Notes from the Republican Convention in Worcester April
9:25 am…Scott Brown opening….representing “ the revitalized Republican Party of Massachusetts”…Thank
everyone here who made history on Jan. 19th.
His advice…be honest hold fast to your
principles…People are yearning for freedom, transparency, accountability, job creation, government
that does not try to interfere in our everyday lives.
“Washington still has not been listening, trust me, Washington is
doing the exact opposite… $13 Trillion debt”. While Brown was on a recent trip to Afghanistan $12 Trillion was
spent in a little over a week. At issue…our grandkids… How will they beat that debt?
We must end the one
party system in MA…endorses Charlie Baker. We need balance, more state Reps…Change is not always a good thing..
Deval Patrick spent our rainy day fund… gave us taxes on meals, beer, hotel rooms ...proposed a mileage tax. This is
not the change we need. Charlie Baker is a fiscal conservative fighting higher taxes… He will lead the way to creating
jobs in MA…Karen Polito will be a watchdog in the treasurers office. A professional auditor running for Auditor…
Isn’t that a novel thought..! We have a real chance to get Beacon Hill back on track. Drop everything you are doing.
Donate money, workers needed. Steve Ross… Get him elected State Senator in Brown’s old seat.
This is similar to the Tsongas Arena where my husband and I sat as 2004 delegates from Uxbridge. Governor Mitt Romney
was bowing out after one term leaving us fiscally improved but socially destroyed with his inept handling of Same Sex Marriage,
schools invaded by PP and GLSN. Lt. Gov.Kerry Healey was running for governor and I naively was still hoping
against hope that she would not promote or align with the pro-aborts…but she did, in a big way, with a reception following
the debacle hosted by hot pink clad, pro-choice Planned Parenthood activists.
In the Tsongas Arena in Lowell, 2006,
my husband and I did not sit with our Uxbridge delegation because we did not intend to cast a vote for a pro-choice candidate.
As people adhering to the pledge, we had made years before NOT to vote for anyone who is pro-abortion. Instead
we pray for America to return to her foundational life preserving/affirming Constitution. We consider Massachusetts to be
a rogue state which has abandoned its own Constitution. Just as some of the Supremes have done with our Federal Constitution…they
would rather be like Europe or Cuba.
Back on the platform…Nominee… Bill Campbell, for Secretary
of State.
Bill Galvin has opposed election day registration.
a) 2100 voting precincts..must hire, costs $21M and opens the door to election fraud…a day for voting not registering…b)
Support our troops.. Bill Galvin failed our troops reporting by not counting their votes 2002-2008, disqualifying their ballots
which were mostly Republican votes for stronger military. This fact obviously is not posted on his website. You can be sure
our troops will be counted with Bill Campbell…we should not have to wait for the Justice Department to sue our state
to get justice.
Visited Boston
college with his daughter… a class on the Carter years…class poll Country in decline …with Ronald Reagan
.. no longer in decline…since founding of our nation we are being called to step forward. It is time to end old ways,
fresh start, restore discipline.
the position of Auditor..Brad Marston nominated Kamal Jain..(see…”Our state spends a billion
a week…would you like to know where that money goes?”
Bio: immigrant born in NJ..folks grew up in India under British rule, they fought and won
their independence. [Proud first generation American. Two decades experience in high tech companies with experience in private
sector.. deep respect for our nation’s founders. In each swag bag is a Constitution a gift from our campaign to you..
Ron Paul endorsed him…pro-American and pro-liberty principals. RP challenged him to run for Auditor limiting self to
2 terms. Will give himself a 10% pay cut.. no pensions for politicians. Last year $28.2Billion $51.8 B ..tell truth about
spending. If the state is allowed to hide spending from us. Total state spending and State budget. $51,800,000,000 (8 zeroes)
Most he shows facts to can’t believe
them at first…data on spending is sold by state comptroller. Must pay $6K wait 4 months…State Auditor does waste,
fraud and abuse investigation. Executive position...reports directly to people 300 actual auditors on staff..need leadership..a
vision and a plan. Our State Government is as big as UPS if treated same they would be in prison..
This is DiNucci’s legacy, a man who came from my neighborhood,
Waltham, Newton…I shook his hand because he was pro-life but he has been Auditor all these years. Was he incompetent,
a shill or a crook?
can we trust anyone if we can’t verify?.. Total transparency, every dollar on line…website…every bid,
every dollar and dime, every transaction… on line.
