Mass Resistance
sponsor of the Citizen Petition Referendum reviews the state of the civil union here:
Posted Tuesday
October 22, 2008 Well, the tally will be available soon as Town Clerks post to the State System. At this point however, it is
not easy to tell, as the Town Clerks have until the 28th to post them.. So hang in there. Individual, citizens brought
the sheets to Town Halls, and there is no way to know how many signatures will need a pick up if the individuals do not call
in and let the office know at Mass Resistance. So if your reading this and you have some receipts please call 781 890
6001 and leave a message..Thanks..
Reading cable
access host Johnny Straight Talk Russo, , on Thursday night will be addressing the Initiative drive on his weekly show., some
of the problems he encountered and a phone line is available to call in if you want to participate.
On the streets however, it is another story..
computations will be released after the Jewish Holidays I have been told.. so stay focused, while the powers that be are shaken
from every hinge.. posted 10 02 08 J Aldrich
People put
scribbles for signatures on sheets , No addresses or the town no street or the name and address in the name site..
so it is not an easy road to get these signatures even from the ones who want to sign... It is a totally police effort to get it
if your out collecting signatures be patient.. not everyone has a table.. if your joe public please cooperate with the gatherer
so that your name will be tabulated.. and if your a trouble maker beware.. there is a thousand dollar fine for suppressing
the process.. posted Sunday 10 5 08 J Aldrich..
Authority points put cloud on initiative.. however Church people, be reminded..a sweet read on Spiritual Authoriy
by Watchman Nee, would quickly put the dots together here as we the People watch and see how He wrestles with the pride of
men.. even those who think they can instruct men in Spiritual warfare..