1. Public hearing this Tuesday, July 14, on extremely
oppressive "transgender rights and hate crimes" law with fines & jail terms. Backed by 104 Massachusetts legislators
-- bill is "major goal" of MA homosexual lobby this year.

On Tuesday, July 14, there will be a public hearing at the Massachusetts State House on the most extensive,
oppressive, and far-reaching "transgender rights and hate crimes" bill ever seriously considered in America.
This bill forces the acceptance of "transgenderism", cross-dressing, and other various "gender expressions"
throughout virtually every part of society, under the threat of fines and jail time for even disagreeing in public.
The bill is long and extremely comprehensive, covering a vast range of society, including schools, businesses,
restaurants, government, labor unions, apartments, offices, and all public accommodations, including any place "which
is open to and accepts or solicits the patronage of the general public," and any public area. It includes all hiring
and firing and employment benefits and insurance coverage. There is no religious exemption. Read the entire text of the bill HERE (over 10 pages long) We've put in links to current laws that it references and changes plus commentary about
each section.
Text of bill on State House website
What is 'gender identity or expression'?
bill will write into the Massachusetts General Laws "transgender" individuals as a protected class of people with
the following extremely vague definition: "The term 'gender identity or expression'
shall mean a gender-related identity, appearance, expression, or behavior of an individual, regardless of the individual's
assigned sex at birth."
What?? Thus, legally protected behaviors can range from someone who
simply "expresses" himself or herself to be the opposite sex, verbally or by their clothing -- to someone who who
has parts of his or her body surgically removed or mutilated and takes huge doses of hormones to attempt to "become"
the opposite sex -- to someone who simply insists on using facilities meant for the opposite sex.
In the transgender
movement, for example, there are women with hormone-induced beards and men with silicone breasts. This concept is also being
introduced to kids at "transgender days" in public schools in Massachusetts. It's a train rolling down the tracks!
Officially considered a mental disorder
Keep in mind that
"transgenderism" is officially considered a disorder by the mental health profession that can (and should) be treated.
Thankfully, the medical field has not caved in to political correctness on this issue. The mental health profession's
fourth edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV) includes this: Medical description: DSM-IV Gender Identity Disorder
Also: Article on dangers of sex-change surgery (NARTH)
This seems to be a losing fight against basic nature. No amount of body mutilation or hormone use can
change a person's DNA. A man will always be a man; a woman will always be a woman.
Unfortunately, this
bill takes none of the medical community's knowledge into consideration. It's all about pushing a radical political
agenda into society.
Criticism by citizens could lead to fines and jail time!
These people are serious radicals. They intend to stamp out ALL dissent. Open criticism
of someone's transgender behavior -- even so much as "making a distinction" -- could lead to a $2500.00
fine and a year in jail!
The bill says: "Whoever makes any
distinction, discrimination or restriction on account of . . . gender identity or expression . . . relative to the admission
of any person to, or his treatment in any place of public accommodation, resort or amusement . . . or whoever aids or incites
such distinction, discrimination or restriction, shall be punished by a fine of not more than twenty-five hundred dollars
or by imprisonment for not more than one year, or both, and shall be liable to any person aggrieved thereby for such damages
. . ."
For example: If any of the following happens, you'd better make sure
you don't speak up about it: - Suppose a man wearing a dress, lipstick, and high heels gets hired to teach the second
grade in your child's elementary school. (He couldn't be denied the job!)
- You're at dinner with your
kids and a man in a dress comes to wait on your table.
- Last year a group of "transgender" women
had their breasts surgically removed paraded shirtless down the streets of Northampton exposing their scars as a bizarre expression
of solidarity. See photos and more HERE.
- You're a woman with your daughter in a public rest room and a 6-foot-plus man wearing a miniskirt
comes in. (We have video of that actually happening here in Massachusetts, which we will publish soon.)
be risking a fine and jail time for even speaking out!
Just the tip of the iceberg
Here is just a taste of what this extreme law will bring you. - Churches, religious businesses, and individuals
will lose their freedom of speech and religion.
- Schools will be legally required to normalize this psychological
disorder to your children.
- "Gender expression" -- since it's so losely defined -- will open
the door to sexual activity in public and public nudity.
- Sensitivity training at businesses for transgenderism
will become mandatory.
Health clubs, rest rooms, locker rooms will become essentially unisex. - Landlords
and property owners will be unable to deny rental or sale on the basis of "gender identity or expression".
- Any crime against a self-identified "transgender" person will receive extra penalties as a "hate
- Body mutilations to "change" one's sex could become part of mandatory insurance
- The unelected tribunal "Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination" will have
broad powers to harass people, impose huge fines, and more.
