story posted below march 13 2009 JAldrich
February 13 2010 Happy Birthday Son number
3 .. 33 today... I want to post the memory of this childs birth.
I was 33 popped out to oblivion in a long skirt breathing to the rythm of the natural birth mantra . It was morning
a Sunday. My other two wonderful boys were 7 and 9 . We woke up and like a birthing sargent I signaled to
the troops to move quickly. Nervously, the troops watched for my panic button but in harmony with the cosmos that morning
I just non chalantly moved along which was unnerving I am sure to the watchers of the furnace. A hot cookie would be
popping in less than 5 hours and no one knew. My others were long slow burners. They did not care if they came
or stayed.. Mom was not going anywhere. We packed into the station wagon.. me with hospital bag, and a stack of
maternity clothes to return on the way to the Pastors house while hubby dropped boys in Sunday School. No need for babystitters
that day. I get in car he comes back and off we go. He drops me at front door of hospital, and parks the car.
I go to elevator breathing rythmically while passer bys think I am dropping the kid on the floor as I go. Up to the
Nurses station and into the bathroom for a p........... The nurse says call if you need me. I have no idea how close
this kid is and so I am schmoozing on the toilet and call and ask .. did you want me to come out??? of course we did.. oh
I misunderstood.. up on the table I go like a full round cow .. feet up and check mate.. ooohhhhh buzzing around me like bees
the room is changed to the birthing room.. I was dilated so much .. like almost an 8 and could have dropped that little bundle
in the hopper.. but wait.. there's more.. he won't come out.. what??? counting breathing counting breathing.. they hook up
a heart monitor on the babe.. now it is like a race track.. the hoofs of horses beating in rythmic precussion.. I wonder what
is the problem.. pushing still the kid won't.. budge.. so we breath some more like I could stop now.. the pattern is still
refreshed in sudden stress.. a deep breath clears everything.. well I am thinking what do these people know.. we are in a
shorter span of time than the other two for sure.. and then it happens..2.5 hours of Hospital time in labor that was all.
11 50AM I believe and here he is but their worried he had some stress.. not me ..just shocked tears filling
my soul with the most awesome piece of heaven a girl can know .. they lay the babe on my belly..My valentine .. oh
yeah.. motherhood is awesome.. I would do that again.. and the boy was a heartbreaker.. a lover.. a funny bone.. a tickler..
and a prayer.. his name is Nathan.. and the Church bells rang.. and the people praised and he cried his first sounds into
the atmosphere.. If It wasn't for the day before cooking the spagetti..
I might have held out one more day for the big Valentines Day and the Name Nathan Valentine.. sorry son.. Happy Birthday Nathan.. Your the best.. whether I see you as a babe in the rush of birth or a
sunny day.. your the best.. Love Mom I am mother.. you are man child.. good going.. son God is Good.. to me
Ok, today
I tried uploading some video to the computer.. then opening my email. I was able to send an
audio file. But then it all came down hard. The email froze, my video went pixel and I spent the rest of the day
figuring out what happened. I have been duped. Like most people the Comcast Verizon mobsters have no clue that
the people are on to them. Oh they wanted to sell me fast download speed. What is that to me? I need upload speed. So if I want to pay 139.00
per month well that will do it. Ya right. So I am back to square one. If you can help upload the footage please join the comflm army . I
need you. Please email me with help and I will be so grateful. There is simply no way out of this nightmare.
It is everywhere. The trunk lines are being hyjacked and we the people are in the woods. We need to find the way
to trump the trunk lines. Please get on this and let me know if you have an answer. I am so frustrated with the
mess. But you can be sure I will tell you if I find an answer myself. So don't be selfish.. share this information today, email Well, 2 13 10 just
spoke with Comcast now X finnety. They started me off with 19.99 then 29.99 special includes TV for 9.99 a must do to
get the special.. I complained they gave me 59.99 that was only 2 mpbs upload.. then today they upload that to 20 mpbs
69.99 plus the TV taxes whatever it will come to 85.00 so my next move is 99.99 or 50 mpbs each time they force you
to get TV or charge 30.00 more..but only 9.99 with the package. I will give it a shot but hope T Mobile comes
up with a high internet jack and I will take that. T Mobile has been the best and takes tons of time helping
to get the information straight. I was on line at least 4 times with Comcast and today finally a woman gave me
the whole story factually. I made a trip for a new modem and then the guy insisted I would have enough with the smaller
package. Every single upgrade was the same stupid snail mail speed. I know Comcast is screwing with the public.
