Dr Tiller
killed in Kansas City, story posts June 3, 2009 Dear Janet,
This is the official statement we just sent out to the news media...
David Bereit, National Director of 40 Days for Life, issued the following statement about the slaying of George
Tiller at a Wichita, Kansas church:
"As a nationwide organization dedicated to peaceful and
prayerful solutions to the crisis of abortion, 40 Days for Life is shocked and dismayed by the shooting
death of Kansas abortion provider George Tiller. Such violence against a fellow human being is
never justified, and 40 Days for Life condemns this senseless act. We encourage people of faith to join in prayer for all those affected by this unconscionable action."
David Bereit National Director 40 Days for Life
link to
woman who stood outside his abortion clinic you gotta see this statement.. http://www.gingiedmonds.com/
I am hunting photo below that will not post..
3 30 09 rec'd by AMann WILLIAM R. MANN LTC, USA [Retired] Aut pax aut bellum!
March 24, 2009 Abortion chain owner's family died in MT cemetery
plane crash - near Tomb of the Unborn
 From Christian Newswire this afternoon, by pro-life activist and writer Gingi Edmonds:
Some of you may have seen the major news story
of the private plane that crashed into a Montana cemetery, killing 7 children and 7 adults. But what the news sources
fail to mention is... the [cemetery] contains... the Tomb of the Unborn... erected as a dedication to all
babies who have died because of abortion. What else is the mainstream news not telling you? The family who died in the
crash near the location of the abortion victim's memorial, is the family of Irving 'Bud'
Feldkamp, owner of the largest for-profit abortion chain in the nation http://www.calcatholic.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?id=6a1a06a3-4de2-4dc9-adb5-c48cc35f0336 .... Family Planning Associates was purchased 4 years ago by... Feldkamp... owner of Allcare
and Hospitality Dental Associates and CEO of Glen Helen Raceway Park in San Bernardino
. The 17 CA Family Planning clinics perform more abortions in the state than any other abortion provider - Planned
Parenthood included - and they perform abortions
through the first 5 months of pregnancy. Although Feldkamp
is not an abortionist, he reaps profits of blood money from the tens of thousands of babies that are killed through abortions
performed every year at the clinics he owns. His business in the abortion industry was what enabled him to afford the private
plane that was carrying his family to their week-long vacation at The Yellowstone Club, a millionaires-only
ski resort. The plane went down on Sunday, killing 2 of Feldkamp's daughters, 2 sons-in-law and 5 grandchildren
along with the pilot and 4 family friends.... The cause of the crash is a mystery. The pilot, who was a former military
flier who logged over 2k miles, gave no indication to air traffic controllers that the aircraft was experiencing difficulty
when he asked to divert to an airport in Butte . Witnesses report that the plane suddenly nosedived toward
the ground with no apparent signs of a struggle. There was neither a cockpit voice recorder nor a flight data recorder onboard,
and no radar clues into the planes final moments because the Butte airport is not equipped with a radar facility. Some speculate
that the crash was due to ice on the wings, but this particular plane model has been tested for icy weather and experts have
stated that ice being the cause is unlikely.
buzz.. have you seen the mainstream media on this one??? forget them the new media is internet.. so if your not wired up your
uninformed!! People
are sick of commercials.. interference with internet as well.. and the dumb dumb approach to world news.. soon it will be
in your face.. you've been hoodwinked people.. wake up!
YouTube video exposes Coulter's inability to answer questions on
Romney's record (She LIES for him)... and her bitchiness.
One of my great photos is included (banner
in front of State House: Romney started gay marriage), plus Brian's research on the $50 abortions/Planned Parenthood
included in Mitt's Mass. Healthcare plan.
The Ann
Coulter Hang-Ups shows Coulter repeatedly punting and ending interviews instead of answering valid questions....
Here's the complete press release by American Right to Life on this video: The Ann Coulter Hang-Ups Four
Conservative Talk Hosts Correct Author in YouTube Video DENVER, March 27 -American Right To Life today releases a YouTube video, The Ann Coulter Hang-Ups and its associated website, AnnCoulterApology.com, documenting the growing rift between the right-wing pundit and popular Christian pro-family leaders. This cross-country
sampling of conservative talk show hosts from Florida, Iowa, Colorado and California confronts the best-selling author on
her repeated defense of those implementing homosexual marriage and tax-funded abortion. More than just the title of her new best-seller, Guilty, may also describe Ann
Coulter herself, according to American RTL president and Columbine dad Brian Rohrbough. “If she wants him elected, Ann
Coulter will try to cover up a politician’s aggressive attacks on children and the family, it seems the only prerequisite
is an R after his name.” “Coulter can answer
soft-ball criticism from the left,” says ARTL vice president and former Colorado Republican party chairman Steve Curtis,
“but she always has ‘to run’ when Christian journalists document her misinformation and ask for a correction?”
The Ann Coulter Hang-Ups shows Coulter repeatedly punting and ending interviews instead of answering valid questions.
The talk hosts are: - Bill Keller: Tampa’s 50k-watt AM 820 WWBA, two million receive his LivePrayer.com
daily devotional - Steve Deace: Iowa’s #1 talker, afternoon drive at Des Moines’ 50k-watt
AM 1040 Newsradio WHO - Bob Enyart: on America’s most-powerful Christian radio station, Denver’s
50k-watt AM 670 KLTT - Gregg Jackson: emceed the 2007 and 2008 CPAC presidential candidates sessions (Conservative
Political Action Conference), authored the best-selling Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies, and hosted talk shows
at Boston’s 50k-watt AM 680 WRKO News Talk and until recently at Salem Radio Network’s Los Angeles station
KDAR. American Right To Life’s new video and website
urges Coulter to publicly correct her record of Republican politician Mitt Romney and then apologize. “Ann Coulter has
misrepresented and even defended some of the most egregious and immoral behavior,” said Rohrbough. “When Ann covers
up aggressively anti-marriage action, and pro-abortion legislation that actually funds the killing of unborn children, she
apparently is motivated by a desire to distort the truth and deceive Christians for some personal gain.” For more information, please contact: Donna Ballentine American Right To Life 1-888-888-ARTL office@AmericanRTL.org
Everyone has
heard of Raymond Aroya, on the EWTN TV Channel.. well here is the update on the Church's reaction to the Election you
will all want to read..http://origin.ewtn.com/news/blog.asp?blogposts_ID=572&blog_ID=2 posted December 5, 2008
Two pro live prayer
warriors participating in the 40 day prayer vigil were sickened by a foreign substance believed to be intentionally placed
near them.. posted 11 15 08 821pm J Aldrich, http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2008/nov/08111311.html
posting nov 1 2008 JAldrich: """
It was like agitating an Ant's nest! " IRS GOES AFTER CHUCH FOR PUTTING A BULLETIN
BOARD UP WITH CANDIDATES PRO AND CON ABORTION ... YOU GOTTA READ THIS ONE!! http://www.onenewsnow.com/Legal/Default.aspx?id=305202
Elijah Ministries
primarily focuses on the abortion issue but it is good to check out their website for weekly articles.. this week 10 02 08
the focus is on the economics a good read for my scripture friends.. posted today by JAldrich, comflm, Registry Pres, editor, Conservative voice
in the wilderness. www.elijahmin.com,
november 1 2008, sent by A Mann..story found on ONE NEWS NOW: http://www.onenewsnow.com/Politics/Default.aspx?id=297552, STORY