Saturday, February 9, 2008 Huckabee wins Kansas still more to go here
is a link to the Washington Examiner video of Mrs. Huckabee.. http://www.kirotv.com/politics/15261035/detail.html?rss=sea&psp=news# this will last at least 15 minutes.. Well we are still hanging in suspense over washinton and even more
votes will probably seal the Kansas Vote soon but there is a lot to do and it will take each and every one of us..so please
do not look to anyone else ..call email and keep it up and something may change the way the gov sees its people..that is my
prayer.. 6:19 pm est
Saturday, January 26, 2008 Sunday January 27, 2008 Are you an imploder???
When we saw the twin towers implosion, did it occur to anyone how clean implosion is in a city like New York, it just
sucks you into itself and you disappear..like dust in the wind..you are crushed into thin air.. Pretty nasty thought and
it is not as simple as taking a building out.. but evil is nasty. So is implosion though a clean sweep it is most
destructive. let's look at the familiar friends and the familiarity brings contempt thing..that is implosion..don't
you think of another kind.. when you can turn on familiar friends and destroy them for nothing?? So is indifference
..it is implosion on self..self destructive anaylsis leading to inaction. So what do we see in many folks who like to
feed on indifference and disconnect from the public square and think nothing will ever effect them. We take so much
for granted. I am not comfortable with complacency at all..it scares me to death. If we do not get it soon we
will experience implosion. We will see the buildings crash in on us that we have errected in our heads to make
us feel safe. They are sometimes called high towers.. they block out reality. They are really strong towers and they need
to come down. Shock is necessary to take them out..it is even healthy. But buyer beware if this seems a little
out there..in your head..to speak of this nasty imploder called apathy..will you get out to vote??? will you take your fingers
to the ballot and stop imploder anarchy..be a mover and a shaker..get up of your couch potato and make democracy count..it
is later than you think.. 11:20 pm est
Sunday, January 20, 2008 PRIMARY RESULTS posted January 20,
2008 J Aldrich Well today it is so clear, don't you say? Hillary is pulling the women and the immigrant
women for sure, who know nothing of equal rights?? Is it any wonder the Catholic Church is flagling on broken strings
in this country? Catholics helped put Liberal Hillary and Billary back in the front page. I too Catholic, though
liberalized from its liberalism, would never vote for a right wing batterer in skirts..but then she seldom wears skirts anyway..
Obama goes into the Hooker section and states this is what we need on our side in the voting box, does that tell
you anything about his character?? Of course we are supposed to think the Union is the apple of his eye here, but where are
there Unions, clearly everywhere but that is the point he makes his claim... think abou this.. He must be Jesus returned..loving
those magdalenas...As he and the Gov are close on values where does he put us all??? And the streets filled with the sound
of bikes etc still screeching in my ears..comes banging back to declare the verdict.. Then the little Baptista
boy in South Carolina saying all the right things, is swallowed up in the military vote to support Mc Cain..old guarde still
garnering the passion from Vietnam..Yes he is a good guy and deserves our respect but will he be able to stand against the
moral rot looming in the horizon the conservatives have tried to salt..? I think personally, unless you want Hillary, you better support the Baptista Boy..Huckabee..as the vote for Romney will not win..and the ballot will go to the Clintons
again..and Mc Cain as good as he is he will not take the Conservative ballot Romney will gloat himself to the final surrender..and
the win will be swallowed up in the Billary immigrant vote that does not care about traditional values they do not even understand
the language how will they understand the system??? Catholics wake up..this is not just Massachusetts..it is a
strong lobby to de regulate the moral law tied to the Bible Feb 7 2008 guess what, Romney resigns.. so the little
scene I describe above is a little clearer..do you read me everyone..Mc Cain the military man will heavy Huckabee so heavy
he squishes him like a bug and we have Hillary..as who has any guts anymore..I hope Huckabee will take Mc Cain on and the
right wing evangelical guard with him..tell them there is a new boy in town..and they better check him out.. as soon he will
be commander in CHIEF.. as a new day has come to America. and if your on your knees right now you will be on his team, otherwise
start packing. The battle is on.. 9:11 am est
Thursday, January 17, 2008 Vicki Jameson Peterson I do not
know if any of our readers remember or know of Vicki Jameson Peterson, but here is a link to her funeral service which will
be streamed live on Saturday http://www.vjpm.org/
This lady was a part of the first wave of the Holy Ghost and was on the PTL show many times in the 70's and
even traveled all over the US in healing ministry. The one story I remember her telling was of a time when she was speaking
and the entire room of people fell under the Annointing of the Holy Spirit and onto the floor like a giant wave. I loved
this woman. I am jealous Vicki.. I have never seen that kind of Move and hope some day I will and will even fall
under it.
The closest to it was at Benny Hinn in Boston a year ago when Fr Tom's isle went down in a
wave...May you plead in Heaven for the revival so needed..Thank you for your faithfulness to the call. 8:23 am est
Monday, January 14, 2008 Monday, January 14, 2007 MCFL,
had their tribute to Congressmen Henry Hyde, and many others yesterday in Fanueil Hall, Boston, from 2-4pm. Massachusetts
Catholics for Life Celebrated 35 years of lobbying since Rowe vs Wade in 1973.