They are all blockers.. posting 2 13 10 J Aldrich
Cori history will catch
up with you.. posted Feb 5, 2009 breaking news story submitted by DP He's not the same happy-go-lucky guy he always was," Byers said. "Now
he's a little more defensive of everything. He questions how it happened. You ask questions about yourself, even though you've
done nothing wrong. He'll never forget it, but he has to learn to deal with it."
Massachusetts, where
you too can be arrested for no reason at all..................................
Remember, Baltimore
is the city were a man and woman who were asking directions, were falsely arrested and jailed for 8 hours.
Corruption never sleeps in the USA.............
Couple Arrested For Asking
For Directions in Balto.
POSTED: 7:23 am EDT May 17, 2006 UPDATED: 10:52 am EDT May 17, 2006
BALTIMORE -- Baltimore City police arrested a Virginia couple over the weekend after they asked an officer for directions.
WBAL-TV 11 News I-Team reporter David Collins said Joshua Kelly and Llara Brook, of Chantilly, Va., got lost leaving
an Orioles game on Saturday. Collins reported a city officer arrested them for trespassing on a public street while they were
asking for directions .
"In jail for eight hours -- sleeping on a concrete floor next to a toilet,"
Kelly said. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Balto. City police sued over strip
Civil suit seeks
$210 millionBy Tricia Bishop | - February 4, 2009
A Baltimore
man filed a $210 million civil lawsuit yesterday against the city Police Department, a former commissioner and several officers
in connection with a 2006 incident during which he says a band of rogue cops held him at gunpoint in the street, stripped
him and searched his rectum in front of about 30 onlookers.
The federal suit is the second filed since March in
U.S. District Court in Baltimore alleging "widespread and persistent" civil rights violations by police officers
who belonged to an elite "Special Enforcement Team" that worked mainly in the southeastern part of the city.
The SET unit was dismantled and its officers reassigned in 2006 after allegations of misconduct surfaced, leading
the city prosecutor's office to dismiss more than 100 Circuit Court cases the officers had investigated in the previous two
Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi declined to comment yesterday on the lawsuits, the employment status
of the named officers, the department's procedural regulations regarding rectal examination and the outcome of internal investigations.
"We take all lawsuits very seriously and investigate in the most efficient manner possible," Guglielmi said.
Until the department's legal team has thoroughly reviewed the case, he said, he "can't comment specifically" on
it or "anything that touches" it.
The physical violation described in yesterday's 43-page complaint is
the "ultimate degradation of a person's civil rights," said Steven D. Silverman, the attorney representing plaintiff
Daryl A. Martin, a 35-year-old Navy veteran who works as a manager at a retail shop.
According to the complaint,
Martin and a friend were on their way to a tailor for a custom suit fitting on a weekday afternoon in April 2006 when their
Buick Lucerne was pulled over in the 900 block of Patterson Park Ave. by two sets of officers. A marked police car carrying
Officer Antonio Rodriquez and an unidentified officer blocked the Buick in front, while an unmarked car holding Officers Shakil
Moss and William Harris blocked the back end, the complaint says.
Rodriquez asked Martin for his license and registration,
then ordered both passengers out of the car and began to search the Buick while Moss frisked the plaintiff under gunpoint,
the complaint says. Moss then donned a rubber glove and lowered Martin's pants and underwear, according to the document.
"To the Plaintiff's complete and utter horror, in broad daylight and in the presence [of] the gathered crowd,
Moss forced a gloved finger into the Plaintiff's rectum," found nothing, then threw the glove to the ground, the court
document states. Shortly thereafter, with no explanation, the officers "sped away."
Martin reported
the incident to a police internal investigation division, which retrieved the glove and sent it to a lab for examination.
DNA from both Moss and Martin was found, according to the complaint.
Martin, who is black, contends that he was
targeted because of his race. He says that the officers' behavior was systemic and tolerated by Police Department leadership,
including then-Commissioner Leonard D. Hamm and current Deputy Commissioner Deborah Owens, both of whom are also named in
the suit.
Silverman said that his office reviewed "scores and scores of prior arrest records" and found
numerous "obvious and blatant constitutional violations by this rogue group."
The complaint alleges nearly
50 instances of questionable activity by officers, which frequently included spotting drugs from vast distances, eliciting
spontaneous confessions and regular "serendipitous discovery of individuals possessing contraband."
clear the department should have had every obligation to review their prior arrest [records], and if they had done so, would
have clearly seen that they were running all over the civil rights of the city of Baltimore," Silverman said.
A similar lawsuit, filed in March by 17 plaintiffs, alleges that officers, including Moss, illegally detained, assaulted,
searched, humiliated and generally terrorized residents without justification. In a court filing, Hamm and Owens denied the
allegations against them in the earlier suit.
