Comflm Members and future members advisory:
has become a year of renewed committments to Comflm Registry goals. To join as an Independant Media Voice with a solid
united force for FreeSpeech and Public Access in Massachusetts is very important. To achieve the goal of recognition
as legal media one only has to disseminate information to the public. But in Massachusetts the powers that be want to
see a State Building Access Pass upon entry. No laws require this but the hassle is prevelant. Thus Comflm, Registry
will be recruiting members that are serious about this fact. WE want the State Building Access Pass. We will help
one another in serious coverage requests. A maximum of 4 emergency calls per year from members is required. We
are available to cover some State Legislative Hearings and will donate the footage to the Committee and make it
available to the Public as well on Blip TV. Blip may be changed at some time but at this point in 2010 that is the outlet.
This year is critical to get this organization in place and have meetings. We can call conference meetings
when it is totally impossible to meet physically, but meetings must be a part of the Organization goals.
record law in courts and Legislature are out of date and need revision. Until that happens the vision for Independant
Media Comflm Registry is to keep the public record. A committment to this effort is needed and necessary to maintain
the public record which has been abandoned since the 80's. Resistance to conform to new law that will mandate this process
will be monitored by members and a data sheet will be kept when Comflm Members are shown disrespect as Media in Massachusetts.
review this letter and let me know when you read it by emailing Hector Montalvo Methuen a Comflm Member has succeeded
in gaining access to Courts and has been given a court protocol for access. Please help Hector when possible.
We will be posting the protocol soon on the website.
The goal of Comflm Registry is to have a fleet of footmen on the ground
in Media all across the state. If there is a need for Press in your district please email the job and we will post it
on the site We intend to give working press a run for their ride.. The elections are up to us. Give
the coverage and the public will get involved. New Media is Internet Global Media. Get on board.
Help reconstruct the language of Press in Massachusetts and set an example
for the nation to follow.
Janet Aldrich
comflm, registry president