more on Huckabee..
Hey Dobson, what are you doing with your vote?? write him here Abortion Issue is Behind the Flip Flop Story
of Mitt Romney MEDIA ADVISORY, Feb. 3 /Christian Newswire/ -- Abortion, who would have thought that it would be the
secret weapon of John McCain and Mike Huckabee going into the Florida primary and now super Tuesday. Did the election predictors
ever envision a struggle that would be fought over the precious pro-life conservative vote? Mitt Romney was noted as a late
comer to the pro life scene and undeserving of the title of pro life by both McCain and Huckabee. He was stealing the votes
intended for them. Attack ads on YouTube with links placed in articles by a group called GoneRoe headed by attorney
Sharon Blakeney, are featured in an article in Life, a well traveled reliable resource used by the pro life community. Also, Janet Folger, the host of a national talk radio
program, wrote in a World Net Daily column that "the ads are welcome for super Tuesday." The goal is to incite Christian
Pro Lifers to vote against Mitt Romney. Darlene Wagner, a producer for a Connecticut cable access show called the
Face of Pro Life, decided to find out the basis of the McCain, Huckabee and news media charges of flip flopping on issues,
she contacted the Mass. Family Institute and Pioneer Mass. Citizen for Life. So what exactly was the relationship of Mitt
Romney with the Mass. pro life community? Wagner said, "I was astonished to find the real story was quite different.
In fact, Governor Mitt Romney was well regarded by the local pro life activists. Respected for having made a difference by
providing the leadership to bring about significant change." His influence was short lived because present Governor Patrick
who has anti-life credentials has reversed all those gains. For a short four years, Mass. was making inroads into
becoming a pro life state in spite of the well know Democrat left leaning legislature. The online newsletter of
Mass. Family Institute writes, "In Defense of Marriage Romney appeared at a press conference in June 2006 and called
on the Legislature to vote. He also helped to organize a rally at the Statehouse the following November, attended by 7,000
concerned citizens, and announced a lawsuit to force the Legislature to vote. "Although the SJC dismissed the suit, it
also reprimanded the legislators for shirking their duty to vote. The Legislature listened and allowed the amendment process
to proceed." No surprise when Gov. Patrick became governor he had already worked to get 11 votes to have the Defense
of Marriage Amendment fail. The newsletter continued, "Governor Romney championed the sanctity of life during
the debate over embryonic stem cell research and cloning. He opposed the loosening of restrictions on research on human embryos
and, while unsuccessful, used his executive powers to restrict the creation of human embryos exclusively for use in research." In
sharp contrast, the present Mass. Gov. Patrick has announced a $1 billion "life science" initiative that will provide
funding and tax incentives for companies doing embryonic stem cell research. If John McCain is elected president he will do
the same because he is only ½ pro-life. According to the Value Voter's guide he supports federal funds for embryonic
stem research. As recently as yesterday McCain garnered the endorsement of Nancy Reagan who champions this embryo killing
procedure. When Gov. Romney discovered that federal abstinence money was being wasted in the Commonwealth on ineffective
media campaigns, he helped redirect the money toward classroom abstinence-only instruction through programs like the Healthy
Futures program. $700,000 was used to deliver the abstinence message to hundreds of teenage students. When Gov. Patrick became
governor he refused to accept the grant money despite the plea of many inner city teenagers. What a sharp contrast
between the real record and the one that has been hyped by the media, John McCain and Mike Huckabee. To local pro life activists
like Dr. Shaw, who said he will be voting for Romney in the primary, "Things have changed for the worse in Mass. Pro
Life wise and we would like to have it return to the days when Romney was Governor." Sources for this article:
Life News.comMass. Family Institute Newsletter Mass Citizen for Life Web Site Numerous telephone interviews Pioneer
Mass Citizens for Life watch it romney mitts look out for the stinger huck a ??? we didn't start the fi sent from a friend.. , and maybe the fire about to continue now is the American Patriot fire started long long ago..and it is
just catching up for all to see or get burned.. dance baby dance..we didn't start the fi ar....but I'm beginning
to feel it..are you???? stellar moments for huck.. 2.75 mg Real Video Feel free to download this great video clip (nice and sharp, unlike YouTube) of Mike
Huckabee at the Reagan Library debate a few days ago. This was the most stellar moment of the debate! Download and pass it
along to everyone in your email list! Thousands were converted to Mike after watching this moment! Spread it around as much
as you can before Super Tuesday!