Man recounts strip search after
filing suit against Balto. police
Father of two 'felt like I was raped that day' by city officerBy Tricia Bishop | - 3:15 PM EST, February 4, 2009
In an interview this morning, Daryl A. Martin recounted the details of the April afternoon
in 2006 when, he says, a Baltimore police officer stripped him of his dignity on a city street, performing a baseless cavity
search on the football coach and father of two before two dozen onlookers.
"I felt like I was raped that day,
like my manhood was gone," Martin said quietly, pausing to collect himself. "I didn't deserve this at all. I don't
think anyone deserves what I went through ... I thought they were going to kill me."
Martin, who has never
been charged with a crime according to the Maryland court system, yesterday filed a $210 million civil lawsuit against several
officers and the Baltimore City Police Department, alleging a pattern of civil rights violations, including falsifying charging
documents, racial profiling and illegal searches and seizures.
Baltimore police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi declined
to comment on the lawsuit or the allegations until a legal team has had sufficient time to review the court documents.
According to Martin, he was on his way to have a suit made April 26, 2006, when he says several officers pulled his
car over for no clear reason and searched his vehicle. One officer, Shakil Moss, frisked Martin through his pants, grabbing
his genitals and running his hands along his buttocks, making lewd comments.
"It was horrifying," Martin
Moss then stripped Martin below the waist, donning a clear plastic glove and searching Martin's rectum in
front of a growing crowd of gawkers. The officers, part of the elite Special Enforcement Team, which has since been disbanded
among allegations of professional misconduct, then sped away, chasing after a car playing loud music. Another lawsuit alleging
similar infractions by the SET unit was filed last year.
"I think this group of officers randomly pulled over
and searched dozens of people a day. If they found something, they altered the statement of charges to make [the search appear]
constitutional. If they found nothing, they would send you on your way," said Martin's attorney, Steven D. Silverman.
Martin's experience changed him forever, longtime friend Ryan Byers said.
"He's not the same happy-go-lucky
guy he always was," Byers said. "Now he's a little more defensive of everything. He questions how it happened. You
ask questions about yourself, even though you've done nothing wrong. He'll never forget oops wiped out
some stuff
13, 2008.. a cout d"etat..what is it.. well as a 60's child who watched two Kennedy's taken out.. it is more
real to me than most that a plot was in place. But who did it.. is now creeping out into the u tube media portal.. how
about this one for size.. you
be the judge.. do you think this is possible???
posted November 14, 2008 Priest gets tough on Obama Supporters
Was Wright wrong?? here is a story on
One News Now that interested me to comment on the name thing.. JAldrich, posting November 1 2008 This ad does not go far enough to
me and lends itself to criticism as pure rhetoric..but go further and see some of the posts up today that have been circulating
without cohesion and you will see the emersion of a faction of socialist subversive doctrine that still permeates ptsd black
churches in America. Especially, in the South I would say and if in the North it is not openly discussed. These
traumatic submersions into psche are lingering cracks in the generation of today. And just like the Good Book shows,
many generations will still not erase this as new generations rise up in retribution to cleanse the abusive remnant.
So we are not ignorant or guilty of this
as the generation of Germans are not guilty of the sins of the Fathers but each generation must reckon with the past somehow.
To deny the prejudice which resurrects this hate for white folks is still prejudice. To see the villian white as the
enemy as this Mr Wright states is clearly wrong.. but to generate this hate and keep it going is even more wrong for Obama
to allow this for 20 years to be instilled in his children and his own mind. It clearly has an effect on you and can
be seen in the pseudo minutism he portrays in embellishing his own philosopy of a change is coming.. the change is black supremacy..
and it is getting more obvious all the time. A
man is known by the company he keeps is never going to change. He clearly keeps company with Mr. Wright who is suspiciously
Mr Wrong..
Islam is the lite dolls
beware what you buy..
"Procrastination is opportunities
assassin" quote Victor Kiam.. Posted September 14, 2008, JAldrich
3rd state
bites the dust in same sex marriage judicial fiat.. posted october 17 2008 JAldrich This story is about the Parents fury with the New law in New Jersey that children must have
a flu shot.. well if this were me in this case I would agree with parents. But parents have been told in no uncertain terms
in the Parker case they have no rights.. But of course in a case of values it is not an issue but here we see the same parents
are upset they have no rights in health issues. So please get it fast American parents, you cannot have it both ways.
Parents are responsible to protect the children from fools criminals and wrongs that they recognize. This is a stupid
law. I would have never lived 65 years had these laws existed when I was young. I still do not take flu shots.
