13, 2009 taped a transportation Hearing yesterday on Beacon Hill. The Hearing lasted 6.5 hours. I got home at 1045pm..
I am still recovering but it was great. I know other hearings have been held. Some were covered by House Broadcast,
but when there is a formal session the team cannot cover the event. All Hearings were off this week due to Speaker Keverian's
Memorial Service so I figure I got the good one for the week.
A reminder that even the Legislature has to deal with reality. We all die.
They are splitting hairs to find money to pay the bills. I say
watch the leaks and trim the fat and the whole machine will run better.
And then today I had an eye opener brainstorm. Guess what?
You know the boomers? Well soon they will retire and so the system will have more riders but the big spenders spending
their grandchildrens inheritance now have no inheritance. All those rotten bumperstickers can come back to haunt them.
It is never in order to be selfish no matter how old you are.
Well what if these folks get needy?? who will want to help them??? God help us that
is all I can say. Time to repent is now. Ask God to help us see things His way and get things right again on the earth.
Because when it all comes down it is how we help one another
that counts not all the grand pris .. it is the heart of the matter. Sin is a reproach to any nation all the hype not
to fear is wrong..we should begin to fear our God again and not man. Take heed. This is not Teddy Roosevelt speaking.. this
is Obama the Kenyan American President..
Children need good examples every day. Be a good example share your wealth.. give to those who cannot give back to
you.. and God will see your good works and will reward you openly in Heaven and on this earth.
That is not redistribution it is the formula of giving and charity
a generous token of your benevolence not a socialist dehumanization of worth or function. Let your right hand not know what
your left hand is doing.. very humble hidden charity not open flamboyancy and pride.. we cannot flirt with the enemy..
Or expect the enemy to be good and tolerant.. or even think we can overcome evil without virtue .words have meanings and changing
the usage will not change the truth.. it will always be the be it so let it be done.
This nation has risen to this level for one reason. We all in
some way have clung to God. We have gone our independant streak way to many churches but when the push is on we have a God
who has defended us in return. We need to return to the first works. We are off center. We must find the
way to see this as a group. Grace is the answer. If Grace enters the enemy will be subdued. Grace is what
was shed on us.. do we really understand the words we sing..?? America?? I love my religion.. it is all about Him.