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Operating a media public service business is not easy, we need donations and workers who would like training to think
about helping out. There is so much work that a full staff of people would be busy for a good 6 months. If you would
like to help please make that committment in 2008.
Our business created in 2003 with the observation
by J Aldrich that no other Press Registry existed in Massachusetts. no State building access protocols were in place for Indepentant
Media Professionals, and after many obstructions to tape by Catch of the Day, this Registry was born.
WE are a service business. We provide a media service to the Community. Catch of the Day, Video NewsFreelance,
Reporting, is J Aldrich's Reporting Business Name.
Comflm, Registry, is a Registry for any Independant
Reporters, Videographers, Photographers, Film Makers, Journalists, who ascribe to disseminating infromation to the public
with signature.
If you think of yourself as a freelancer without a home, please join. This Registry
hopes to set some urgent standards for the Media long overdue.
The first standard we uphold is the recognition
of those who report or do the videography. We also intend to implement the first ever Cori protocol for Media..
Comflm Registry is a vehicle of recognition. If you join you can have your own page presspass and can help to
create leverage in Massachusetts with other News Media Companies. We will give them a run for the money. As some
have said to me personally "your going to put us out of business" my answer is no I personally provide a service
to the Media by taping footage they can obtain. What Media company gives you footage?????? No way.
But what
we will do is challenge the Media to do a better job at what they do. Great Independant Reporters will have a vehicle
to be found that does not exist today. So if your out there a Superman or a Lois, please join this fun exciting opportunity
and make change happen today.
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