Pioneer Institute and Boston Herald had to buy data. When he is in office it will be free.
When he wins he'll take back the house and senate. Only candidate with a vision for total transparency. I was leaning toward
Mary but this guy looks great. Let’s see what Mary has to say.
Mary Z. Connaughton State Auditor…nominated…not a politician but a professional…actually
an auditor.
Bill McCarthy
passed by… said I looked good though, even w/o my red tape…Read my lips…no pro-abort candidates.
Cities and towns fasted while BH feasted..time
to put overgrown government on a diet.
Dr. Gerry Dembrowski just walked by running for Ed Markey’s seat. Go Gerry!
11:15 introducing MZC…Michelle McPhee’s voice…and
other clips are played… kind, boring, repetitious. MZC “Professional not political.. very lively entry.. from
Framingham..travelled last 6 months, a high level of energy…We are not gonna take it any more!. Got her start in 2004
ran for State Rep… did not win but learned public wants to see you in action. Served on the Turnpike
Board saw Beacon Hill up close and personal, did not like what I saw.. vote on toll hike.. estimate off, checked math .. Went
to board, no response . Went to Boston Herald.. she was right, the board was off $6M. We have to pay attention.
Voted against a $100 M toll hike…Front page Globe piece…she was “ the thorniest thorn in Gov P’s
side”. Auditor audits money taken from your checkbooks. Top advocate for the taxpayer.. there is wasteful spendig on
BH.. only truly needy should get state benefits.. Unfunded Mandate…we need an objective state Auditor. As final arbiter…
can not afford $21B health care liability..need to find new ways. Served of Framingham Finance Committee, plenty of local
experience. MBA at Assumption College. AP called her “a pitbull”. Family came out at end, husband, mother and
small kids.
In front of
me Dan Grabouskas, a Republican responsible for the mess that is the Mass Transit system…several crashes, driver
killed. A transgendered driver texting her/his girlfriend while driving, crash that injured many on the Green line.
Break time... Bathroom line for women
really an issue...even a man in the hall came over to joke about the ridiculousness of all these female delegates standing
in a long line outside the ladies room while no such line ever appears at the men’s. I went in search of a bathroom
that did not have 25 peeved women in line... As we stood on the right complaining about the ladies who were entering through
the exit and thereby cutting the line...just like elementary school days... one has time to ponder, who is in charge here?
The architect? Management? or the sheeple who just want to take a whiz? We are all accountable for our behavior but the social
architects bear a responsibility if they cause the people to groan and rebel.
Standing in the second line now, I realized the sign did not say "Women’s
Room" it said “Family Bathroom” sign had a silhouette of a man and woman holding hands with a child in the
middle. The future is here. Dad, Mom and child may all use the same bathroom. The Worcester Centrum/ DCU Center is now the
home of the Big Tent Bathroom.
While votes were being tallied it was time for lunch, tables were set collecting signatures for nomination papers.
After surveying the overpriced fare, pretzels, soda, hot dogs etc., I decided to buy a turkey Panini …There I spied
Joe Malone and got out my camera... a friendly aide offered to take our picture. I did not even know what he was running for
but I accepted the sticker and posed after a flurry of others interrupted to wish him well. They gave me a sticker somebody
held my Panini while I posed… the multitudes kept cutting in…sometimes, I am just too well bred…but some
recognize this and give favor. I introduced myself, shook his hand told him about COMFLM (Commonwealth of Massachusetts Free-lance
Media). He asked for a card. Memo to self: Get more COMFLM cards. Instead I pulled out my Commonwealth Covenant Keeper card
and changed my hat telling him about the covenants that the Commonwealth was founded upon. His eyes glazed over as often happens
when I explain what and who I represent when I testify at open hearings at the Statehouse. I have to polish my shtick when
introducing the mission of CCK.
Joe Malone, former State Treasurer and more recently, Fox News commentator is running for Congress against Steven
Lynch in the 9th Congressional District which Lynch has held since 2001 and before that by the popular Joe Moakley.
I still have my C-Span bag from 2006… I remember their camera in my face for an uncomfortably
long time as we sat…fuming about the depths to which the party for Life had sunk without a bang or a whimper.
had joined as a Reagan Democrat, crossed over, voted outside our family affiliation in 1980. Now in 2006
the GOP goes over to the dark side without so much as a glance backward! What a nose dive the Massachusetts Republican Party
had taken! This was the hustling floor where in spite of Mitt Romney’s leadership, a hundred Republican candidates were
trotted out and later easily defeated that November because John Kerry ran for President and Democrats came out in droves
to vote for the favorite son and every other person with a " D"""" by their name.
