Barack Obama and Hillary
Clinton have Saul Alinsky in common. Obama, an
adept practitioner of Alinsky’s meth-
ods, was hired by Alinsky
as a director; taught workshops on the Alinsky method; and actively
involved himself in
Acorn, which was
built on the Alinsky
model of community
organizing. [p.12] According to the Washington Ex-
aminer, Acorn was
defunded and disbanded in 2010, partly due
to voter fraud. Its
leaders are now operating it under
new names and organizations. [Refer to: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/report-acorn-network-still-active-
under-new-names/article/2505629] Leaders have not changed their opinions about
voter fraud. For them it is justied.
e electorial system is an instrument to benet the rich. Fraud is a path
to a future that will serve the Have-Nots.
[pp.14;33] On election day eve
2008 Obama said, “We are ve days away from fundamentally transforming the United
States of America.” Horowitz challenges the reader to evaluate the meaning of this statement in light
of Barack’s in-
volvement with
Alinsky. Obama
attributes his understanding of the political
process to him. In
addition, Alinsky
personally mentored
Hillary Clinton. In 1969 while attending Wellesley College, she wrote a 92 page
senior thesis
on Alinsky’s theories
called, “ere is only the ght: An Analysis of the Alinsky Model.” Alinsky offered
her a job at
his training institute in Chicago. She opted for
Yale Law School
instead, where she
met Bill Clinton. “In March 2007
the Washington Post reported that she had kept her connections
even in the White House and gave Alinsky’s army
support: ‘As rst lady, Clinton occasionally
lent her name to projects endorsed by the Industrial
Areas Foundation
(IAF), the Alinsky group
that had offered her a job in 1968. She raised
money and attended
two events organized
Washington Interfaith Network, an IAF affiliate.” [p. 8,11] I am
convinced that if Hillary Clinton becomes Pres-
ident she will further Alinsky’s goals for America. Barack will
pass the baton
to her to continue his plan to funda-
transform America.
“Saul Alinsky created
several organizations… including his training
institute for organizers, IAF. But his real inuence
was as
the Lenin of the post-Communist le.”
[p.6] Saul regrouped those who had supported the Communist
into a coalition, those who were
“previously divided by disagreements over means and ends”. is included “com-
anarchists, liberals, Democrats, black racialists, and social justice activists.” He “wove the relativism of the
post-Communist into a coherent whole.” e name most consistently used for these radicals at
that time and
presently is progressives, a name that obscures their true identity and end game. “Alinsky was the practical theorist
for progressives.” He
boasted that he had
found a better method to bring about a revolution than
his Communist
predecessors. [p.36] Aer the Berlin Wall fell
in 1989, Alinsky radicals focused
their attention on America and re-
grouped to “mount a new
assault on the capitalist system”, an assault
that is going on today. [p.6] Alinsky’s Rules
Revolution–Manuel set forth guidelines
for them to
follow with the goal of completely transforming America.
It de-
scribes how to mass
a power
base; how to upset
every social
structure and foundation; and how
to destroy its existing
society and
its economic system. [p.11] Breitbart News wrote an article called,
“Horowitz at
Heritage Foundation:
‘e Communist Party is the Democratic
Party.’” e title reveals to what extent the
Alinsky radicals have taken over
our political system. [Refer
to:http://www.breitbart .com/ big-journalism/2013/11/12/ horowitz-blasts-le-heritage/]
It is unsettling to know that both Clinton and
Obama are involved
in a political
war machine which
for over 50 years
radicals have operated to destroy America.
is is a system we must stop!
Conservatives asked David
Horowitz, “How can the le
hate America and want to destroy
a society that compared
to others
is tolerant, inclusive
and open, and treats all people
with a dignity
and respect that
is the envy of the world?”
David says,
“Alinsky radicals are not comparing
America to other real world societies. ey are
comparing America
to the heaven on earth –
the kingdom of social justice and freedom.” is is what they think they are building.
compared to this heaven even America is hell.”
