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Interesting coverage by J Aldrich

posting September 25 2009,

I have had two very busy weeks.  I have taped 15 hours last week in one day and another 5 hours this week that have inumdated me with back office work.

Posting to the Blip site is so consuming.  I am sorry that the website has not been attended to. Please watch, for my uploads of meetings covered.

Posting June 12, 2009 10pm.. while waiting on callers to the new conference line 712 432 0080  please call Fridays at 10PM and discuss the weekly Press events you covered..

This past week was a week I want to comment on.  I taped a ton of Hearings in the past two weeks.. I am persisting in my public Hearing goal of getting the Statehouse to video archive capture the Public Hearings.  So I press on.

I am called wonderful, glared at by guards, and on any given day the pendelum swings all ways.. no kidding, This week the static got so bad I really thought I was having an out of body experience.   I attempted to tape three days. The third day the Veterans were having a Hearing at 10AM and the same day a Revenue Committee hearing appeared. Well, as I delivor the Tapes I ask about hearings and so I discovered a hearing along the way.  I attempted to send an email but one of the email addresses bounced back.  This is how it is sometimes.  It only made me more nervous when the clip on the camera got lost in my bag and I had to set one up make shift with tape.  Can you believe the stress I was feeling. Then the Hearing starts flag swearing and all and I am fumbling with a barage of stuff everywhere looking ridiculous. I get that one set and organize the pile for the second room of gear and leave.  I am detained however as the door to 222 is locked.

Well, I wait a while talking to the weather people from another station.. the ones who give traffic reports and were planning to testify in the Hearing.  Time is still not bringing the guard to open the door so I call the security and tell them.  A polite answer on the other end says they will take care of it.  Time is still passing and no door opens the media are all over and more people are showing up then I call help.. then the Committee staff comes and I hand him my phone to call and they challenge him because it is my phone and he tells them he is the Committee and they still drag their feet another 5 to 10 minutes .. Finally when they come the stampede is a difficult impass to set up but my camera goes up tape and all bungied to the chair I found to corner in my set up and I planned to leave to go check on the other room downstairs with camera 1.. I put a bucket on the chair and expect that a good deterrant to stop comotose attendees from sitting on the not so stable setup.. and running..meeting started..

I am a little frantic and hope the first meeting ends so I can set up that camera in the second room..but get downstairs open the door to see two guards not one leaving my camera area and the camera not on.. oops up to the old tricks I say and I look to find the timing is only 11 minutes and off.. now I am really getting red hot upset.. I set the camera on and leave to see if there is a switch outside the room and even ask a maintenance person if power can be switched off outside.. I have seen the power go off too many times in those rooms the past 6 years to not suspect mischief.. but then the whole thing seems to settle down.. and i go upstairs again to meeting 2.. open the door and you will not believe this.. a woman around late 20's is sitting on the chair my camera above her head..lucky for her it did not come down and hit her..and guess what power is off.. so I say to her...fuming but balanced your sitting on my camera.. she is so embarrassed she leaves the room...lucky for her.. what an ........... the camera will not come on.. and so I now have no camera.. I check the floor the plug is out of the camera and the floor plug is not working.. I am really having to climb all over the place to fix iit and I do.. and the camera is back on.. running so I leave and go to the camera 1 again and that meeting is closing down.. and I am able to clear out hoping I can set up that one in the room 2.. I get to talk to the chairman to inform him I had some camera problems and he is so empathetic.. you would not believe.. and I explain the guards that were in that room are somewhat difficult to deal with and they harrass me always thinking i am harassing the committees by wanting to tape.. and he opens the door and tells all This woman can tape these hearings anytime..she has my permission to tape..permanently.. wow.. what a comeback..

I go upstairs and that meeting is also closing down so I am done for the day really, and I get to tell that committee who also explains I can tape anytime.. and then sends an email to me as well stating so.. I am blown away.. what a victory in such a lopsided messed up day..