Romney is not gonna do it gotta see this and vote MIKE..when are we gonna see the truth????  | |
Why You Should Give Today to the Mike Huckabee campaign
No other candidate for president has more faithfully and consistently upheld the sanctity of life
from "womb to tomb" than Gov. Mike Huckabee. You might reasonably expect that Edwards, Clinton, and Obama are strident
supporters of so-called "pro-choice" abortions and without discernable respect for human life. But would you
have expected the same from Mitt Romney, John McCain, and Rudy Giuliani -- the other Republican contenders? Amazingly,
not one of these Republican candidates will support a federal amendment to the Constitution to ensure and protect the dignity
of all human life. Gov. Huckabee does support such a federal amendment because it is
absolutely the right thing to do -- as was, of course, abolishing slavery !!! Mitt
Romney, John McCain, and Rudy Giuliani all have records which have supported the "pro-choice" agenda. Hence: 1)
No matter what Mitt Romney "says" now, his record of supporting abortions is indisputable. His so-called conversion
to "pro-life" convictions does not have any track record. 2) John McCain
is on record as also supporting abortions. All "double talk" aside, his record in the Senate and
his public conversations with the media make it obvious that he has no conviction to ensure that America corrects this atrocity.
He claims to want to make the issue go back to the individual states -- a.k.a. federalism. Somehow, personhood doesn't
seem to be an important part of his constitutional outlook. 3) Rudy Giuliani is at least honest in stating
that he is pro-choice. Of course, he is grossly misleading when he says he will appoint strict constructionist judges in distinct
contradiction to his own views. Hence, his own self-admission makes it evident why he cannot be trusted with pro-life decisions.
If Americans give up the historic opportunity and duty to correct the
evil of abortion at this juncture in time, they may never receive the opportunity again. We are one
Supreme Court judge away from overturning one of the most heinous decisions in American jurisprudence. The next president
will definitely have the responsibility for changing the course of history. Abandonment of principle will not be without the
most severe of consequences. As a Christian, I believe that each and every citizen of this most blessed country will be held
accountable. And so, there is one candidate -- and one only -- among both Democrat
and Republican presidential contenders who will stand for the defenceless regardless of the political winds. He did not decide
recently to support pro-life positions. He has a long and verifiable record. His convictions are deep and he will not abandon
us after he is elected President. That one man is none other than Mike Huckabee. |
> the MIKE HUCKABEE campaign needs you now!! Give directly here click!!
Every campaign needs funds to operate. With your sacrificial
contribution, Mike will be one step closer to the presidency - where he can diligantly work to recalibrate the moral compass
of America. It is critical that we not let this opportunity pass us by. Our opposition is counting on our failure.
They sneer at the sheer prospect of our victory. But we must not, we cannot fail. Too much is at stake. This is not just another
election. It is America's "moment of truth". We are at the precipice of moral freefall, and that is no lie nor
exaggeration. But by the grace of God, we can enable a turnaround. We have a great and godly candidate. It is up to us to
support him. If you love this country and you love your Creator, I plead with you to give as much as you can as
soon as you can. It isn't fair to ask for so much from so few, but real heroes never
ask for the glory. They make their sacrifices because of love for something beyond themselves: their fellowman, their
families, their country, their God.... Will you step forward with your best gift? Even a second or third or fourth
time? You are needed for such a time as this. funds for Mike Huckabee It isn't fair to ask for so much from so few, but real heroes never ask for the
glory. They make their sacrifices because of love for something beyond themselves: their fellowman, their families,
their country, their God.... Will you step forward with your best gift? Even a second or third or fourth time? You are needed for such a time as this. funds for Mike Huckabee
respectfully yours, Rev. John Brewer............... P.S.-
Now, let's get about the business of creating some serious dollars & a new record !!! |
Mitt Romney -- the short version of flipping Mitt on abortion --"entertaining (but disturbing)" Mitt -- long tricky mitt on abortion -- listen carefully to the whole clip if you want, noting from 7:10
on and especially the last few seconds from 8:00 on ... "I am in favor of preserving
and protecting a woman's right to choose..." quintessencial Mitt -- better listen carefully
How many contradictions (lies) can you spot? 1? 2? more? Test yourself.
Rudy Giuliani -- Larry King - Rudy is pro-choice. -- Rudy: "there must be public funding of abortion..." -- Rudy for partial birth abortions. Need anyone say more.
John McCain -- short & to the point quote by John embracing the abortion practice McCain: “But
we all know, and it's obvious, that if we repeal Roe v. Wade tomorrow, thousands of young American women would be performing
illegal and dangerous operations. I want us to be a party of inclusion. I think that we can all be members of the Republican
party whether we are pro-choice or pro-life because we share the same goal and that is the elimination of abortion. Because
it is an unpleasant and terrible procedure. We think -- I think that we must go back to the party platform of 1980 and '84.
We include people who have specific disagreements who share our same goals.” MCCAIN: "I don’t think
a constitutional amendment is probably going to take place, but I do believe that it’s very likely or possible that
the Supreme Court should — could overturn Roe v. Wade, which would then return these decisions to the states, which
I support. STEPHANOPOULOS: And you’d be for that? MCCAIN: Yes, because I’m a federalist. Just as I
believe that the issue of gay marriage should be decided by the states, so do I believe that we would be better
off by having Roe v. Wade return to the states." -- flip flop on abortion -- now he'e pro-life? uh-huh other info: |