March 15,
2009 Bishop Fenwick HS play
My family attends me my two grandchildren and parents. The first time I watched Fiddler on the Roof was years
ago.. must have been the 70's. I remember loving it. I never saw it like I did this weekend before.
I love the music the emphasis on Tradition, family
and immigration. I was shocked however at the transistion I have had myself to see this whole episode as a proper synopsis
on what has happened to America.
We have drifted like the daughters from the Father. We have all done our own thing, taking on new adventures
into paganism in different levels. What we have now is the utter disregard for the family tradition and Paternal love of a
Father in Heaven whom we do not know on any level anymore. Unlike the father in the story we are up against a different
drummer. We will experience our own disenfranchisement soon. We are seeing the political effects of this disconnect
all around us. What is left of societal tradition is absconded in every media portal we have. Even the media is caving
in to the blackhole of obscurity as immorality and unjust laws force business off the map. What will be left is totalitarianism
and complete control.
Sorry to be the one to announce this but I am also in the wheel of misfortune. We will all feel the pangs of
this immoral birthing.
My grandchildren though young were affected by the pictorial. I am sure they will live the same old rebellion
to reason we all live. They would be unusual to not rebel in the curve of generational change. But I was embarrassed
to say the least that they might think I endorsed the change having invited them to the play. I will say the acting
was superb. The music was also. I wished I could have had a sound track to revisit the event. I waited to the
last day and was told this was a good thing as the kids had time to work out a few mistakes get used to audience and their
roles. I had the best performance and it was the best I can truly say.
But I was embarrassed also as I wanted my young grandchildren to
see a private school that would show them a culture war of opposition to the one we live in and instead I saw jeans and casual
clothing not Theatre dress on the audience. I wanted them to see a glimpse of the classy Bishop Fenwick students.
I saw the norm. Not impressed. I saw the actors playing opposite gender and to me if this school wants to offend
its benefactors that would do it for sure. Mission accomplished. In this day and age it seemed this school should
have made an extra effort to reinforce the standard of Catholic school and demanded appropriate gender. I was not impressed
at all. This may be construed as hate language but it was truly offensive to me. It is not ok for Catholic schools
to portray the world culture. It send a wrong message to the students who attend. It sends a mixed message to
the audience. It reinforces the obvious rebellion of the age. It does not offer an alternative.
I must however, commend the acting. It was the
best !! It brought me back to an age that commanded my reflection. I see where the movie went now and where we went
with it. The generation has gone the wrong path and we are living in the consequences. It made this Tradition
seem so out of place it became unconscienable. Even though we planned to watch the movie again it would only reinforce
this obvious mistake. It is never good to divert from family or religious regulation. People who stick to the
Traditions are happier live longer and love their mates with less divorce. Love wins on that level. We bring many
sorrows on ourselves by choosing the other path. I did it and live to tell it. How about you?