Having a late plan for a dinner in Copley I have a few hours to wait I decide to visit the Library and find a comfortable place to just pack up my stuff for the ride home.. but it does not stop here.. I get to speak to one of them about my project and she is listening intently completely sympathetic to my resolve to tape and the resistance I meet on any given day in the statehouse.. Then she explains the researchers need the information I have and are searching all the time to get it.. we make a plan to somehow pool our efforts and I say to myself there is another victory in a maddening day..

Catch of the day, Video News, Freelance Reporting

Plague scare:  Last night on cnn or fox news, don't know which becaause the tv was on all night as I slept and watched, but  40 people alcaida have died from plague and I am looking for the story and it is gone..if you have it send it today to    got the story.. it was an Algerian Camp, and 40 plus died from plague.. the UK had the story the next day. We the USA ignored it??

State of the City address Fanuel Hall  011309

WBUR audio of event:

December 17, 2008 posted JAldrich

This week has been tough for me, not feeling to great, however, yesterday I was at the Statehouse to capture one hour of the Health Committee Hearing, a short audio of the new Judge being interviewed to replace Granger, whom I wish to make a remark on here.

He seems to be qualified as the group repeated round the table, but the one point that struck me was a question on Interstate Compact regarding Juvenile cases.  This he seems a little aloof on.  I did not like that at all. After going through the court system in the 80's to 90''s with interstate issues on a divorce case.. I find that alarming he does not have a pistol clear answer.  It shows me he is not going to be effective on crucial areas where kids act out all over the place, get themselves cori's and find that the system will filter them through the DSS system quicker than you can say s....t.. so please I did not see my children have that happen but the ominous threat was something I lived with on every day basis as in divorce especially, one party is usually out to kill the other..and this is only felt at the court level.  It cannot be predicted pre divorce any more than the rotten marriage is predicable pre nuptual.  So please ask more questions on this topic and get the guy to come up to the plate before the decision is made soon and very soon.  This one area is a judicial nightmare zone..

Posting December 5, 2008 JAldrich, Catch of the Day,

Well, this week I forced myself to come out of my video stupor and go to the Statehouse.. for Senator Stan Rosenburg and Rep Donato's public hearing on Municipality debt.. 6 hours later I strolled in on the Governors Task Force on Ethics Public Hearing and with permission for both taped quite a day of news.. Both tapes can be ordered by calling 978 388 2457.. I will be bringing in the Statehouse Copies on Monday.. as this will be time consuming to produce.. 10hours of minutes not recorded in dictation still requires 10 full hours of watching again.. do you read me???

Yesterday the 4th I made myself appear again for the exit of Sen Robert Creedon, Sen Augustus, Sen Antonioni, and Sen Pam Resor.. All but one are user friendly with being video recorded... but in the talk by Sen Creedon I suddenly realized Senators are in for 6 years.. the entire time I have been taping.. so you might say I have covered these people the entire time they have been on board.. Quite a revelation I would say.   

No, I am not a history major or Poly-Sci major I just find the need to be informed vital to my Constitutional Health.. and find the exercise of my free speech and public access to be essential to the general good.  So I continue on in my educational documentary project, encumbered on any given day,  by the new venomous cobras in the brew that would tantilize me again for my efforts, and there are many...

Which actually, happened on Thursday after the Senate adjourned.. I made my way down to the doorway expecting press to arrive there also and surprisingly found I  was the only one so I said to myself, this is strange??? what does this mean??? where is the press??? soon to be put under the guard squeeze to push my buttons or me out whatever?? I did not know.. but was soon approached by the Senate Presidents Press person, to say she would get senator Creedon for me if I wanted.. I said no as the whole experience was really wierd.. and instead said I had spoken with him as he entered.. and was satisfied.. I gave him a gift , a book as a card that he could keep as a thank you from Comflm, Registry, for his extraordinary help on many occasions to be able to tape.  Well, who did I want to see?? she asks?? I said I was just waiting to see who would exit as I know many and wanted to ask them a few questions concerning the new challenge to have video a part of the picture. Senator Creedon in all his liberal philosophies was adamant on transparency and so I can excuse his views as we all answer someday to the Higher Power.. but when one  contributes to the darkness of the truth and not the light, then I have a problem.  I was told in a sort of huge way that the members were in a party that was private and would not be exiting as I had wished and so would not be available.  I then decided to just wind up and leave the scene of the next Statehouse crime.. that would have happened if I had stayed.. and mosied on to the common where the Santa scene was ongoing. 