2006 Convention in Lowell is where Romney’s Lt Gov. Kerry Healey went off the reservation and no one blinked an eye.
Did Romney know this all along, when he picked her?
I taped my mouth shut with red duct tape which had the word LIFE on it.<www.> I admire the kids who stood silently on the Supreme Court Steps in DC as well as the SJC Court house here
in Boston, interceding for our nation and leaders and vowing never to vote for a pro-choice candidate.
need a pro-life candidate for governor…who will speak for those who have no voice? The silence is deafening.
does Charlie Baker know about his choice for Lt., Richard Tisei?…what strategy is now in place for the Log Cabin to
set up in the corner office after Charlie Baker has gone on to his next endeavor? Perhaps he has presidential aspirations…
Massachusetts, when did it become an incubator of vipers? This seems harsh but I’m just sayin’.
tally for auditor Mary Z. Cannaughton, 2388 , Kamal Jain, 392. Watch Jain, he is an up and coming leader and I hope he stays
in the game. At first he did not seem to qualify with required % 15, but under the rules
he did. This is good for the State because a healthy debate will ensue. Both candidates will hammer home the mishandling of
funds, and culture of corruption to which we have grown inured.
A redhead Republican, videoblogger nominated Karen Polito for Treasurer, the “foremost expert on protecting
children on Beacon Hill”, lead sponsor of Jessica’s Law. No other nomination…endorsed. She came out to
accept and rally the post lunch time crowd who were missing their Saturday afternoon nap.
Chearleader-like, a former Selectman , a current State Rep, drives a wagon, mother of a
couple of kids, “This is Polito country!” said the nominee from Westborough. She clearly wanted to get folks excited…
but we are post-lunchtime logy and growing tired of hype. Watching our time misspent, waiting in bathroom lines and for the
inefficient counting system… we pissed away our enthusiasm …She pitches her position as ‘a traditional
values” candidate to old-timers and new-timers alike, but MCFL does not endorse her.
She accepts the nomination
and proceeds to tell about her great-grand father, Francesco Polito, who came here 100 years ago, from Sicily with $50 in
his pocket to invest in the American Dream and start the family business …His formula: paid bills on time, took on
no excessive debt, invested wisely. Beacon Hill has lost sight of this simple basic formula…The
Treasury is the financial nerve center of the Commonwealth and monitors investments , receipts, public
pension system $42M cost to fund public retirements. Many abusing and gaming the system, politicians vote themselves midnight
pay raises and sweetheart deals.
Her plan if she gets elected will be championing the people, fighting higher
taxes. It’s not the State’s money, It’s the people’s money… It’s your money!
Citizens for Life has issued a statement about Polito and Christy Mihos: We at MCFL have been afraid that certain political happenings would make people draw logical
but incorrect conclusions.
Yesterday I sent out the explanatory email, which is below this one, where I tried to be polite
and subtle.
Some people say they are confused, so let me be more specific. Dr Mildred Jefferson is giving a nominating speech for Christy Mihos for
This would lead you to the logical but incorrect conclusion that Mihos is pro-life and supported by Mass. Citizens.
Mihos takes a pro-abortion position with the exceptions that I copied and pasted from his web site.
Mass. Citizens
does not support him.
Some very reputable people are
supporting Karyn Polito saying she is a "stellar pro-family" candidate.
The term "pro-family" developed
in 1980 and meant "pro-life plus..."
This would lead you to the logical but incorrect conclusion that Polito
is pro-life.
Polito has a perfect pro-abortion rating from NARAL based on her voting record.
Mass. Citizens does
not support her.
I hope this helps. Anne Fox, Pres.
The Republican Nominating Convention is tomorrow.
There are some facts I think you need to know. I hope they will help to keep you from drawing any incorrect conclusions.
Best, Anne
1) Dr.
Mildred F. Jefferson will make a nominating speech for Christie Mihos for Governor. You know Dr. Jefferson's stature
in the Massachusetts Pro-Life Movement.
Yet you may remember from past races that Mihos supports a woman's right
to choose. He has no voting record. This is all his 2010 web site says:
- "Christy supports the use of adult stem cells in scientific
research. However, he opposes embryonic stem cell research,which are harvested living embryos, a process that destroys the
- Christy
opposes the Massachusetts proposed legislation that would expand to 35 feet, the so-called "buffer zone" around
abortion clinics. This violates the first amendment freedom of speech for sidewalk counselors.
