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Israel At WAR here is a link you might like:

Romney redefines his Religious perspective ...Presidency pitch from Mitt.. with Pres Geo Bush Senior intro :

Mike Huckabee on Israel:

President Bush is in Africa touring at the same time my email system was I that important??? the scam email on me says I am in Aftrica too what is that about..a mole or something???

I worked for Huckabee the weekend before Feb 10 when my email crashed ..Pres Bush comes out with endorsement for McCain as Huckabee takes on Texas and is gone to there a link we cannot see here/?? am I that Important?? posted feb 24 2008 J Aldrich

posted January 11, 2008 J Aldrich

Prayer Alert 08-02, January 11, 2008 – Sivan 4, 5768

• Will President Bush Be Remembered as a Cyrus or a Nebuchadnezzar?
"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: 'May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels.' For the sake of my brothers and friends, I will say, 'Peace be within you.' For the sake of the house of the LORD our God, I will seek your prosperity." (Psalm 122:6-9)

President Bush and Palestinian President Abbas hold a joint news conference at Abbas's headquarters, Thursday Jan. 10
We are right now in the midst of President Bush's visit to Jerusalem. Several of the inner city streets are closed down during his stay. The US President has brought an unheard of staff of 1,100 people with him. Not one Israeli security guard is allowed into Hotel King David where the president and his entourage are staying. We ask all of you to continue to pray for this historic visit, that the Spirit of God would open President Bush's eyes to understand what is right and wrong.
It has been reported that President Bush, the last time he was in Israel, which was before he became president, was very impressed by the walls of Jerusalem. In order to please Bush, Israel will turn off all the lights on the walls at night "so that they can be seen more clearly as they are in the moon light." May we remind you that the moon that will shine during the time that President Bush has chosen to visit in Jerusalem is the new crescent moon. Is it the symbol of Islam hanging over Jerusalem that Bush so desperately wants to see while he is here, that Israel has to shut down the lights over the walls at night?
"the nations cannot excuse their actions and their decisions on account of the weakness of Israel and her government" Whatever the case, God obviously has decided to shut down this light as well, because since Bush arrived, Jerusalem has been enshrouded in a deep fog at least for the first night. Is this a prophetic sign in answer to prayer? We ask all of you to continue to pray in this fateful hour when the destiny of Jerusalem is hanging in the balance. It truly is a spiritual battle!
One of the people accompanying President Bush to Jerusalem, is well known author and journalist Bill Koenig, who repeatedly, for many years has tried to warn President Bush not to divide God's land. He is a Spirit-filled believer and has expressed hope that he will be able to talk to President Bush while in Jerusalem. Pray for him!
Scroll to Mr. Bush Reminds Him of His Historic Role
During his stay here, the President will be presented with a scroll reminding him of his choice to either bless the Jewish people by giving them their freedom to settle their land and be remembered as a King Cyrus, or to take the role of King Nebuchadnezzar who destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple.
"In the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, in order to fulfill the word of the LORD spoken by Jeremiah, the LORD moved the heart of Cyrus king of Persia to make a proclamation throughout his realm and to put it in writing: 'This is what Cyrus king of Persia says: 'The LORD, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and he has appointed me to build a temple for him at Jerusalem in Judah. Anyone of his people among you — may the LORD his God be with him, and let him go up.'" (2 Chr 36:22-23)
Below are excerpts from an article with more details about the scroll. Please pray, not just now, but also in coming weeks and months, that President Bush will make the right choice.
"A historic document is planned to be submitted to visiting US President George Bush upon his arrival this week, calling upon him to choose to be remembered like Cyrus, and not like Nebuchadnezzar.
"The document, grandly transcribed on parchment and furled into a scroll, is addressed to the "Leader of the West." It reminds President Bush to "declare to the world" that he will honor G-d's word and act "towards settling the Jewish People throughout their entire Land."