At that note I will say the Christmass event was cute but surrounded by stuff, trucks, tents, huge lighing apparatus, and the crowds were unable to see the thing which seemed like a cracker in a bowl of soup lit up.. I left going to the trains picking up some dvds at Staples while they wished I had not entered the store.. and spent the next two hours waiting at north station for the 930 train to Newburyport.. I arrived home to catch up on phone calls like everyone else at 11pm.. long day.. really.. but that is what happens when you travel by rail, bus or subway.. you spend at least half your time traveling.. and the other half taping..sela..


An afterthought on the above article, if you think my imagination was out of line here , hear this, on the way out of the building (after hours) with a temporary bamboo screen blocking the hallway to the Auditorium exit on second floor, I asked a Senate President Employee, how to get out  a handicap door, as I actually have a handicap for stairs, and all my baggage needs it as well, and was politely escorted by the guard and a an administrative staff to the Senate President.. a nice young chap who was politely listening to my extra comments of which are ceaseless.. for the Senate Presidents ears and the guard following almost under my boots.. as you can picture he was so close..not so politely may I add,.  I detest that behavior.. find it intimidating and disgusting and many other adjectives too numerous to mention.. That is the struggle Independant Media has to endure to maintain any presence at OUR statehouse.. it is demeaning and anti american to have to endure such treatment.. help Comflm, Registry become a reality in Massachusetts.. send a non tax deductible to the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record today and get on board with First Amendment rights in Massachusetts and from here to the ends of the earth.. The Press must never be restrained  by 501c3 it is not a religion.. it is  .. a vehicle of verbage necessary to freedom..a luxury entertained by all.. in these United States.. JAldrich

The official website of the Governor of Massachusetts

Office of the Governor

Public Hearing

Hearing Date



Handicap Accessible?

Wednesday, December 3rd
Thank you for attending.
3:30 p.m.


Task Force Mission

  • examine the existing regulatory frameworks governing ethics and lobbying. 
  • make recommendations to the Governor relative to legislation necessary to strengthen current laws, regulations, investigative and enforcement mechanisms, and penalties.
    transcript icon Read the Executive Order creating the Task Force  

Public Hearing Testimonies

On December 3, the Governor's Task Force on Public Integrity held a public hearing in the State House to receive testimony on enhancements to state ethics and lobbying laws. During the hearing, which lasted over 2 hours, 19 officials and citizens testified before the Task Force. Testimonies were limited to 3 minutes.
Below, we have provided the names of those who testified and a link to their testimony when possible. We are currently working to obtain electronic versions of all outstanding testimonies and will post those as we receive them.

List of testifiers in order of testimony

email of event.. posted on Governors Website.. will allow public comment if you wish to add yours please do..

Taped Barney Frank in Newton yesterday Press Conference.. must have a copy.. email, for your copy..

35 minutes long..  will be putting up on local cable access soon.. Barney retorts a freddie fanny spankey ... admits he was not calculating the extent of danger.. blames republicans ahead of him.. no one saw crisis he says.. yet on his handout table there was a notice from Bush that it needed to be regulated..from 2003.. ta da.. 

Catch of the Day does not ask questions.. so admits it maybe should have asked Barney to respond to Factor infractions double jeopardy  fury.. will look into setting up a question system from the audience for Catch of the Day to submit in the future.. posted Tuesday 10 07 08 Jaldrich

J Aldrich, June 15, 2008 
J Aldrich sustained a fracture and will be posting less frequently until July..sorry for the is now August 23, 2008 and I am

finally getting some computer stuff done..what a deal 7 screws and a plate later.. come on board if your out there looking to learn videography, this is the time to hop in..I need some help..with just about everything..

