Obama dumping JOURNALISTS and TV MEDIA that have come
out to support MC CAIN from enterage.. that can be on plane last few days..TENANT EVICTION NOTICE GIVEN ..OUT BY SUNDAY..posting
nov 1 208 JAldrich..story link to ONE NEWS NOW: http://www.onenewsnow.com/Election2008/Default.aspx?id=305726
OH DOZ DEMS posting December 10, 2008 Jimmy Carter at it again in Jerusalem can't
that guy stay home??? your gonna walk right into the Wall..soon immy Carter trying to help Obama
Jimmy Carter will be in Beirut Tuesday meeting with the terrorist organizations Hezbollah and Hamas. The trip is sponsored
by the Carter Center which receives huge funding from Arab States that support terror and refuse to recognize Israel's
right to exist. Carter considers Israel to be an apartheid state and believes Israel should give most of its land to
Palestinian terror groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas. Mr. Carters refers to these groups as "freedom fighters."
Carter has written a new book on the Middle East, We Can Bring Peace to the Holy Land, which will be released
in January following the inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama. His last book on the subject was the controversial
Palestine: Peace not Apartheid.
of course there is
a double to trick you.. another site like this is mafamily.org, and the opposition
has it massfamily.org, so if you ever get a wrong link try switching the org or com.. free tip from comflm.. sorry for the confusion.. here..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3kvW0cGZvQ&NR=1 There is so much up on this site this will keep you busy for a long time.. and yes this guy is
preaching politics.. and most pasters are scared of loosing the 501c3 I agree with them preaching but what about the scarred
dummies that are shut up ...we need to get rid of 501c3 scare tactics and let em preach and dig themselves in their own holes..this
one should close the deal folks..hope you come to ya senses..before tuesday..
In case you have any doubts on Obama's view on Abortion
click this link: http://www.ncregister.com/site/article/16236
http://foxforum.blogs.foxnews.com/2008/10/23/jpinkerton_1023/ the Alinsky-Lucifer connection