Red Alert Warning! Bombshell New Book Reveals... |
How To Survive The Coming Martial Law In America | “Former
Political Insider Discovers The Shocking Truth About A Vicious New Plan To Institute Martial Law... And Reveals
How To Get Out Of Harms Way Before Globalists Pull The Trigger” |
September 2, 2009 Washington, D.C.
Dear Fellow Citizen,
A year ago I had
what I thought was the best job in the world. I was a political advisor to a very powerful elected official in a pretty safe
district. I not only had an insider’s perspective on how legislation was really passed, I was even able to tweak laws
to favor our constituents. I didn’t think there was anything wrong with what I was doing, after all, we were elected
by the people and they wanted us to deliver for them.
One cold, snowy January evening I was working late and ran
across a report I probably never should have seen... the Army’s 2008 Modernization Strategy report, which predicted
near constant conflicts in the future, both overseas and at home. An entire Command (NorthCom) had been created to deal with
‘natural or man-made’ emergencies, consisting primarily of battle-hardened soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan
who could “use some of the skills they acquired in the war zone" to deal with "civil unrest and crowd control”
here... in the United States! The More of The Report I Read... The Clearer
It Became. 
| | I had served in the military
like millions of other American veterans, and my stomach turned at the thought of the military being used in a domestic capacity. |
One of the first things you used to learn in boot camp is the Posse Comitatus Act, which was created
200 years ago to make sure the military was never used against the citizens. But, for all practical purposes, this law
has now been completely negated through Executive Orders issued by Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama(1).
The more of the report I read, the clearer it became
that over many years the bureaucrats in Washington, Republican and Democrat alike - were carefully maneuvering for an eventual
silent coup... one that would never make headlines but would result in the transfer of power from the American people to a
secret group of wealthy bankers who already had everything they wanted... except total power.
Shortly thereafter,
I left my job and began making plans to prepare for what I see as a martial law lockdown or perhaps even a complete military
takeover. That’s when a friend of mine (who still worked and ran in these elite circles) asked me to take a look at
an advance manuscript that he had “acquired”. He said it was sending shockwaves through the establishment. He
didn’t say how he got it, he simply urged me to read it. I saw the list the government
was compiling... I knew who was at the top... and I couldn’t believe what I was reading!” I
wondered how this advance copy came to be in my friend’s hands, but thought better than to ask. I was simply glad to
have it... because in a clear and concise way it explained exactly what is happening behind the scenes and what establishment
insiders want to happen. Even more importantly, the manuscript detailed precisely how the global elite and their families
are preparing for dangerous times. Look, if you’re thinking this is all just conspiracy hype, just
consider for a moment some recent headlines: - “44,000 UN Troops Train in US in operation Agile Provider”
- “Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke Warns of Martial Law if Bailout Not Approved”
- “General Barry
McCaffery Confirms Thousands of Foreign Troops Are in the US to Assist with Domestic Emergencies”
- “Federal
Government Collecting GPS Data on Every American Household”
- “Homeland Security Report Leaks; Tax Protestors,
Abortion Opponents Are Terrorist Suspects”
- Pennsylvania Chapter of NAACP Urges Martial Law
- H.R.645
and the New FEMA Concentration Camps
The last one, H.R.645 was part of the plan I had read before and actually
calls for Homeland Security to build no fewer than 6 national facilities for holding civilians. Trust me when I tell you that
there is a plan in place for the suspension of all Constitutional Rights of Americans. The plan includes "interning"
certain segments of the population if such a national emergency arises. Almost daily you’ll find headlines telling
the same story... and these are in establishment publications! The manuscript I had received ‘unofficially’
has now been rewritten to avoid security issues and copyright problems. It’s also been condensed to eliminate the fluff,
tightly edited to deliver the more essential material and then finally republished with some very obvious pro-freedom observations.
And now, I’m risking it all to share it with you. But be forewarned, “Understanding and Surviving
Martial Law”, is not for the faint-hearted, and may even shock you. Do
Not read any further if you are easily frightened.
This new manual “Understanding
and Surviving Martial Law” has demonstrated to me that our government is no longer concerned with protecting
the public... our government now exists to benefit a select few and the rest of us are wage slaves. Listen, even though
things on the surface seem normal, they are not. It’s the calm before the engineered storm. I firmly believe
that conditions in this country are going to deteriorate rapidly once the right “event” triggers a crisis.
Despite advice from well meaning friends, I felt I owed it to my fellow citizens who have been lulled into pacifism by promises
of "hope and change." However, this information is only for the stout of heart, because what you will learn
about it may shake your patriotism deeply... and perhaps even lead you to doubt your allegiance.
