January 2010 | TPP Statement on Tea Party Political Party
Dear Fellow Tea Party Patriots,
There is much talk of the formation of a third political party based on the tea party movement.
In Florida, a Democratic operative with absolutely no connection to the tea party movement has filed papers to form a third
party called the Florida Tea Party. He has issued legal threats against local tea parties demanding that they cease
using the name "Florida Tea Party." Tea
Party Patriots is issuing this statement in order to make it clear that we are not associated with this, or any attempts to
form a third party. Additionally, we believe that such efforts are unproductive and unwise at this time. The history
of third party movements in this country is one of division and defeat. We believe that it is instead time for
all Americans to rise up and demand appropriate reform within their own parties. The mechanisms exist for citizens to
participate in their parties, and to drive their parties in the right direction.
The Tea Party Patriots encourage all citizens to get involved in the party process, and to reshape their parties
into something in which they may once again believe. This country does not belong to any one party, nor does it belong
to the career politicians. This country belongs to the citizens. As Benjamin Franklin once said, "We have
given you a republic madam, if you can keep it." The founders knew that it would be our sacred obligation
as citizens to get involved, and to work hard to hold on to this great nation. We have much work to do, and future generations
will look back in judgment. We hope you will join us in preserving the republic. |
| | You are the heart and soul of the Tea Party
Movement. Thank you for promoting the causes of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets
with us!
Your Tea Party Patriots National Coordinator Team, Debbie
Dooley, Mike Gaske, Kellen Giuda, Ryan Hecker, Jenny Beth Martin, Mark Meckler, Sally Oljar, Diana Reimer, Billie Tucker, and Dawn Wildman
Jenny Beth Martin (jennybethm@gmail.com,
770-878-1550) Dawn Wildman (dmwtpp11@yahoo.com) Mark Meckler (mark.grassroots@gmail.com)
Tea Party Patriots, Inc. is a social welfare organization organized under section 501(c)(4) of
the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for income
tax purposes.
We Have to Work Extra
Dear Fellow Patriot,
The calls you have been making this week are having an
impact. Unfortunately, it seems that our voices are simply not quite loud enough. Speaker Pelosi has said that
she has the votes to move the Health Care bill. So, we have to step it up a little bit more. Will you please joining us in emailing the Chiefs of Staff of the following moderate to conservative
It is best if you email the Congressional members that are in your state and/or in your
specific district. In the email ask the Chief of Staff to certify that their Member will NOT vote for the Health Care
bill. You can your state the reasons why this bill is not a good bill for Americans.
Be sure to let
the Chief of Staff know who you are in your community whether you are a stay at home mom, a small business owner, or a community
leader and the impact of the government take over of our health care to your organization (loss of jobs, increased taxes,
Thank you so much for helping us further the causes of fiscal responsibility, limited government, and free
markets. We promise we will slow down on the amount of emails to you once Congress is in recess.
Tier 1: Conservative to Moderate Democrats who are on Energy and Commerce
in the House
| If Energy and Commerce does not vote the bill out of Committee, then it will
force Speaker Pelosi to bring the bill to the floor of the House without the Committee's approval. Politically, this
does not look good for Speaker Pelosi because she will be ignoring the will of her committees.
Please remember to record the number of emails, faxes, and calls you are making.
- Rep. Boucher of VA Chief of Staff: Becky Coleman email:
- Rep. Sutton of OH Chief of Staff: Nichole Reynolds email: nichole.reynold@mail.house.gov
or nichole.reynolds@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Stupak of MI Chief of Staff: Scott Schloegel email: scott.schloegel@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Braley of Iowa Chief of Staff: Sarah Benzing email: sarah.benzing@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Mike Ross
of AR Chief of Staff: Drew Goesl email: drew.goesl@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Baron Hill of IN Chief of Staff:
John Zody email: john.zody@mail.house.gov
- Rep. John Barrow of GA Chief of Staff: Ashley Jones email:
- Rep. Charlie Melancon of LA Chief of Staff: Joe Bonfiglio email: joe.bonfiglio@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Bart Gordon of TN Chief of Staff: Donna Pignatelli email: donna.pignatelli@mail.house.gov
- Rep.
Jim Matheson of UT Chief of Staff: Stacey Alexander email: stacey.alexander@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Zack
Space of OH Chief of Staff: Stuart Chapman email: stuart.chapman@mail.house.gov
Tier 2: Conservative to Moderate Democrats in House not on Energy and Commerce
| Please remember to record the number of emails, faxes, and calls you are making. - Rep. Frank Kratovil of MD Chief of Staff:
Tim McCann email: tim.mccann@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Bobby Bright of AL Chief of Staff: Meg Joseph email: meg.joseph@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Walt Minnick of ID Chief of Staff: Kare Haas email: kate.haas@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Parker
Griffith of AL Chief of Staff: Sharon Wheeler email: sharon.wheeler@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Mike Arcuri of NY Chief
of Staff: Sam Marchio email: sam.marchio@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Glenn Nye of VA Chief of Staff: Angela Kouters
email: angela.kouters@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Travis Childers of MS Chief of Staff: Brad Morris email: brad.morris@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of AZ Chief of Staff: Pia Carusone email: pia.carusone@mail.house.gov
- Rep.