My time to upload the list from 2008 is here.. recruiting for the Registry is big time right now.. contacting lots of Cable Access Massachusetts sites... covering election news locally.. in your town.. our new Show.. on Beverly Cable Access will be coming soon.. Maybe in September.. COMFLM REGISTRY REPORTS, open to all Reporters in the Registry who are covering their stories will have a chance to speak about their join the Registry and help starting line is here.. 978 388 2457

posted Aug 23, 2008 ja

youth pride event , boston common..posted june 29 2008

covered by catch of the day, and two crew members, for documentary purposes, and for news outlets that take my footage..

not using caps, trying to post one handed, sorry..

since that event I have been unable to update this site, and a few days later fell and really damaged my wrist.. but I want to make the effort today..

my work has been primarily to keep a record for conservative outlets of the changing social strata which affects each and every one of us daily.  so I wanted to capture the pride parade.  each year the oppressive homosexual community try to stop my footage.  they know me and my oppositional work is known by many.  this year I had two others for a witness crew to try to document this behavior. my effort is to establish independant media as a viable journalistic  source in a heavily organized liberal news port .. what happened is remarkable as I was blocked with flags and screaming kids on top of each other within inches of my camera... who simply have no clue of the freedom of the press..they got so loud and so close to my extended camera I was concerned my camera would get caught and be hurled onto someones head..instigated by the speaker he almost lst control of the presentation the crowd was so into harrassing me..but younger was able somehow to divert them with his own derogatory this point, I made several attempts to call my crew, but they were also under assault and could not I called the boston police who came within 15 minutes and instructed the kids to back off but they wouldn't..the policeman also stated I was free to move about, but my position was important to have a straight shot forward.. their threatening close proximity was also affirmed again as a woman tried to use my arm for safety to get off someone's shoulders..the policeman came right over to her to say you cannot touch her..and the crowd somewhat moved away..

there was much more that went on and my point was well made that the homosexual community will become violent if not restrained, and I continue to ask that all Reporters Rights be recognized no matter which side you are on..that is so vital and is what is what has been happening... a different view has not prevailed in making their point covering stories..this is my personal keep posted this is not over.. I would never think of harrassing the homosexual reporters.. that would be political suicide.. to all parties but why is my presence, a senior with disabilities, so revolting?

It mirrors the public disrespect for the body, gender, age, and freedom of speech  that this movement is so proud of..common sense inside out the content missing altogether..

mass resistance goes to north hampton  this is their footage!

Ryan Sorba talks Turkey..posted September 8, 2008 J Aldrich,

tons of emails are coming in with links to this news on the Smith College event.  I wil put some up soon..

Breaking News Press Release May 8, 2008

Comflm, Registry, is recruiting until August 31, 2008 for election coverage..Independant Media hopefuls.   Please..Get on board..let's make this happen..before August 31, 2008  If you attend a Local Cable Access Training in your town, I will send you a One Year Press Pass Membership to Comflm, Registry which at this time is still only 25.00 to join anyway....So let's make this a go..How much is Democracy worth to you???  GET ON THE GROUND NOW WITH COMFLM, REGISTRY.. call 978 388 2457 asap
J Aldrich, Comflm, Registry Pres..UPDATED May 8, 2008 J Aldrich

In North Hampton, Massachusetts, Smith College Tuesday April 29, 2008 students blast Ryan Sorba, writer, author of Born Gay Hoax off the map, Foremost but not least at Northhampton Massachusetts.. Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting covered this event.  This event was a planned by the Campus Republican Club,  and a hornets' nest was anticipated...
Please visit MassResistance website:,  for more information on this event.. which is all over U Tube as well, but it is my footage..JAldrich, Hamilton.

Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting has been documenting public meetings and events since 2003 and has been tirelessly promoting free speech and public access and video recording of these events.  Although a newcomer to the Media foree,  the Senior Citizen Activist from Hamilton, Ma.,  has continued in spite of the many obstacles which have occured.   

Promoting the exercise of Free Speech  in Democracy is the front-page center object of her footage.  Having Press credentials and Public acceptance as an Independant Reporter at our Statehouse has been a main priority.  Catch of the Day, has captured more than 250 Public Hearings donating for free to Committees,  copies of the Public Hearings taped given to any Committee granting permission as part of the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record which J Aldrich has promoted.. See website, for more information.

Prior permission for the Smith College event was granted from both the speaker and the Republican Club on Campus to Catch of the Day. This footage is so compelling as evidence  and indicative of a higher education cout de tats..problem,  that is seems ironic  the rioters were shocked their protest was being taped and yet they taped themselves with small cameras all during the event of 1hour,   a public right at a public meeting..

Now I ask you?  Where was Bay Windows????? Why did the Lesbian Community not prepare to tape this themselves with proper permissions??? They also could be defending themselves with coverage for this event.  A huge banner hung for a week announcing the event.  Where was Local Public Access or the local News??? Why did the school not tape this??

Catch of the Day,  Video News, at Smith College, in North Hampton, documentary footage was a byproduct of  taping a  previous event at Framingham State College the month before.  Catch of the Day, taped Framingham and wanted to tape Smith College also to see the impact of both schools the talk had..As it is customary for Catch of hte Day  to release footage to the public square, this event is under a different code of ethics to not release this Smith College campus protest  gone wild, of Ryan Sorba  The author of Born Gay Hoax, and loaded video of this event,  due to the permission process.  In time this probably will be released,  but at this time it is not available. 
If you the readers use any of the footage for a Press story, please remember to credit Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting,  Comflm, Registry President,   for this. 

And for any who want to connect me personally to Mass Resistance.  Well please grasp this...I am a Conservative and I  love Mass Resistance in-depth coverage of the hot topic of homosexuality in Massachusetts.. Bay Windows has their reporters.  Fox News has theirs..
But who actually covers other events for the Conservatives/ Republicans in Massachusetts?? No one.  So there you have it.  I WILL cover any conservative event for the Conservatives, for Documentary purposes,   free EXCEPT my travel expenses paid.. and that was offered to me by Mass Resistance...

If MFI asked ?  Catch of the Day would cover theirs, as well as MCFL, or any other Conservative outlet.  Get it?.. So stop harrasing me with "who are you with"... I am just a Conservative Reporter looking out for freedom of information at public meetings .. in the public square. IN fact the distaste for Republicans is so bad in this State the last Press Conference at the Statehouse was covered by Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, the only rolling camera present..As I told the Group, we need to allow Independant Media to put this stuff up on U Tube and get the word out..over the regular Press head.. in a TV world, what do you think not having a camera present  meant???

Comflm, Registry Commonwealth of Massachusetts Freelance Media Registry,  will not be a totally Conservative is an outlet for the FREE PRESS Independant Reporter Digital Journalists and/or anyone interested in the tabulating of News,   et al,  who will be on the ground,  covering great stories like the Smith College welcome to join the REGISTRY, Commonwealth of Massachusetts Freelance Reporting 978 388 2457.
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance Reporting is a   Documentary/Educational  Media name.  J Aldrich, Catch of the Day Videographer/Digital Journalist,   is a member and the President of Comflm, Registry in Massachusetts..  Please grasp this, I believe there is not enough coverage in heavily liberalized Massachusetts, on conservative content and disclosure on  ALL sides of an issue in the public square.. 

 So this  Registry WILL provide an Organized and Credentialed Outlet for ALL INDEPENDANT MEDIA to be properly identified at events.  Comflm, believes all Press should be willing to identify themselves when asked.. Although, any citizen may tape a public meeting, and event where the public is present.. Press should be willing to state they are covering a story and be wearing a Press Pass..whether Crewing for the event or a separate Independant Media Entity.