Rabbi Steinsaltz signing the proclamation
"The document was signed by three figures, including the world-renowned Torah scholar, philosopher, social critic and author Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, once termed by Time magazine as a "once-in-a-millennium scholar."  Rabbi Chaim Richman, representing the Temple Mount movements, and Dr. Gadi Eshel of the New Jewish Congress are also signed upon the proclamation.
"The scroll is likely to be presented to Mr. Bush during his visit this week to Israel by a prominent political and social figure.
Bush Can Choose His Historic Record

"The impressive document includes a detailed reminder to Bush that he has the chance to help G-d's eternal word be fulfilled, and thus pave the way for world peace, or to take the opposite path.
"It begins by saying that Mr. Bush can "make a declaration, as did Cyrus, King of Persia... who, in the year 538 BCE, returned the exiled nations to their lands, recognized the full right of the Jewish people to reestablish their Holy Temple, the “house of prayer for all nations” (Isaiah 56:7), and called upon them to return to their land."
"And thus," the manifesto continues, "if you truly desire peace and benevolence, and you would be counted in the company of the truly righteous, we call upon you to declare to all the world:  The Land of Israel was bequeathed to the nation of Israel by the Creator of the world. Neither could I, as a son of my faith, nor the Muslims according to their faith, ever take away even the slightest grain from the Eternal’s gift, which He gave to His people Israel, the eternal people."
The Wrong of a Palestinian State

"Bush is thus also bidden to declare, "I cannot simultaneously support the establishment of a foreign state for an alien nation in the Land of Israel, and I will not lend my hand to this wrong."

Bush kisses Mahmoud Abbas, upon his arrival at Abba's headquarters in Ramallah, Thursday Jan. 10
"The proclamation also takes a foreboding tone: "Or – Heaven forbid – you can choose the second option – to willfully aid in the destruction, under the guise of peace!  You certainly know what the G-d of Israel did to Egypt and Assyria and to all Israel’s enemies from time immemorial: Do you imagine that you will be able to save yourself if you have come to implement a plan that intends to steal the land of “the people that survived the sword” (Jeremiah 31:1), and to cut off those who survived the Holocaust, to rob the land that was given to them by the Creator?"
"All of the peace treaties and initiatives which have been based upon the decisions of the government of Israel, indeed the entire Oslo process, and the ‘Disengagement,’ and the establishment of a terrorist state within the Land of Israel known as ‘Palestine’ – regrettably, all of these agreements are the result of a lack of sufficient faith in the Divine promises that the Lord made to the patriarchs of our nation, and all that is written in the Torah of Israel.
"Understand this well: the nations of the world cannot excuse their actions and their decisions on account of the weakness of Israel and her government. G-d ordained that the role of the nations of the world is to strengthen the nation of Israel. This will benefit all humanity and bring about world peace, as the prophets have foretold.
"Do you imagine you can escape from the struggles in Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, and Lebanon, by offering up sacrifices of the Jews who are slaughtered daily by their enemies who speak of peace but live by the sword?

Jonathan Pollard
Bring Pollard With You!

"The document also includes a call for Bush to allow Jonathan Pollard to return home to Israel - either on the same plane to Israel as the President, or by "authoriz[ing] his immediate release while you are yet in Jerusalem, before you return to the United States. This will be a positive step that will build confidence." 
"The document also provides a list of Biblical verses "for meditation" that "testify to the eternal promise and the inexorable link between the land of Israel and the Jewish people."  (Hillel Fendel, End of quote.
One of the signatories to the scroll is the new Jewish Sanhedrin, which has started to operate again in a limited capacity in recent years, for the first time since the 4th century. This is of course a very important prophetic sign. It was the Sanhedrin that condemned Yeshua to death and it will most likely also be this new Sanhedrin that eventually also will issue the official call to Yeshua "Blessed is he who comes in the Name of the LORD!"
"The high priest said to him, 'I charge you under oath by the living God: Tell us if you are the Messiah, the Son of God.' 'Yes, it is as you say,' Yeshua replied. 'But I say to all of you: In the future you [the Sanhedrin] will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.'" (Mt 26:63-64)
President Bush's Family Ties
"the Bush family built their financial empire off the Holocaust!" It must be remembered when we pray for President Bush, that we are involved in a spiritual battle with enormously powerful demons of deception.
When George W Bush became president of the United States in 2000, we immediately encouraged everyone to pray that he during his time in office would stay free from any political ties to his father George Bush Sr. In the beginning of his presidency President Bush made no pressure on Israel, but constantly supported their right to defend themselves.
However, especially after his father forced him to meet with Saudi Prince Abdullah at the Crawford ranch in Texas, things began to change. President Bush came out from that meeting and told the press that he and Abdullah see eye to eye on the peace process.
It should be remembered that not only is the Bush family deeply involved in the Saudi oil business, but what is even more shocking is that the Bush family built their financial empire off the Holocaust! According to classified documents from Dutch intelligence and US government archives, President George W. Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush made considerable profits off Auschwitz slave labor. President Bush himself is an heir to these profits from the Holocaust, which were placed in a blind trust in 1980 by his father, former president George Herbert Walker Bush.
Through Union Banking Corporation (UBC), Prescott Bush, and his father-in-law, George Herbert Walker, along with German industrialist Fritz Thyssen, financed Adolf Hitler both before and during World War II. All of this sensitive information was first revealed in a book written by John Loftus and Mark Aarons called The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People. John Loftus is a former Justice Department prosecutor and the author of four history books, three of which have been made into films, two were international best sellers, and one was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize.