This is just the beginning. For
much more background, go to our complete web-based report on this bill: The Coming Nightmare of a "Transsexual Rights and Hate Crimes" Law in Massachusetts: Why Bill H1728 Must Be Defeated
Also, for some of the more explicit details of what the transgender movement is already
doing now in Massachusetts, see our pictures and descriptions in the MassResistance Blog (in item #2, below).
Top priority of homosexual lobby in Massachusetts
The homosexual
lobby in Massachusetts has declared this bill their #1 priority for this legislative session - higher than everything else.
They are willing to put all their resources into passing it. They see this as a way of pushing sexual radicalism deeper into
society than ever before.
A sign of what's coming to America eventually?
Although a number of states have passed various "transgender rights" bills, most are quite weak compared
to this. This is far more comprehensive than anywhere else. Just like with "gay marriage," once the homosexual
movement passes this here they intend to export it across America.
Why are
104 Massachusetts legislators co-sponsors of this??
You're reading that correctly. Over half of
the 200-member Massachusetts Legislature are co-sponsors of this hideous bill!! There are 21 in the Senate (out of 40
total) and 83 in the House (out of 160 total). It's mind-boggling. List of 104 House & Senate sponsors (with contact links) HERE
How does this happen? It's pretty disgusting. In some ways this is similar to the way Congress
passed the recent $800 billion stimulus package. We have not yet spoken a single legislator who's co-sponsoring it who
has actually read the bill -- including one of the Judiciary Committee chairmen we spoke to. When you quote
them passages, their eyes glaze over and they just look at you. It's eerie. (There are probably a few who've read it - the
radicals who wrote it!)
Here's what clearly took place: The homosexual movement simply told them that this is
a "civil rights" issue, and gave them some silly talking points, and they've bought right into it without asking
questions. They got a nice pat on the head and were told that they're taking a stand for "progress." We've seen
that sad pattern happen over and over again, here and in other states.
The bottom line is that the
average Massachusetts legislator gets a lot more pressure and attention from the homosexual movement, and not enough from
you. And guess what that causes?
You'd better change that.
need to fight back NOW!
Everyone's help is needed to stop this! Here's what YOU can do!
The first step: The public hearing is: Tuesday, July 14, at 1:00 pm in the Gardner Auditorium of the Massachusetts
State House. Expect a big show by the homosexual / transgender movement. The reason they've moved it to the
auditorium is that the homosexual movement will be there in force. (See #2 below.) Good people need to be there, too! - Come
to the public hearing on Tuesday if you can and testify (or just be there for support) please do so. Let us know,
if possible, that you're coming. We can help you prepare testimony. More on this coming up!
- If
you can't come personally you can contact the Judiciary Committee HERE. We will also be setting up our free fax service, as well as a new letter-writing service.
- If
you can't come to the public hearing, you can also submit your own testimony by mailing it to: Joint Judiciary
Committee, Room136, Massachusetts State House, Boston, MA 02133. Make sure you refer to Bill #1728. If you have more questions,
ask us.
- Print out and distribute our flyer on H1728 to inform people (1 page, 2-sided,
folded in thirds). Also have people check the MassResistance website.
Download the flyer HERE. - Donating to MassResistance really helps us keep up this fight. We are doing
a lot behind the scenes, as well as organizing, etc. But money is what ultimately makes it happen. Donate HERE.
Can we win this?
Yes we can -- tho it
probably won't be easy! Last session the homosexual lobby filed this same bill. Although at that time
it wasn't their top priority, it was backed by dozens of legislators, the Governor, the Attorney General, and all the major
Massachusetts bar associations. The proponents staged over 10 hours of testimony at the public hearing.
as you may remember, MassResistance also flooded the Judiciary Committee with outrage from across the state. In the
end, the bill was killed in committee! The homosexual and transgender activists were very stunned and angry. Last year's public hearing - report & photos Last years public hearing (photos from homosexual panels)
"I am a female with a beard." Woman testifies as part of all-female
panel at hearing for transgender bill last year. | 
2. Google posts warning notice
on MassResistance blog after transgender rights reports are published! Claims it's "objectionable". (Wait till
you see it!) Is 1984 getting closer? Just a week after our website was attacked, now this.
Starting earlier today, if you go to the MassResistance blog (see specific links below) you will probably be greeted instead by a big screen warning: "Some readers have
contacted Google because they believe this site is objectionable." It gives you the opportunity to continue or not
continue going into the site. (Note: After the first time it may not show up until you reboot your computer, etc.) 
The blog is posted on the "blogspot" site, which is owned by Google. Strangely, Google's "terms of service
agreement is" pretty hands-off: "Google does not monitor the content of
Blogger.com and Blogspot.com, and takes no responsibility for such content. Instead, Google merely provides access to such content as a service to you."
apparently something's changed.