Independant Media has never  been established as a SERIOUS entity in Massachusetts.    Efforts to do this have been only on a scale of Artists, or Press Clubs ..tons of them, but this REGISTRY is not a Club..It is a brand new Professional Registry for all levels of media entry that WILL eventually impact laws for Independant Press on statewide media protocol and fight abuse of the Press' Right of Access to public events and meetings Statewide.

This is really critical in a Digital Age.. Please read my lips.. and get the message..finally let some fresh air in,  so the discourse(?)  at Smith,  is not a foretaste of the Civil Liberties lost in Massachsuetts..

Comflm, Registry, is recruiting until August 31, 2008 for election coverage..Independant Media hopefuls.   Please..Get on board..let's make this happen..before August 31, 2008  If you attend a Local Cable Access Training in your town, I will send you a One Year Press Pass Membership to Comflm, Registry which at this time is still only 25.00 to join anyway....So let's make this a go..How much is Democracy worth to you???  GET ON THE GROUND NOW WITH COMFLM, REGISTRY.. call 978 388 2457 asap
J Aldrich, Comflm, Registry Pres..UPDATED May 8, 2008 J Aldrich

BREAKING NEWS... posted Sunday March 16, 2008

by J Aldrich, Catch of the Day, video news freelance reporting.

Are you aware of the seriousness of not posting public hearings?? on time?? Three different copies of the Judiciary bills were transmitted to the public on March 6, 2008.  After calling the committee no news outlet has publicly reported this problem.  Thus enabling and abetting the reckless abuse of power these news outlets are also responsible for not executing their right to publish as agents of free speech and forcing the statehouse to stop the cat and mouse brigade..we got you..with the cheese folks ..numerous times but when will the dumbed down public realize they must force the issue.

Then to add insult to injury the House Broadcast did not put up the last hour of the hearing calling a 10 hour 50 minutes hearing a 10 hour hearing.

Then the stupid program used by the Broadcast will not allow any fast forwarding to watch this general nuisance video.  Now I also recorded this and have the last hour so I know there is more, but my efforts to proove my point that they will be sneaky if given enough slack is now evidenciary fact.  I am sick of the Statehouse.  Are you??? I am sick of knowing they are sneaky and having to fight for the record in any shape or form.  I am sick of being tantalized as not being legitimate press, as not being under law to record their sneaky hearings, like the upcoming Casino hearing on Tuesday??? I am sick of being bullied by the Workplace and Development Committee who think they can snub reporting of the hearings on any level. 

What makes me different is I give the Statehouse copies of my work for free.  Does that make me stupid?? I don't think so.  I am proving my point of why the committee hearings are valuable to the publc and to the elected officials.  I want the testimony recorded do YOU???? then please react today and let them know.  Call the Senate President and the Speaker and tell them you want docket 4527 to come out of rules and be given a hearing.  This is not funny.  We need to stand up for the PROPER recording of the PUBLIC HEARINGS and demand they utilize the bill process to give it a hearing.

But we can be sure to see a fight when that occurs.  So do not take off you gloves the referee is about to ring the bell.

Breaking News March 6, 2008... Judiciary Hearing on tuesday March 4 at 1pm is available in 1.5 hour tape segments... please order accordingly if you want your testimony.  I am not splicing individuals but will try to give you one tape.  House Broadcast will eventually, Don Coleman, De Masi office, be uploading this to the webcast and find the date for the hearing..and streamed content of 10.5 hours.  I wish to say I did not focus on testimony that was not inclusive to 1722.  I do not have the whole hearing.  I have 9 hours of my footage. So some testimony is not secure.  Sorry, but having been sick since January 25, I could not withstand the pressure to man my camera 10.5 hours alone in that heat.
posted Mar 6, 2008

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dba  Ranbo Enterprises  Hamilton
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 This is a Press Registry of Independant Reporters in Massachusetts
.. Please Join ..or be a supporter of the effort called
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..thank you

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