Bush posing with orthodox clergymen in the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem, Thursday Jan. 10, 2008
The Bush family did not only have deep ties with Hitler, but the family is associated with 33 degree Freemasonry and is connected to the CFR, the Club of Rome and other New World Order groups. President Bush himself was in his youth initiated for life into the satanic, highly secretive Skull and Bones Club. George W. Bush might very well have been saved through the ministry of Billy Graham, but it is also a fact that no president in US history has done more during his time in office to promote the religion of Islam than President Bush. He has repeatedly stated that Muslims pray to the same God as Christians and that there are many roads leading to God. You can hear it for yourself on this video clip:

Sign An Appeal to President Bush
Evangelist Mike Evans, who is leading the Jerusalem Prayer Team, has gathered 100,000 signatures to a petition to President Bush that Israel should not give up more land for peace. He has now been encouraged by rabbis to continue and try to collect one million signatures. We encourage all of you to sign this petition if you have not already done so. Here is Mike Evans latest appeal.
"Because of the marvelous response of over 100,000 appealing to President Bush to not divide Jerusalem, Rabbis in Jerusalem have contacted me, have humbly appealed that the Jerusalem Prayer Team would not stop this campaign but would continue it until a million lovers of Jerusalem signed the Petition to President Bush. We have pledged that they will pray at the Kotel, the Western Wall.
"One of the Rabbis came from the Soviet Union and said that many years ago one million Americans united in a petition called “Let My People Go” to the President of the United States, Ronald Reagan, to appeal to Gorbachev to let one million Russian Jews go home to Israel. A television special and book by the same name were also written.
"I appealed to President Reagan if he would ask Mikhail Gorbachev to release the Russian dissidents – specifically Natan Sharansky – and open the doors for Russian Jews to go back to Israel. Ronald Reagan did just that.
"Since those days, one million Russian Jews have returned to the Land of Israel as the prayer of their lips “Next year in Jerusalem,” came true. Sharansky left his cold prison cell with a small book of Psalms and a Yarmulke. The skull cap, Yarmulke, was made from the rags around the feet of a Pentecostal pastor who shared his cell with him one evening when he slept. The pastor gave it to him so that he could celebrate the Passover. To this very day Natan Sharansky wears that Yarmulke on Yom Kippur and during the Passover.
"Would you say yes? I told the rabbis that I would ask you as a Jerusalem Prayer Team member to vote and tell us if you will agree to be part of the campaign that they are asking for – the Million Vote Campaign. I cannot commit to do this without you. I need your blessing. If you and two or three of your friends sign the petition in the next 48 hours, I will know you are in support of it.
"It may take several months to reach the One Million but we already have 100,000 signatures. If each person just gets ten friends to sign the petition, we will have the One Million.
Vote your opinion now.
"If you have friends that don’t have access to the internet, please print a copy and have them sign it and mail it in." End of quote
(NOTE! If you do not want frequent mail from the Jerusalem Prayer Team in the future, you can just uncheck the box at the bottom of the opinion form.)
Thank you for praying for rain! Once again, it began to rain the same day that we asked all of you to pray. It has mostly been a drizzle since then, but it is still better than nothing. Keep praying! Israel once again is in a season of a serious drought since the pullout from Gaza in 2005.
We are excited about all those who have written us concerning the Hebrew Movement. If you are longing for this restoration and want to be part of this teaching program please write us at
• Pray that God in his mercy delivers Israel from the present Annapolis peace process!
"On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves." (Zec 12:3)
• Pray that the eyes of President Bush will be opened to see what is right while he visits Israel!
"In the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, in order to fulfill the word of the LORD spoken by Jeremiah, the LORD moved the heart of Cyrus king of Persia to make a proclamation throughout his realm and to put it in writing: …Anyone of his people [the Jews] among you — may the LORD his God be with him, and let him go up [make aliyah and settle the land].'" (2 Chr 36:22-23)
• Pray that Bill Koenig and others will be able to warn President Bush!
"Then Nathan said to David, 'You are the man! This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: 'I anointed you king…" (2 Sam 12:7)
• Pray for a collection of at least 1 million signatures telling Bush not to force Israel to give up land for peace!
"Shout it aloud, do not hold back. Raise your voice like a trumpet." (Isa 58:1)
• Pray that God will anoint a new leadership in Israel!
"Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his. He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning." (Dan 2:20-21)
• Pray for the outpouring of the spirit of grace and supplication on Jerusalem!
"On that day I will set out to destroy all the nations that attack Jerusalem. And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son." (Zec 12:9-10)
• Pray for rain through a return to righteousness!
"'If you follow my decrees and are careful to obey my commands, I will send you rain in its season, and the ground will yield its crops and the trees of the field their fruit." (Lev 26:3-4)
• Pray for a restoration of the faith once for all delivered to all the saints!
"To be sure, Elijah does come first, and restores all things." (Mk 9:12)
God bless you as watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem!
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   Topics This Week:
• Will President Bush Be Remembered as a Cyrus or a Nebuchadnezzar?
Message of the Month
January: "The End of the Times of the Gentiles." We are living in very serious times. It is important to understand from the Scriptures what is happening and where we are going.
Online Articles
• The Chanukah Story 
• The Hebrew Movement
• Paul & the Feasts of the LORD
• The Great Harlot - Who Is She?
Weekly Scripture Portion
Jan 12, 2008: Bo
Torah: Exodus 10:1–13:16;
Prophets: Jeremiah 46:13–28;
Apostolic Writings: Luke 5:12–7:50

