms.  The bill has broad support among lawmakers, including the backing of Speaker Robert DeLeo, but has not advanced beyond the Judiciary Committee... Nurses Hall 

footage will be posted by Mass Resistance this week check it out..,


if you are not THANKFUL AFTER THAT????


Story sent by KD Friday the 13th..November..2009

worried about your kids college education at risk moral collapse environment?  No more! I have the solution!  Online Faith Based at home College Education!  Not just for post grads.  You won't have to worry about the bathroom de sexed dorms and you will save all that money.  Then you can take advantage of some flight specials like this one from JET BLUE.. September month pass for 599.00 anywhere anytime as much as you want .. per person.  What a deal!  Who needs the atmosphere of a school.. where anything goes.  I say it goes and you can relax knowing your kids are learning at their pace and they can actually get a job and be in control themselves.  That is if you have finished teaching them to be self motivated.  That is the key.  Work on that talk on that and make the shift to moral control. What is a life worth anyway but the integrity of a soul and the goal of the good life. God Bless you and hope you decide to shift into soul control and check out this link:

The Bathroom Bill will be heard on Tuesday in the Judiciary Committee.  I understand there are 200 bills to be heard.  Time has been designated to hear this bill but you can be sure this will be the worst of worsts.  Along with the bathroom bill the oximorons will hear bills to protect children.  Now why ar e these all a\ntithisis bills together now one two three.. you tell me??

North Korea wishes to blast us!  So where is the coverage on News?? check out this great coverage posted on Utube.., so long News .. we are watching U Tube!

Breaking News:  Comflm is starting a Conference Call Fridays at 10PM in case your up..  712 432 0080 email Comflm for the code.. the call will last an hour.. we will discuss the coming  week  Press events the events covered this week and strategy to prevail in First Amendment Protocols.. and how  not to  be sidetracked by those who do not know the law.. posting june 12 2009 or call 978 468 7888

Great Link on the Statue of Liberty progress.. time to be thankful this Memorial Day.. and drive safe..


BECOME A MEMBER OF COMFLM, AND ZIPCAR.. to be a member you must apply through zipcar.. when we hear back you will get your application for Comflm if you are wanting a membership in the Registry..if not you will be supporting the efforts of this Organization.. as we will share the money and list you as a supporter of Independant Media..posted  A new Pass the bucks 75.00 promotion is going on in ZIPCAR until April 30 2009 for all new Zipsters but you can still receive a 25.00 discount from us if you join through this site....thanks, the comflm, registry.. for more info on this go to,

Posting March 9, 2009 JAldrich

Well today I gave up 6 hours of my time to install Comcast and get rid of Verizon DSL.. What I learned is my TMobile phone voip does not work now.  Not compatible with Comcast.  They sold me a package of Cable Tv and internet.  The TV programing is rotten and exactly why 3 years ago I went on strike and refused to keep it for 9.95 per month.  It was ridiculous.  22 channels and only about 3 work.  The rest are duplicate channels so what it boils down to is about 10 channels you might want to watch.  I hate them.  I want decent news and the few sites I find on the web match that anyday.

Then the hookup is so ridiculous, wires everywhere I have to staple down as I did not want the extra cost of installation.  And I never know if I want to move my tiny space around and who wants to be locked in to one spot.

I will be trying the internet soon, but my aggravation rate at this minute is screaming high.  I think I know why the guy shot his tv.. The only good service is TMobile and I hope they take them all over. They are the nicest people and stay with you to figure out a situation.  God Bless T Mobile. 

If you ask me the internet is good for saving trees, keeping people from getting hurt chopping them down..but then the storms this year would be good for a paper industry so much came down..what to do with the extra brush no one seems to know or care.

Why can't they give you the necessary information so you are prepared for the installation games.. like a double port for the phone line you want.  I am so sick of technology it is a crime.  I hate it.. If anyone wants to help Comflm, this is a great way to help.  Come fix my technology and keep it running.

For 6 years I have listened to people say, is your footage on line??? I am so sick of technology which acts like this all of it.. who would want to spend their time getting aggravated.  Where is IBM and the great gurus of computers.. no where to be found but wanting the money for sure.. just keep buying the stupid stuff so you can make them rich.. Make a product we the people can access and sell all the parts with it.. this is not monopoly it is the real world..when everyone gets mad watch out.. at this second it is just me but everyone is coming you can be sure..soon and very soon we are all waking up from stupid land together.. broke and sitting in piles of wires that won't cinque.. what a waste of energy..

Last year at this time.. actually Feb 14 2008 I went through the worst of worsts.  I emailed a valentine.. ordered vonage.. and did a lot of political calls.. what happened was horrendous.  So I warn you the stories below are showing that this is the worst time of year for computer please watch your computer..your phones and whatever electronic device you rely on.  It is all at risk.  Trust me.  It took until September to get it all fixed.  I was scammed a week ago by the parasite and that is fixed but please do not take the problems lightly.  Stay safe.. tax time is a great time to raise havoc with online stuff. You don't need it.  posted sunday jan 11 09 JAldrich

Link for President Kennedy : ,

Bill Clinton admits 911 was an inside job.. why wasn't he arrested on the spot for this statement..he was aware and it is not a court case???  wasn't it Jefferson who said not to put Lawyers in the Presidency???

Link for the most dangerous video ever.. a 911 coverup..  911 remembered by several news outlets on utube 


Archive Newer       

Monday, November 10, 2008

Welcome to the Comflm News Blog.. November 10 2008
It takes a long time sometimes to have a website pull together.. and we hope you will be able to enjoy this new feature where you can leave a comment for the Team, add a story you want covered or just say hello..We are excited about the new features we are daily adding to the project to equip all Independant Media with credentials to access State Buildings and to have all Cori's in place. Zipcar will solve the problem and we do not even have to see the report.  We just know we will be alerted if someone is dropped from the zipcar enrollment.  So hang in there this is on the move and we hope you will soon find this a regular stop on the WEB for your news.. JAldrich, Pres, Comflm Registry, tm..

Archive Newer       

new  insider msn group for all comflm members to join,


We are proud members of the following organizations:

ZIPCAR is now a vital part of the Comflm Registry Membership Process.., You will see us now in community showing up with our Independant Media Signs.. and credentials.. We are so excited to launch this new program which will give our team a great NEW look..

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dba  Ranbo Enterprises  Hamilton
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 This is a Press Registry of Independant Reporters in Massachusetts
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