I had forgotten
much of my history and was reminded of the history of many “dust bin” republics when reading Chapter One, “A
Brief History of Tyranny,” about how tyrants use crises to grab more power, always holding onto that power until it
is taken from them by force. This happened with both Greece and Rome, and in our own time dictators on the right and left
have taken power during times of economic crisis.
problem is that all the previous declarations of Martial Law will pale in comparison to what our rulers have planned
very soon.
| | | Will you be ready when they ask for your papers? |
Unfortunately, the framework for martial
law has already been put in place by the last two administrations and now only needs a "trigger". Interestingly
enough, this country has a long history of evoking martial law, all of which will make it easier to declare the next one.
The problem is that all the previous declarations of Martial Law will pale in comparison to what our rulers have planned very
soon! Here are some previous examples: - Martial Law was declared by General Andrew Jackson during the War of 1812
- President Lincoln declared it again during the War Between the States, arresting anyone who dissented from his
war-time policies, including newspaper editors and legislators!
- In 1931, Texas Governor Ross used National Guard
troops to enforce limits on the size of private property!
- Much of the Pacific Coast was under martial
law after the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Even worse, our country already has a history of the domestic use of the
armed forces without a declaration of martial law. - In 1871, President Grant sent
troops into South Carolina to confiscate all private guns.
- In 1914, President Wilson ordered the infantry
into Colorado to disarm everyone involved in a labor union dispute, including members of law enforcement and the National
- In 1993, the US Army provided advice, tactical support and military equipment to the FBI and
the BATF to raid the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco, TX, resulting in the deaths of 74 men, women and children
the first 130 years of our country’s history, federal troops were used more than
100 times without a declaration of martial law! The truth is that the unprecedented economic crisis afflicting the
nation, along with building resentment over the new President’s socialist policies and questionable eligibility for
office has the central government looking for a reason, any reason to pull the trigger. But trust me... You
Are Not Prepared For The Extreme Violence They Have Planned! You may already know all this history. However,
“Understanding and Surviving Martial Law” is much more than a history lesson. It is packed with
valuable practical information that will empower you not just to survive... but perhaps even thrive during the coming police
state. You’ll discover: - The secret that is more important than guns, food or money.
- Why
you must act now... before it is too late.
- What the most dangerous time in America will be... and why
it will be too late for those who haven’t prepared!
- What group of conservative Americans will be the first
to ‘disappear’ under Martial Law!
- The endless supply of electricity available to you... even if
the electrical grid is shutdown!
- The “Five Martial Law Rules to Live By” that every survivor must

| One of the most disturbing realizations you’ll have
with all this new-found knowledge is that most (but not all) types of resistance are completely futile.
government agents implementing Martial Law know that they must find examples to make of any dissenters, in order to keep the
masses cowed like sheep.
After all, some patriots in the government have already let it leak that local police organizations are aggressively recruiting US Marines still on active duty to leave the military and immediately
become police officers... with little or no training.(2)
Marines have been trained not to protect and serve but to kill quickly and efficiently. Let’s face it, traditional armies
are trained to dispatch enemies with vicious efficiency... and that’s why local police have always been trained differently.
Local police have traditionally been trained to protect and serve with respect for the rights of the citizens. But things
have changed dramatically in this country. Those who understand this should pay special attention.
Reading through
“Understanding and Surviving Martial Law,” you’ll discover: - What the most dangerous
agency in the US is (you’ll never guess!)
- The nine most dangerous numbers in your life.
- What
the dreaded ‘knock on the door’ means for you... and your family.
- How to cook food for your entire
family... without gas or electricity... even if you live in a tiny apartment!
- What the World War II phrase “loose
lips sink ships” means to you and your family today.
- The 15 essential supplies you MUST have to
survive the coming police state... including one very unusual one that nine out of ten survivalists would never guess.
is just a taste of what awaits you in just one chapter of “Understanding and Surviving Martial
Law”. In addition, you’ll discover an entire new way of thinking, one inspired not by fear and anxiety, but calm confidence, knowing you have done all you can and at least
have a shot. With the secrets found in Chapter 8 alone, you’ll discover: - Secrets to use nature’s
bounty to stay healthy... even when government has total control over your health care
- The one thing you can
do today to make sure your family eats like royalty-regardless of how bad things get-instead of waiting in line for
your FEMA ration card
- How you can use the power of gravity to provide your family with an endless supply of
pure drinking water!
- How the government will manipulate economic conditions to bring about rationing and shortages-and
what you can do about it!
- The one natural supplement you really need in your pantry
- Why
these two numbers, “300” and “1”, will save your life in an emergency!
What will the dreaded ‘knock on the door’ mean for you... and your family? | |
can’t list everything the new book reveals here, there is simply not enough room, but I suspect you already realize
the times we’re living in and that action is called for... you could spend the rest of your life researching things
on the internet without stumbling across this stuff. There is no other book like this available anywhere, and if the globalists
and their shameless enforcers have their way, it won’t be available for long. They are already attempting to seize control
of the Internet and shut sites like this down.
