EDITORIAL BY JAldrich, Comflm, Registry President, CatchoftheDay,
We have been seeing more and more stories coming out over the new media outlets that show
to our dismay the condition of the mindset of our President. We cannot do this alone, his comments are treasonist.
We must have a reaction that is also logical and appropriate. Other than arresting him we have the option of using the
only legal source we can to insist he show his birth certificate. He won't of course and if you have ever been part
of scenario where a deceiver is at work they simply cannot accept the truth. IT is not in them to understand it.
They simply do illogical things, say outrageous things, and expect all to believe it because they said it. So get used
to this the battle for truth is at hand. Let's get to the truth of this matter..fast.I have been saying right alone..this
is a cout de tat.. there are more involved than one solitary obama..he was put there to do a job and he is doing it well..
now the burden is on us to find out who done it! The little scapegoat can be scsred off but who is really behind this
nightmare, that is my question?
Another facet of this person Obama is, he likes to get people upset,
it is part of his plan to frustrate the population.
If you can see where this is going in the ears of the numb it means nothing,
it is a form of intimidation to enslave them in fear.In the ears of the patriotic it will provoke a response.
If he is deemed sane, then the powers are with him. We the people become the enemy. If he is deemed insane or
treasonist as insane is..we can legally get rid of him.
Every act of evil is a sample of
a greater insanity. To love evil is to love insanity. To hatefully trigger a passionate
reactionary response in the military who are deemed our best citizens, is a form of insanity and a great esample of hate speech..
I am sorry to say. It is like calling all Cops.. bullies. Yes there areindividual bullies in the Police
Force but for the most part when they start out they are proud to catch the crooks keep us safe and take great risks to do
so. Who would insult them as Obama has dissed again the Military this Memorial Weekend and not be deemed insane
or at least criminally heartless and cruel.
would add the burning of the Flagg on this weekend would be a heartless jesture and probalby justifiably incite wrath as well.
What are we a bunch of idiots?? as Ms Bertelson states in her article http://www.comflm.com/comflmregistrynewsthesundayviews/id134.html Please understand this is very serious. We are
in peril if we think this person who has forged his way to the top job.. is now going to go down easy. We are the fools
for thinking that one. We are the idiots not him. He will not relent of his irresponsibilities to prevail upon his disruptions
in speech. He will prevail on many levels to upset the minds of the Citizens. That is his intent. He is change.
He is change we don't want or need,. When we are totally paralized in our money pit we will see the fruition of the
plan to enslave the citizenry in its own greed and this Preisident will not mince words to say it.