- Christy opposes the use of public funds for
2) State Representative Karyn Polito is running for Treasurer.
Victor Pap has left Catholic Citizenship
to run her campaign.
An email from Chanel Prunier at Massachusetts Independent PAC, says, "Many of you know Karyn
Polito as a stellar pro-family candidate, who has voted in defense of traditional marriage and championed Jessica's Law, a
statute protecting our children from sex offenders."
NARAL has supported Polito, giving her a pro-abortion rating.
According to Marie Sturgis, MCFL Executive and Legislative Director, these were the votes during her tenure
as State Rep:
"Rep. Karyn Polito supported the Buffer Zone expansion to 35 feet, voted for the anti-life life science
bill, voted for the artificial creation of human embryos and for funding of embryonic stem cell research. She did support
Governor Romney by voting to prohibit lab workers from donating eggs and the exploitation of women for their eggs.
voted against restoring the original law that defined life as beginning at the moment of conception.
She supported contraceptive
Dr. Mildred Jefferson was called to the podium to nominate Christy Mihos it tok her a while to get there being advanced in
age and frail. But her voice was strong and authoritative and the crowd responded warmly as if ‘Mom’ had something
to say.
Marty Lamb running for Congress dropped
by. ( also running against Markey)
Rep.Vinnie DeMacedo: time to take back the corner
office, fight run away taxes put an end to one party government, stop the political circus on BH. We need a leader willing
to stand shoulder to shoulder…I believe that candidate is…”Richard R. Tisei!”…Huh? Say
it isn’t true… this is almost as much a blow as Healey taking us down the abortion road…
1980 young Republican elected to State legislature four years later.
Strong record over 30 years. Author of the infamous “Bathroom
Bill” Tepid applause and some boos. The guy Scott Brown voted with % 97 of the time.
No further nominations for Lt. Gov…say what????
Tisei speaks: He graduated
American University. A year in the Reagan Whitehouse. Threw hat in ring from his dorm room. Youngest R ever elected a State
Rep, now State Senator. Perseverance, Seen it all… the good, the bad even Mike Dukakis…but this is the worst.
Sweetheart pensions, corruption charges. People are fed up highest jobless rate since 1976. barely struggling to hang on..
Owns a real estate brokerage co. Watch as people who lost their job must
move out of state because they can’t afford it,
doesn’t talk to House, House doesn’t talk to Senate, DP doesn’t talk to anyone… raised taxes by $2B
refuse to reform.
Most anti-business climate in our lifetimes.
DP had his chance… he’s failed now it’s time for a change time to put an end to one party rule. It’s
time for Charlie Baker. Two turn arounds once with Weld Celluci, then again with Harvard-Pilgrim Healthcare CEO.
Tomorrow is the 235th Anniversary of Paul Revere’s Ride…tell
all your neighbors, help is on the way. Pretty unified response…wish he wasn’t openly gay. Seems capable with
good experience.
Dr. Mildred Jefferson of Cambridge…almost a no show.. more wasted time in the Commonwealth.
In her dapper white hat, she opens..
On Boston Common I told Christy Mihos I wished he was pro-Life. He has now
morphed into our candidate seeing he needs some way in.
Dr. Jefferson
former prez of MCFL..will endorse him as the only candidate for Life… Cannot neglect our leagacy. Our special burden
and obligation to see we live true to the principles upon which this Commonwealth was founded. National Healthcare system
We have never had a debate on National Healthcare because there has been no debate.. Compulsory Health Care system has very
little to do with health care and more with forcing Socialized system. Nothing so valuable that it has to be given for limiting
the Constitutional rights of every citizen. An assault unlike any other.
Great speech, Save the Republic, but via
Christy Mihos who is feigning traditional values when he is quoted recently supporting gay marriage and legalized
abortion? He calls himself a Social Libertarian.
Things are heating up we are getting down to the meat of this
meeting..who will win the nod to be the Republican candidate?.. it’s obvious.
Christy Mihos introduced.
Wants to be our voice goin to the corner office from the corner store and gas station. Firm and determined Andrew Jackson
was his favorite president. Repubs comprise % 11 of voters. Sales tax rollback will be on the
ballot Nov. 2nd. How is that bad for government? Stop cycle of dependency that is crushing our way of life. Health
care Reform. Mandates, government du jour, double digit tax increases. Will work to fix Patrickcare. Iviserates middle class.