Leonard Boswell of IA Chief of Staff: Susan McAvoy email: susan.mcavoy@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Dennis Moore of
KS Chief of Staff: Howard Bauleke email: howard.bauleke@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Jason Altmire of PA Chief of Staff:
Matt Walker email: matt.walker@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Christoper Carney of PA Chief of Staff: April Metwalli
email: april.metwali@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Patrick Murphy of PA Chief of Staff: Scott Fairchild email: scott.fairchild@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Jim Marshall of GA Chief of Staff: John Kirincich email:
- Rep. Lincoln Davis of TN Chief
of Staff: Beecher Fraiser email: beecher.frasier@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Melissa Bean of IL Chief of Staff: Elizabeth
Hart email: elizabeth.hart@mail.house.gov
- Rep. John Salazar of CO Chief of Staff: Ronnie Carleton email: ron.carleton@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Allen Boyd of FL Chief of Staff: Melanie Morris email: melanie.morris@mail.house.gov
- Rep.
Heath Shuler of NC Chief of Staff: Hayden Rogers email: hayden.rogers@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Earl Pomeroy
of ND Chief of Staff: Bob Siggins email: bob.siggins@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Charlie Wilson of OH Chief of Staff:
Candace Abbey email: candace.abbey@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Tim Holden of PA Chief of Staff: Trish Reilly email:
- Rep. Brad Ellsworth of IN Chief of Staff: Cori Smith email: cori.smith@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Ben Chandler of KY Chief of Staff: Denis Fleming email: denis.fleming@mail.house.gov
- Rep.
Jim Cooper of TN Chief of Staff: Lisa Quigley email: lisa.quigley@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Joe Donnelly of IN Chief
of Staff: Joel Elliot email: joel.elliot@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Mike Michaud of ME Chief of Staff: Pete Chandler
email: peter.chandler@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Mike Thompson of CA Chief of Staff: Charles Jefferson email: charles.jefferson@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin of SD Chief of Staff: Tessa Gould email: tessa.gould@mail.house.gov
- Rep.
Adam Schiff of CA Chief of Staff: Timothy Bergreen email: timothy.bergreen@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Jane Harman
of CA Chief of Staff: John Hess email: john.hess@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Joe Baca of CA Chief of Staff: Linda Macias
email: linda.macias@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Sanford Bishop of GA Chief of Staff: Phyllis Hallmon email: phyllis.hallmon@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Mike McIntyre of NC Chief of Staff: Dean Mitchell email: dean.mitchell@mail.house.gov
- Rep.
Henry Cuellar of TX Chief of Staff: Terry Stinson email: terry.stinson@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Loretta Sanchez
of CA Chief of Staff: Adrienne Elrod email: adrienne.elrod@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Dan Boren of OK Chief of Staff:
Jason Buckner email: jason.buckner@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Collin Peterson of MN Chief of Staff: Mark Brownell
email: mark.brownell@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Jim Costa of CA Chief of Staff: Scott Nishioki email: scott.nishioki@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Gene Taylor of MS Chief of Staff: Stephen Peranich email: stephen.peranich@mail.house.gov
- Rep.
Dennis Cardoza of CA Chief of Staff: Jennifer Walsh email: jennifer.walsh@mail.house.gov
- Rep. John Tanner of
TN Chief of Staff: Vickie Walling email: vickie.walling@mail.house.gov
- Rep. Marion Berry of AR Chief of Staff:
Chad Causey email: chad.causey@mail.house.gov
Want to Go the Extra Mile?
| Forward this email
to at least 5 people you know and ask them to make the same calls.
Better yet, forward it 10 - 20 people
you know and ask them to make the same calls.
| Thank You!
| You are the heart and soul of the Tea Party Movement. Thank you for promoting the causes of fiscal responsibility,
constitutionally limited government, and free markets with us!
 Your Tea Party Patriots National Coordinator Team, Amy Kremer (amy@teapartypatriots.org,
Jenny Beth Martin (jennybeth@teapartypatriots.org, 404-326-0936)
Mark Meckler (mark@teapartypatriots.org)
Rob Neppell (rob@teapartypatriots.org) |
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| Tea Party
Patriots Health Care Freedom Tea Party Sponsors/Coalition Partners |
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