I feel so strongly about the value of this book and the urgency
of getting the information to every patriot possible that I wrote the publisher and begged them to make this book available
not just as a soft cover manual, but also in digital eBook form, so you can have a permanent copy. Out of the kindness of
their hearts, they have agreed not only to include an eBook version of the book for download, but to include it at no
additional cost!
Many eBooks are sold on the internet these days for $39.00, $49.00 and even $69.00.
“Understanding and Surviving Martial Law” is a real full color paper and ink manual, something
you can put on the bookshelf (or better yet, the nightstand by your bed for easy reference), plus the convenience
of a downloadable eBook. Your cost is only $59.95 $49.95. 
| The global thugs implementing Martial
Law know that they must find examples to make of any dissenters in order to keep the masses cowed
like sheep. |
There's Something More You Really Need Before The Lockdown
Comes! I was so excited about this book I emailed all my friends and told them to buy it, only
to be shocked that some people simply won’t take the time to sit down and read a book. You know the type... they’re
so busy they can’t sit still for a minute, let alone the time it takes to digest a book of this importance.
So, the publisher has also decided to include an audio book version so that anyone can listen, in the car, on a train or
plane... anywhere! The publisher wanted to sell the audio book separately for
$29.00, but I convinced them to include it absolutely free as a download for a while to see if it helps people take action
before it's too late. Even if you can’t make the time to read a book, you can listen to every word in
the privacy of your car or on your own iPod.
I have to be honest...
there is one, little catch: This offer is only good until the publisher runs out of stock. This material is
so explosive and dangerous to the agenda of the New World Order that most publishers simply refused to print it. If you order
after the books are gone, you’ll get an error message saying you waited too long.
Final Thought:
Most Americans are "sheeple" who truly display a herd mentality. Worst yet, most will do nothing and
hope that evil will simply go away. (Most Jews in Germany did the same thing.) Decide today which course you will take.
For the absolute fastest service, order online by clicking on the “order now” button below. You
can also call 877-327-0365 to place your order. I firmly believe the manuals available now
will sell out in 24 hours in the event of another 9/11 or similar "triggered" crisis. People will literally freak
out when all this really does come down and you’ll see unprecedented panic and fear in the street. It will be the most
grim time in American history. It’s much easier to act when you have a clear mind, ahead of the herd. Understanding And Surviving Martial Law  Call Today!
877-327-0365 You can also
order by sending a check or money order to:
Solutions From Science Attn. MLS 815 W. Main St. P.O. Box 518 Thomson,
IL 61285 |
(Click Here To Print The Order By Mail Form) P.S. The publisher has also included, as a bonus, $80.00 worth of coupons and gift
certificates which can be spent on many preparedness products. You'll get these coupons free when you download the eBook version
of the manual.
P.P.S. You'll also receive a special "Martial Law" video documentary.
What's interesting about this DVD is that most of the police state "systems" that were being set up at the time
this video was made (2005) are now "cocked and loaded" waiting only for the president to pull the trigger. SPECIAL "RED ALERT" BONUS!FREE
COPY of CAMP FEMA - American Lockdown (a $25-$30 value!) CAMP
 AMERICAN LOCKDOWN: Evidence of Internment Camps in America  | Recent legislation attempting to legitimize the use of internment camps
to detain U.S. citizens in the event of an uprising or civil unrest has many people asking what nation they live in.
In a country born out of political dissent, we watch our leaders in Washington slowly pass bills that
label ordinary Americans as thought criminals and potential domestic terrorists for simply questioning the actions of their
government. We see third party candidates and their impassioned supporters listed in secret government reports that
call their allegiance into question and brand them as fanatics and extremists. |
committee hearings and official FBI documents further illustrate the mindset of our elected officials as they classify homeschoolers,
gun rights activists and anti-abortionists as threats against the existing social and political order; by default creating
an entire nation of radicals and revolutionaries - where everyone is a suspect… equally guilty until proven otherwise.
How has our government shown that they will deal with these people? The same way as every other
totalitarian regime throughout history - marginalize their activities then lock them up. Prisons are being built; internment
camps constructed and laws passed that deal severely with anyone who dares to step out of line or ask too many questions.
Who are the potential domestic terrorists that will end up in these camps? Read the documentation
for yourself and hear what our experts have to say. States rights take a front row seat in this new political thriller
that is guaranteed to send shivers up your spine. Find out where the true power of the people rests in halting these
treasonous activities NOW! ************************************* |
your personal information will be kept completely private and confidential. The publisher uses military-grade encryption
software on all their customer files, and will NOT sell or give your information to any third party. If you want to purchase this in a completely anonymous way, please send a postal money order to: Solutions From Science Attn. MLS 815 W. Main
St. P.O. Box 518 Thomson, IL 61285 |
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