Maybe they are causing Alteimers and weird diseases in children such as autism. The consequences are similiar arn't
they. I am not a rocket scientist, but this is madness to ask all parents to submit to the state in this matter.
Over my dead body is my answer.. you do not have the right to inflict anything on my kid.. over my dead body..
on a church email list I discovered this notice put up: Leominster Hospital no longer provides
the names of parishioners who are hospitalized due to privacy considerations. Therefore, we have no way of knowing who
is hospitalized without family members calling us to let us know. If your loved one is hospitalized and would like a
parish visit, please call So if you
think your going to get a sweet surprise visit from a Priest assigned to the Hospital your wrong.. the Hospital is now boycotting
and suppressing faith in full force.. posted october 8, 2008 jaldrich, catchoftheday,videonews, freelancereporting
now where do you think this hospital is wishing you to go???..
If your
not reading these days your head is definitely in the sand.., Senate passes Broadband Act.. read more on this site they are your free speech cyber watchdogs posted 10 07 08 J Aldrich, comflm
registry pres....
posted September 24, 2008 story by Washington
Post thought you should know.. JAldrich disability update..
Please post
this quote on your refrigerator.. I apologize I have forgotten who sent it to me but do not blame the elected officials you
elected my friends, hear ye hear ye, blame yourself for they are there because you put them there...posted March 20, 2008
"When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your
mind that God commands you to choose for rulers, "just men who will rule in the fear of God." The preservation of
[our] government depends on the faithful discharge of this Duty; if the citizens neglect their Duty and place unprincipled
men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made, not for the public good so much as for selfish or
local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the Laws; the public revenues will be squandered on
unworthy men; and the rights of the citizen will be violated or disregarded. If [our] government fails to secure public prosperity
and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the Divine Commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the Laws." -History
of United States by Noah Webster.
Here's a link to Janet Parshalls Speechless
report part 2
And guess what??? Our very own Judiciary Committee made most of the Christian right
wing testimony wait until 10pm and somehow the House Broadcast System did not put that testimony up on the 600 minute Mar
4 post.. It seems that the consensus of when testimony was allowed was a at best discriminatory and should have allowed
these poor souls waiting until 10 pm to speak to be on the video tape of the hearing don't you say. As many left
due to the extensive time imposed on all to wait until that late hour.. This will go on record as the worst hearing ever I
am sure.
Watching a few minutes of the above documentary on speechless will help you identify the problem here
I am sure..
So call the Committee and tell them to not make any not put to study..let it die in Committee..and
ask that this hearing be given a rebuke for the lack of charity to extend this time to such a late hour on the disabled and
the general public it was a general nuisance not a general court..that sends out 3 transmissions of different bills causing
18 bills to be misannounced within 48 hours and to allow the publlic to not have proper notice should render this hearing
a redress at best. posted Mar 15, 2008 J Aldrich
Some more evidence on
bill 1722 is this child abuse or what???? let's see how Barbara Walters looks at the subject. Do you get it
how important it is to have the media give you some coverage? This is a nice way to talk about old archaic things right
Walters 20/20 special on “transgender children”
The Day after the Presidential Obama Convention,
guess where Mrs Obama is? She is talking to the Homosexual Activists telling them l to get rid of all marriage
laws.. read the following story and this statement becomes believeable.. Posted J Aldrich, September 14, 2008
I am the best story found today, posting this
Saturday March 8, 2008 ..JAldrich
This week I attended the Trans People hearing.on H1722 .and learned about boundaries.
Oh what I mean is their boundaries?? Did I say that right?? This hearing was about stripping. Stripping all boundaries
old archaic laws and even a law about Communism, I'm ok and your ok hearing..let's just let it all come it's
over this religious thing called torah..even had a Rabbi to confirm his very own interp on Episcopal and a Unitarian
tran gen Minister..
It seems they are convinced their mind set that day is the rule of law. That means they are
a law to themselves folks and we the people will have to suck it them..if they are feeling womanly or manly and decide
to cross dress the bathroom stalls and visit your bathroom as a woman but a man or a man but a woman, oh I am so confused..we
will have to just you hear me hear ye hear ye????? One brilliant testifier stated you can't do anything
with the that was brilliant..
But where were you that day in the General Courtroom called A1 and A2????
I have all on tape until midnight and did I miss you out there in the wall???