Health Ins % 59 what we have is usury and our government is oblivious. No pensions for state service. Small biz friendly,
keep fees and fines at local level.
Cites and towns
are being crushed eliminate all tolls toll free roadway. No caps on charter schools no matter the choice. Pick own judges.
Pro-family judges. Of the people for the people. He will veto the Bathroom Bill… monitor use of public restrooms?.
Big Dig fiasco…West and North of Boston stuck with % 85 cost. $14 B... kept truth from us…took $3Billion plowed
into our Big Dig costs still paying for it. Heckler…Bozo… I always tell you the truth and speak in bold colors.
Big biz, gov, media or do what the Boston Globe says. Praises Founders... God Bless the nation…The
natives with the Baker/Tisei signs are getting restless.
2;25 we are just about there. A vote will be taken soon after CB’s speech . But I have been swayed to vote
for Christy because he at least says he honors Life, will veto Bathroom Bill honors the Founders too. He’s got some
backers making noise.
Former Lt Gov Kerry Healey…It’s been a long 4 years…higher taxes, closed
door negotiations, still waiting for our property tax reduction …but the people had their say electing Scott Brown
and she knows that Charley Baker will take Beacon Hill on.
what good Republicans do. They support their party.( and some of us left the party) CB knows the
private and public sector.
We need a strong fiscal conservative.
Someone seconds the nomination.
Charley Baker speaks,
53, Needham schools, now Swampscott. Worked door and bar at Oxford Ale House in Cambridge, product of a mixed marriage, Mom
D dad R. Thanks Mom and Dad for everything…if we ever needed 2 party government it is right now.. Wife Lauren, kids
19,16, 12. We hope they will stay in Massachusetts(all 3 of mine are already gone) 4 more years of drift, tax hikes,
one party ,people leave because they have to. With small biz owners nothing is predictable. Went to BH cut taxes …they
collectively shrugged shoulders…people who left went to New Hampshire. It’s not about the weather it’s
about the taxes, fiscal, regulatory jobs climate.
wants to finish what he started. Boo-oo-oo!!! said the peanut gallery. Beacon Hill feeds the beast that is state government
with our money. Spent $500M more than they took in, used rainy day fund before it even started to rain. Filled postions, jobs
that had been vacant for 12 years and wanted to slap a fee on talking to someone at the registry.
This is what happens when one party rule runs amok on Beacon Hill. But we can fix this.
After the Dukakis debacle…the Weld administration in 1998 cut taxes 27 times, unemployment fell from % 9 to % 3.
Do you want more patronage and insider jobs..? Tim Cahill
did not know how to reform state government…if one of these two insiders wins they will just back their truck up to
the loading dock and feather their nest. Do you want 4 more years of taxing spending into oblivion? Sweetheart pensions and
The people stomp their feet and chant.. Charlie,
Charlie , Charlie!
“I support rolling back both the income and sales tax to % 5. If they don’t have
the money on the table they can’t spend it.” We must chase down the people who terrorize our neighborhoods. Very
serious challenges…over 300 K out of work. Next governor will inherit a monstrous fiscal mess. I’ve walked into
a mess before. If Beacon Hill just muddles its way through the next 4 years…we can’t let it happen. Baker’s
acceptance speech closes to theme his song by the Drop Kick Murphys…works for me.
Closes with a soloist
singing Amazing grace…Then God Bless America.
So, nothing said about someone running against Coakley… Why not Jain?…can
we draft him? No, he doesn’t have a law degree.
was thought not to qualify but pressed and found to be close enough to the required % 15.
On the way out I met
Mary Connaughton and told her about COMFLM and Commonwealth Covenant Keepers.
Having both her and Jain campaigning until the primary will continue to shine light on the shenanigans on the Hill.
April 22 at a reception at the Union Club for Gerry Dembrowski for Congress, running for Ed Markey’s seat, Charlie Baker
spoke highly of Dembrowski having known him since the early days of his campaign. Dembrowski returned the compliment and then
some, revealing that when his wife died last February of metastatic bone cancer, Baker was the first to call and offer help.
This has clearly forged a strong bond between them that will be an asset to the Commonwealth.
To lighten the
moment someone joked they are surprised every time they wake up to find the gold is still on the roof.
Chris Noonan Funnell, Free-lance writer Please remember to source
quote Chris when referring to this Copyrighted material.