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The Elijah Prayer Army
The Elijah Prayer Army is an Israel based ministry of prophetic intercession, with a heart for the salvation of both Jews and Arabs.
The vision for the Elijah Prayer Army is to inform, equip and unite Christians around the world to pray for the last days' revival in Israel that will usher in the second coming of Jesus.
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Copyright © 2008 The Watchman International Inc.
Photos: The Epoch Times; Arutz Sheva; Associated Press; CBS News; AFP;

President Bush stops Iran from buying parts

U.S. moves to keep F-14 parts from Iran

By SHARON THEIMER, Associated Press Writer Mon Jan 28, 9:38 PM ET

WASHINGTON - President Bush signed legislation Monday prohibiting the Pentagon from selling leftover F-14 fighter jet parts, a move prompted by security gaps in the military's surplus auction.

Those gaps made the surplus auction a prime place for Iran to shop for the spares it desperately needs for its Tomcat fleet.

Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., proposed the ban after The Associated Press reported last year that buyers for Iran, China and other countries exploited weaknesses in Pentagon surplus-sale security to obtain sensitive military equipment including parts for F-14s and other aircraft and for missile components.

Iran is the only country still trying to fly Tomcats, another name for F-14s. The U.S. Navy retired its F-14s in 2006.

Bush made the Tomcat sales ban law by signing a $696 billion military spending bill that included it. He didn't comment on the F-14 provision.

Iran bought Tomcats with U.S. permission in the 1970s when the two countries were allies. The governments were so friendly at that point that U.S. Navy pilots helped deliver the jets.

The hostage crisis that followed the 1979 overthrow of the shah led the U.S. to break off diplomatic relations. Bush has called Iran part of an "axis of evil."

U.S. officials believe most of the 79 Tomcats delivered to Iran have crashed or been scavenged for parts over the years. They say Iran can produce only a fraction of the parts it needs for its surviving F-14s and is aggressively seeking spares.

Tomcat parts aren't the only aircraft components Iran has covertly sought from Pentagon surplus sales; at least once in recent years, Chinook helicopter parts sold through a Defense Department auction made it to Iran, law enforcement officials say.

The Pentagon announced after the AP story ran that it would stop selling F-14 parts while it reviewed national security concerns. The military had planned to destroy Tomcat-specific components but sell thousands of F-14 parts that could be used on a variety of aircraft. That plan worried congressional investigators and federal law enforcement officials who have seen sensitive surplus including parts unique to the F-14 wind up among innocuous military leftovers up for sale.

The Navy, meanwhile, decided to shred its Tomcats and began doing so last summer at a military aircraft cemetery in Arizona.

Giffords and Wyden say a broad and permanent ban on the Pentagon's sale of F-14 components is needed to ensure sensitive items do not get out. The legislation lets only U.S. museums and similar historical groups buy F-14s or Tomcat parts. The jets would have to be rendered useless for military purposes.

The measure also bans the granting of export licenses for F-14 parts.


The bill is H.R. 4986.


On the Net:

Read the legislation at

(This version CORRECTS bill number at end. )

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