Boundaries are the thread that will
pull the hem down.. the thread that unravels the mind in the bathroom keep stalling folks and soon you will be seeing
your grandchildren raped prodded and brain drained in the by the gay is all leaking out now..on the
floor..but you could help if you call and dial up the number to the statehouse you know 617 727 2000 and ask for Speaker Di
Masi and Senate Pres Murray to stop this can help you know.. As one bearded woman stated I birthed him, her
son but now a woman of that is choice..don't you horrify her son and grow a beard/??
the whole sha bang was organized by Connolly the predator..does that say anything????? 30 panels 10.5 hours later the conservatives
spoke the ones who could last out the fire...and one was hindered after 10.5 hours from speaking it was too late
This week I am the feature story for the Sunday
views. I have been assaulted by the cyber spiderman who has actually taken down my whole work site with all my records
of my project COMFLM, REGISTRY.
This Joker of a devil has been able to access all my emails I have so diligently
attained like the turtle and hare story we all know. No one will help me you know from the start of this great blazing trail
I have had to wallow alone in the pig pen. I have great support but no one wants to pair up it seems and work like I
do so I guess my steamboat has beached for a while. I am sick. I have been sick since January really, got better
a week but then it came back after I was chilled to the bone for 20 minutes in the cold and since have been laid up until
today not even able to get online, can you believe??? Today, Sunday Feb 24 2008 finally I am online posting my Sunday Views
a little late.
I got this brainstorm I want you to think about my readers. Please send me an email at, and give me your email address informaion so I can make my new address list. I have a list of 3000 so if you can help
notify others that this nightmare is happening please help.
In the meantime I am going to proceed with filing a
police report and maybe with all the spam folks have received we can catch them.
thanks J Aldrich, Hamilton
I have been online a couple hours and have to go to bed but I couldn't seem to stop probing online until I found this
story posted on my new news portal YouNewsTv .. you gotta see this one I love it and there is a photo in this shoot of
reporters from an ariel view that should be famous.. I want it.. so you please do not let this moment pass you by..
Old news, bad news, World Net Daily posted this story link
Are we there yet?? What this story states is parents pastors and others are finally fed up with the intrusive
hate crimes legislation being pushed on school children in California and plan a massive walk that sounds like a
Martin Luther King story to me to show the parents rights issue in true light. Who wants their babes raped in the name
of I don't know who I am yet let me try you story.. is that unbelievable or what... So if you think Massachusetts is removed
from this problem you better think again and attend the hate crimes Committee Hearings coming up this month.. no date as yet
but they are coming. We are in for a show down.. and we all will be counted as who is on what side.. God help us all.
Do we know who the Globe likes??? Do we know who
Bay Windows likes?? Do you know who Comflm likes??? well so far it's GO HUCK up close and personal story today..on
the Mc Cain Conservative tugga war.. and I say GO HUCK imagine living with that name all these years and not wanting to change it?? that guy is going to change the way we's lent..need a mouth fix????????? Now is that gonna be hate speech soon???? I hope not..
Friday, Feb 8, 2008 J Aldrich
got a story??? send it here.....oh and PS are you wondering what Mass Family
is thinking these days seeing they showed up to support the Romney thing??? another whisperer is in the air..too bad you lost
your guy.. I think my little pea brain self, that Romney has his eyes on the VP and the back office crowd have Huckabee as
Huck a bye bye..but we'll see who gets to say GO HUCK.. now I lay me down to come the conservatives...the
real sheep..
Republican rallies today monday
february 4, 2008
dems in town..
can you cover these anyone???? not given any heads
it any wonder??
Here's one for the books....hear ye hear ye wanna
need your Massachusetts license updated this year????????
you gotta see this..don't forget to let them know what sex you wanna be..
thanks Rizoli Bros for
the tip..posted January 27, 2008
the whisperer... Romney ..has a friend..
you ever wonder why Romney always looks so cool???
send this to your entire mailing list for me please..
John Rankin, connecticut, files pro
se lawsuit against state of massachusetts in federal district court..on Marriage will be served tomorrow..the
complaint..when will you know???does the regular media tell you the truth..this is posted Jan 10, 2007 930PM..when will you
know????? I am too tired to put it up..sorry.. J Aldrich, Hamilton
NH Primary, and I found myself there..
best story is a small link to Citizen Kate... have you seen her???, the outsiders view of Inside Politics..
I just visited her site and I am going to be a frequent flyer.. she
is adorable..and a breath of fresh air..good luck to you Kate..looking forward to some great stuff..a little too sexy for
my shirt..but she is going places..oh sure to check the story on Obama and S1959 ..wake up..out there this election
is really getting scarry.
posted jan 10 2007, J Aldrich, Hamilton
New Hampshire??? where is your Black vote??? are you still
keepin your eye on em??? not lettin em get too frisky?? come on NH where is your Black vote??? I know they are up there.. because I have been taping now 4 years and no Blacks are in my shots?? why?? NOT in protests??? not in any shots?? anywhere
so your not alone..what is keeping them down???I wonder..