What We Believe In Concerned Citizens and Friends of Illegal Immigration Law Enforcement.
Our Principles |
CCFIILE We are Americans
who believe in America. We believe in the governmental institutions and laws that make this country the greatest in the world.
It is because of this strong belief in the principles of freedom, individual liberties, the rule of law, and democracy that
we formed Concerned Citizens and Friends of Illegal Immigration Law Enforcement, CCFIILE for short. Patriotic
Americans Speaking Out Against Illegal Immigration. Our voices are being shouted down by the
hate and race-directed rhetoric of those who do not appreciate the laws of our country. We give voice to those without a voice
and those whose opposition to illegal immigration is drowned out by illegal aliens and their supporters marching in the streets
demanding undeserved "rights" of U.S. citizens. We are standing together to
say to the those who come here illegally and those who would give amnesty to those who have broken our laws, you are wrong
and you should not be claiming to speak for us Americans. Our principles are simple: - All immigration should be legal
Illegal immigration hurts
everyone, while carefully planned legal immigration helps. We believe in stopping illegal immigration and securing the national
and economic future of our nation. Illegal aliens from any country should never be rewarded
with benefits or privileges - Becoming
an American citizen is a unique and wonderful privilege.
The legal route to becoming
a citizen is not easy and requires patience and hard work. Those who break the law and come illegally should not be granted
any benefits or privileges. No driver's license, no welfare benefits, no free health care, no in-state tuition - simply
put . . . no local, state or federal benefits! - No
amnesty - no way!
Amnesty is rewarding people who break the law. From past experience
we have learned that granting amnesty only leads to increased illegal immigration. Those here illegally are taking advantage
of our compassion. We say No Amnesty-No Way! Secure our borders now and fully enforce
immigration laws - Crack down on illegal
The best way to stop the flow of illegal immigration coming across our
borders is to build a high security fence along the length of our southern border where the majority of illegal traffic takes
place. We must also vigorously enforce our existing immigration laws. Local and state law enforcement should be free to enforce
immigration laws. Employers who hire illegal workers should be heavily fined and if a pattern of practice is established their
owners/corporate officers should be fined and jailed for the offenses and the corporate charter revoked. Identification documents
must be limited and strong security measures like biometrics applied to documents of foreign workers. American citizens driver's
licenses are now secured by the Real ID Act, non-citizens should be required to present documents not susceptible to fraud
and counterfeit, and include biometric security measures - especially for work purposes. - Learn and speak English
Learning the language of this country
is the very least an immigrant can do. Learn and speak English. Learn the history of this country. Learn the Constitution
and civics. Learn and practice the principles that make America the greatest country in the world. - What We Are Doing
CCFIILE is a nonpartisan group of concerned
citizens committed to reasonable and effective immigration reform through direct action and public education. We produce two
local cable access programs one called CCFIILE Illegal Immigration Chat and the other The Weekly Show with Jim Rizoli that
exposes what is going on with illegal immigration locally and how damaging it is to all Americans. Please support the cause
of CCFIILE by contacting your local town officials and State Representatives telling them how you feel about it. By doing
so, you are holding on to the last vestige of American freedom and standing tall against those that would try to pull our
great country down. Our website is CCFIILE.ORG, most of our latest shows can be found
there. - How to contact us
Telephone: 508-875-2043 Email: Jim
Rizoli jjrizo@rcn.com Joe Rizoli iamaccfile@aol.com
Thank you for all your support. Jim
and Joe Rizoli |