www.freepress.net, if you have not been there here is your chance.. and they have just released the up and coming schedule..thanks so much..
and get on their email list on the site.. Broadband Stimulus: Diverging Views on How to Spur Broadband Investment Jan 16: Washington, DC http://free.convio.net/site/R?i=BNUjo4GHG5EUzdXkW-VExA..
Web.illish.us Jan 21: Philadelphia, PA http://free.convio.net/site/R?i=itUvTKG01EZa89N-A1h3Xw..
Conference on Children and Gender in Traditional and New Media Jan 26-Jan 29: Los Angeles, CA http://free.convio.net/site/R?i=Lury01mXa6U6b4q-oASWpg..
Fem 2.0 Conference Feb 2: Washington, DC http://free.convio.net/site/R?i=8pBYERcWexcKvXqv6atyfw..
Campus Progress Regional Conference Feb 6-Feb 8: Atlanta, GA http://free.convio.net/site/R?i=MoHmpMCmWbJgnC5hAowiaA..
The Digital Broadband Migration: Imagining the Internet's Future Feb 8-Feb 9: Boulder, CO http://free.convio.net/site/R?i=xj34gZM_38ZT143Qok0rxA..
Future of Music Coalition Policy Day Feb 11: Washington, DC http://free.convio.net/site/R?i=EYbizpIBk5odq083Ni4jtw..
Making Your Media Matter Feb 12-Feb 13: Washington, DC http://free.convio.net/site/R?i=inWBgwHjXc-a0njYWorO-Q..
YP4 2009 National Summit Feb 12-Feb 16: Washington, DC http://free.convio.
posted Dec 112008 please join the band to protect
internet access for Massachusetts Dear janet,
is running out to shape the future of Internet access in Massachusetts.
August, Gov. Deval Patrick set aside
$40 million to bring high-speed, affordable Internet service to the 32 Massachusetts communities still offline.
But state officials shouldn't partner with private companies without requiring public interest protections.
Massachusetts simply cannot afford another state initiative that profits the phone
and cable giants while leaving communities in the dark. Free Press is submitting a plan to the state that will give all of us access to high-speed Internet on our terms. Now we need your support for the plan.
Be Part of the
Massachusetts Broadband Solution http://free.convio.net/site/R?i=9eK6OBGRWtT_Jmckp1_ZNw..
Click on the link above to sign on to Free Press' "Broadband Solution" for Massachusetts. We need you and thousands of other Massachusetts residents to sign on by Dec. 19, so we can submit
the plan to the state with a show of strong public support.
Our proposal is simple. We believe that the public
funds used to create this network should include strong pro-consumer principles that ensure open access and consumer
choice and that creates a discrimination-free Internet that fosters new ideas and supports community
We need your help to ensure that this taxpayer money is used responsibly to bring Massachusetts
residents the best broadband service possible in the years ahead.
Building the network is only part of the
solution. We have to provide the technology training and access to computers so people can make the most out
of this investment.
Add Your Voice: Join Our Call for Solutions http://free.convio.net/site/R?i=WW_mXJvqkyvBhoaamlz6uw..
Massachusetts was one of the first states to connect to the Internet more than thirty
years ago. Let's see to it that the state continues to lead the way in economic and community development and ingenuity.
Megan Tady, Josh Stearns, Candace Clement, Kimberly Longey, and the rest of
the Massachusetts Free Press team
P.S. To learn more about efforts to create a national broadband plan, visit
InternetforEveryone.org. http://free.convio.net/site/R?i=zDXInhEqp26uAskxdKbHyw..
P.P.S.If you or anyone you know doesn't have high-speed Internet, you can still
take action by calling 413.585.1533 x700.
Dear janet,
Any moment now, President-elect Barack Obama will announce his choice to lead the Federal Communications Commission. We need to be sure the person he chooses lives up to Obama's campaign
pledges to reform the media in America.
To help, Free Press just placed a help wanted ad in four influential Washington publications. http://free.convio.net/site/R?i=FybUm-uTpAh-1s52aDQnOQ..
Technically, we're not doing the hiring, but the administration needs to be reminded
by all of us that the new chair must put Main Street before Wall Street.
Weigh In on the Next FCC Chair http://free.convio.net/site/R?i=aS3XXnOFrwWkT_QacSe-MA..
The FCC has been held hostage by corporate interests for too long. Now is our best
chance to change course and make real the possibility of universal broadband access, an open Internet, and more locally controlled radio and TV.
The new FCC chair will be charged with bringing American media into the 21st century,
which is why Obama must hear from you before deciding.
Take Our Poll: Rank Your FCC Priorities http://free.convio.net/site/R?i=u5qutn78QBzSNEeYA1u5Nw..
Tell us what you want the new FCC chair to do, and we'll deliver the results
of the poll to Obama's transition team. It's time the FCC met the challenges of reform and renewed the
media's role in our democracy.
This is one of the most important job openings to be filled by the next
administration. Let's speak out to make sure we find the right person for the job.
Stearns Program Manager Free Press www.freepress.net http://free.convio.net/site/R?i=mGAzCNLcc2185ugtLsLB9Q