The Following email is packed with news that is important to read. Are you aware of the growing anti semitic culture
around us? This email will help to clarify the necessity to keep abreast of this matter.. Hillary will be dealing with them.
Will she go against her own people?? and help to seduce them into this plan?? She is an excellent choice for Obama to use
to convince her will be a major strategy in the deception plot plan.
Dear Janet,
II” is the UN conference scheduled for April, 2009, ostensibly to address issues such as racism. With Iranian
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as Vice-Chairperson, such a conference would be a joke if it didn’t have such explosive
and dangerous implications for worldwide freedom.
The draft document for the conference makes clear the threat
it poses. It contains condemnations of “Islamophobia” and is an all-out assault
against Israel and against speech that allegedly “defames” Islam.
is the declared agenda of Islamists worldwide – to silence criticism of Islam. If they succeed, if countries in the
West knuckle under to these fascist tactics, the long-term prospects of our resisting the tide of radical Islam will be dim
For the United States to attend this conference would be to legitimize these blatant assaults on free
speech and legitimize the seething hatred, intolerance and anti-Semitism openly espoused by the likes of Ahmadinejad.
Please read the notice below and contact President-Elect Obama and/or Secretary of State-Designate Clinton at the
contact information provided. They need to hear from us that it is categorically unacceptable for the United States to attend
and legitimize this UN sponsored “hate-fest.”
Make your voice heard. Say “NO” to “Durban
| |
From The Washington Times, December 11, 2008.

The United States Should not Attend Any Aspect of the Anti-Semitic Durban II Conference
| Elie
Wiesel, Nobel Prize
Laureate* | Alan Dershowitz, Harvard
Law School | William Bennett, Former
Secretary of Education | R. James Woolsey, Former Director, Central Intelligence | Bernard Lewis,
Professor Emeritus,
Princeton University | Martin Peretz, Editor-in-Chief, The New Republic | Michael Steinhardt,
The Steinhardt Foundation | Sir Harold
Evans, Author, The American Century | Norman Podhoretz, Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipient | James Q.
Wilson, Presidential
Medal of Freedom Recipient | Herbert I. London, Chairman
Governing Council of the American Jewish Congress | Ali H. Alyami, Center for Democracy and Human Rights In Saudi
Arabia | Michael Ledeen, Freedom
Scholar | Seth Leibsohn, Fellow,
Claremont Institute | Anne
Bayefsky, | Frank
Macchiarola, President, St.
Francis College | Brian
T. Kennedy, President, The
Claremont Institute | Leon
Wieseltier, Literary Editor,
The New Republic | Victor Davis Hanson, Senior
Fellow, The Hoover Institute | Father Alexander Karloutsos, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America | Manda Zand-Ervin,
Alliance of Iranian
Women | Dr.
Phyllis Chesler, Author,
Emerita Professor, CUNY | Shanaveon
E. Pious, Ph.D., Chairman of
Entrepreneurs University | Nina
Rosenwald, Human Rights Voices | M. Zuhdi Jasser,
M.D., President, American Islamic Forum for
Democracy | *
Resigned in protest from the group of eminent personalities before Durban I. |
Join us in calling for the United States to say YES to racial and religious
equality and freedom from anti-semitism by saying NO to attending the United Nations Durban II Conference.
A 2008 U.S. State Department report on global anti-semitism highlighted the malicious role played by the 2001 United
Nations Durban I Conference. | | Durban I was, IN THEORY, intended to be an "anti-racism"
conference. It was, in practice, anything but… Durban I ended just three days before 9/11. So deeply disturbed that
the conference was hijacked by global harbingers of hate, that the United States and Israeli delegations walked out
on principle in protest. |
The agenda for Durban II? Scheduled
for April 2009 the stated purpose of Durban II is to "further the implementation of the (2001) Durban Declaration."
What does the Durban Declaration declare? That ISRAEL, and ONLY ISRAEL, is guilty of racism.
And who sits on the Planning Committee for the Durban II Conference?
| |
Make no mistake, this conference
will not combat racism, but will promote and fuel hatred toward Israel, America and the free world. This
conference will not be about the spread of free expression, but how to curb it.
The United States has
always been a world leader in the battle against anti-semitism.
We walked away once in protest... let us now stay away on principle.
there is an immediate way to act against growing anti-semitism around the world ... say no
to Durban II. Declare that the United States will not participate in a dialogue that promotes prejudice. | | The
United States has consistently opposed Durban II, its funding and planning. The latest October 2008 documents from the Planning
Committee confirm that the Durban II platform will be used to demonize Israel and launch an attack on free speech.
We ask President-elect
Obama and Secretary of State-designate Clinton to take the next step and deny legitimacy to Durban II.
We urge the United States to join the lead of Canada and Israel by announcing now that the U.S. will not fund
or attend Durban II. Please make your views known-Write to the president-elect, secretary of state designate and Others-tell
them to say no NOW, that America DECLINES to participate in the upcoming Durban II International Hatefest. |
of State-Designate Hillary Clinton: 202-647-4000; website | President-Elect Barack Obama: 202-456-1111; email now! | Congressman Howard Berman (Chair, House Foreign Affairs Committee):
202-225-5021, 202-225-4695 website | Senator John Kerry: 202-224-2742, 202-224-8525; website | Sponsored by Lawrence Kadish, Human Rights Voices |