What drives their political agenda is their passion for a future
that is
ethically perfect – a world without
poverty, without war, without racism, and without ”sexism”. It is
so desirable, so
noble, so perfect in contrast
to everything that
exists as to justify
any and every
means to achieve it…” eir “radical
fantasies” will
never be realized until all
opposition is removed, including the present American
society and
problematic human beings presently
managing it. [p.17]
Alinsky dedicates his
Manual to Lucifer and praises him for being the
very rst radical. [p. 16,19] e belief system
that Saul
Alinsky advocates is in sharp conict with the Judeo-Christian belief system which our Founding Father’s
built our nation
on. “Progressives perceive
opponents of their causes as enemies on a battleeld…Alinsky

an unwavering end, which is to attack the so-call Haves until they
are nally defeated. In other words
to un-
dermine the American system that
allows Haves to
earn and possess more than others. Such a system,
according to
the radicals, is one of
‘social injustice’, and what they want is ‘social justice’. e unwavering end of such
radicals is
a communism of results…eir unfailing purpose – the vision that
guides them –is to conduct a war
against the
system that
in their view that makes social injustice possible.” [p. 32]
Obama and Clinton’s involvement with Saul Alinsky has been more
than a irtation. ey both became deeply in-
volved with his
political war machine, a battering ram that could totally destroy America as we
know it.
If a pro-
gressive judge gets into the Supreme Court, great
damage could be
done to our
Constitution, all in the name of
“social justice”. Hillary’s
comments during the
recent debates reveal
her allegiance to
Alinsky’s ideology. Even the
liberal media
is on board. It is crucial that conservatives vote. We are
only a few days
away from Hillary
tally transforming
the United States
of America”. Now, you know what that
means. e only way to make sure
does not win is to vote for Trump.
e following is a list of rules from Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals
Manual. Was Saul Alinsky
successful in making
Hillary and Obama good disciples? Place a C for Clinton
and O for Obama where each applied
his training.
1. ____ Do not
worry about the legality or morality of your actions, only their practical
effects. [p. 48]
____ Even though you are at war with the system, don’t confront it as an opposing army; join it and undermine
it as a h column from within. [p. 29]
3. ____ Lie to opponents and disarm them by pretending to be moderates and liberals.
Deception is the most im-
weapon. [p. 23] Camouage your agenda. [p. 27]
4. ____ Do not pay attention to the consequences of your actions. [p.19]
(is is why radicals are dangerous.)
5. ____ Set out to destroy your opponent
by stigmatizing them as “racists”, “sexists”, “homophobes”,
an Islamo-
phobes”. [p. 22]
6. ____ e end justies
the means. is justies, criminal means, lying, stealing votes,
even murder to achieve this
end. If your actions advance
the cause, they are justied. [p.
45] Ask of the means are they achieveable and
worth the cost; of the ends
whether they will work.
____ When you are overthrowing the
existing order, you must break the existing rules to do it. e
nobler the
end the easier
it is to justify breaking the rules to get there. [p. 46]
8. ____ Use
as weapons symbols of the greatest
evils that any Americans were ever associated with, and use them
obliterate everything good America ever did. Ex. Ku Klux Klan [p. 43]
9. ____ Be willing to destroy
the values, structures, and institutions
that sustain the society in which you live.
10. ____ Within the framework
of the revolutionary agenda, be exible and opportunistic and willing to say any-
thing (and pretend
anything) to get what you want, which is resources and power.[p. 9]
____ Set out to destroy your opponents by demonizing and discrediting them.
[p. 32]
12. ____ Miscommunicate. Don’t
sell it as socialism; sell it as “progressivism”, “economic
and “social
justice”. [p. 28] (People understand that
socialism destroys freedom.)
____ Sooner or later you might need to do immoral, illegal, even violent means to seize power. [p. 36]
14. ____ Seize power and give it
to the people in the name of “social justice”. [p. 36]
15. ____ When using criminal or immoral means to achieve an end, just say,
“Everyone does it.”
[p. 49]
I hope this information will
help you in your decision on how
to vote November
Horowitz, David. Obama’s Rules for
Revolution–Alinsky Model.
Oaks, California:David Horowitz Freedom
Center, 2009.
For copies call:(800)
752-6562 $3.00 each $1.00 each for orders of
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