Pretty frightening censorship of facts
Over the last few weeks our MassResistance Blog, written since 2005 by researcher Amy Contrada, has published
some extremely disturbing photos and descriptions about the transgender movement in Massachusetts. It's a pretty chilling
expose of what happening now - and what can be expected.
The photos are fairly graphic, but they are were ALL taken
in public places where kids - or anyone - could wander. (An exception is one of the tamer photos that was uploaded by a Boston
homosexual activist, and a portrait from the homosexual newspaper Bay Windows.)
it for yourself
Here are the MassResistance Blog reports that Google has judged
to be "objectionable".
We agree that they're very objectionable. But that's not due to the blogger,
but to the subject matter being pushed on us all in public. It's all true, and these reports are meant as a warning.
June 27: "Gender expression" defined in photos
June 24: Questions That Must Be Asked at "Transgender Rights" Hearing
June 23: Flood of GLBT Lawsuits Predicted after Passage of Mass. Transgender Bill, ENDA, & Federal Hate Crimes Bill
June 19: Transgender Rights Bill H1728: "Body Mutilation Bill"
Worldwide pattern of politically-correct censorship by Google
Google has gained extensive notoriety in recent years for its willingness to block content for political reasons.
For example, Forbes magazine reported how Google blocks content banned by the government in Communist China.
In our last email we discussed how Google had mysteriously warned people that the MassResistance
website had "malware". It turned out that someone had hacked the website and put some malware on it, but Google
acted surprisingly fast (within hours, it seemed) to put up its block. Yet it took days for Google to get it down when we
presented proof that the site was cleaned up.
What we're doing about it
There have been communications to Google on this. They don't seem likely to even bother responding. It's a pretty
scary situation.
But in the meantime, we're moving the blog from Google to a private site as quickly as possible.
3. Here's where it's going: Maine tribunal rules elementary
school must treat "transgender" fifth-grade boy like a girl, refer to boy as "she" and let him use the
girl's bathroom. This is just some of the madness that will happen here if the transgender bill H1728 (above)
is passed.
A few years ago Maine passed a much-watered-down version of the proposed Massachusetts transgender
bill H1728. But it was enough to give the Maine Human Rights Commission, their version of the Massachusetts Commission Against
Discrimination (MCAD), the power to rule that a boy is really a girl and must be treated that way by the public school system.
Of course, the boy is not a girl and never will be. And the mental harm that happens to a vulnerable child from
this (according to the mental health profession), as well as the emotional trauma to the other kids, is completely ignored
by the politically correct commissars. (Note how the newspaper report plays along, using female pronouns for the boy.)
This is why you need to fight NOW! State
rules in favor of young transgender By Abigail Curtis Bangor Daily News July 1, 2009
Maine - The Maine Human Rights Commission ruled Monday that the Orono School Department discriminated against a transgender
child by denying her access to the girls bathroom.
While the school department's lawyer warned that schools around
the state may not be ready to manage the practical fallout from the decision, civil liberties advocates hailed the ruling
as an advancement of human rights.
"This ruling is a huge step forward for a vulnerable population that is
entitled to the full protection of the law," said Zachary Heiden, legal director of the Maine Civil Liberties Union.
"There will always be voices who claim we're not ready, we're not there yet, the time to end discrimination is next year,
or next session. But victims of discrimination should not have to wait." . . .
Read entire article HERE.
4. Homosexual lobby organizing
phone banks for transgender bill! Here's the email that the wealthy homosexual lobby MassEquality sent out
late last week to their supports across the state.
They are VERY serious about changing our society: Transgender People Are Under Attack Dear xxx,
On Tuesday, July 14th, the Judiciary Committee will hear testimony
on HB1728, An Act Relative to Gender-Based Discrimination and Hate Crimes, which would add gender identity and gender
expression to existing non-discrimination and hate crime laws.
We are hard at work running a grassroots campaign
in support of transgender equality . . .
What are we going to do next?
We are going to continue
with an aggressive grassroots campaign, asking our supporters to contact their legislators in support of the bill.
We need your help calling our supporters. Please sign up for a phonebank in support of transgender equality
next week. To sign up for the Tuesday phonebank, click HERE. To sign up for the Thursday phonebank, click HERE.
If you can't come into our office in Boston for a phonebank, you can make calls from home. Go to http://www.MassEquality.org/phone to sign up for the phone from home program. All you need is a computer with high-speed internet and a phone. Once your account
is approved you will have access to all of our training materials and someone from our staff will be in touch to help you
log in. If you have any questions please call Ryan Brown at (617) 878-2309.
Please sign up today. With
your help we can stop the lies and pass this important legislation.
Samantha King Political Organizer |