Catch of the Day, Video News Freelance
Reporting covered the event with her full archive style. This will be available to the public via the MCFL organization
soon. Asked by Dr. Mildred Jefferson, MD and President of MCFL to tape the event JAldrich, decided to make an effort
to access more footage than was possible by asking those who came to donate any pictures or video they obtained as a charitable
contribution. This was a great success and MCFL now have their own PRESS PASS ID's for future events in 2008.
I will say that no media outlets coverage was present to acknowledge this event at all by Fox News or other
likeminded others..Sorry, for them that this event was shunned but that is the way it is with the media we have. I see
them triaging the events and they run to the bleed but forget the important coalitions that engage in freedom and the act
of interaction. Please contact MCFL if you would like a copy of the dvd of this event in a few months.
The performances of flute and lute and vocalists was superb..to say the least..  12:35 pm est
Monday, December 31, 2007 New Year RE solutions I want
to write about the kids ..are you worried for them?? You should be.
Did you shop at the malls? Did you notice
the herds of kids without coats? Wondering in packs? I did. I am now on foot no car and using public transportation.
I will be a year in this in February. It has made me look at our society in a new way. We have had many
upgrades in expenses about to hit the fan this year. We are looking at transformation by way of the money pit for many.
I willingly submitted to this nuisance as a project to study the transportation system first hand. It is
a mess. I am not on a real schedule but if I was I would have to plan 6 more hours into my day. If I am really
expected at a meeting, I need to be on the trains 3 hours ahead of time.
Is this a business practical solution
that bosses are happy about?? I doubt it. There are people who cannot even show up at work if the weather is bad.
If you have a car do you think like that any more??
You get there, plow out, you drive like a snail and get there,
knowing the job is essential to your lifestyle. Not so on public transportation. YOu are it's victim.
YOu are splashed, frozen, delayed and absconded for complaining. You are told if you depend on public transportation
you are it's victim and no sympathy allowed. YOu are a second class person for sure. You ride with drunks
perverts and stinky people every day. The best thing of all is the area for the elderly and handicpped. That one
item has raised public consciousness to get up and allow someone to sit down.
But the comment I am heading
at is the kids. They are in two age packs. 14 and up and 14 down to 10. If your a parent beware. They
are talking dirty to each other, passing smokes and talking about pot. I know I listened. A pack of kids jumped
another pack on the sidewalk near me. I screamed at them.
They stopped. I was not going to let them
trample a little kid in the spirit of the moment. They can be vicious to each other. They are not animals.
They are kids without supervision. Ever read Lord of the Flies? You need to re read it again. Ever want to find
yourselves in that situation? Your kids are in it every day you let them run in packs at the mall. You cannot
do this to them. They are changing without your even noticing. I heard a girl talking about someone who said she
said someone had raped her and she was denying it to a friend and was furious she was being lied about. I say the kids
are playing adult games now and the adults are not watching. Not small stuff here..this is the big stuff. They
are feeling alone and the friends are the only ones they have and the kids are without morals and babes at large with no scruples.
I predict these kids are the new criminals of tomorrow. They are not even aware they will be the new addicts, the new
goth psycho babes parents wake up..take notice..keep your kids home..please save the children.. Keep them out of malls with
security guards taking notice of the behavior and steriotyping them daily..they are being watched and one day a cop will arrive
and your kid will have the record..you don't want them to have..save the children..save them..no coats no hats not properly
dressed standing in cold streets waiting for busses to go to the next mall playground that does not exist for them but they
are there anyway, playing tag in clothing shops scarring people as they are big now doing baby stuff without supervision.
 10:08 am est
Friday, December 28, 2007 color vs character January 21,
2008 35 years since Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke the words I believe someday a man will not be judged by the color of his
skin but by his character..
What is character?? Does anyone remember??
I am still spinning at the decisions
we as a state have continued to make since 2003 when we forsook the Constitution and denied voters the right to vote..the
same black robed Judges took the shredded wheat white paper and shredded democracy and our Governor did not know what to do..and
this newly elected Boston Black Governor marches in the celebration of Gay folks in front of nude women with pasties
on that is supposed to be a rebellion against boobs or whatever and behind them babes in carriages and kissing priests.
Can you believe the character seen in 2007 in Boston as a Black Governor had arrived in Martin Luther King, Jr. eyes but what
about character???what is it??do we have it?? where did it go???
I am in shock at more of the responses I get than
the parade as I mull about the streets getting to and from North Station home. I am still in shock and awe and will
anyone get it??? I ASK YOU WHEN WILL ANYONE GET IT???
We are in the holding bay of the new take off..and where
are we headed? Each year there is a message in the News and the lack thereof. The fact the News leaves stuff out is
even more loud sometimes than the reporting. So it comes through if your looking and listening.. So wake up is what
I say. Wake up.
We need a shake up is what I say? In order to learn character one needs humility not
pride. One needs to admit wrongs done and not defend stupid decisions. To get off the track a little more lets'
look at the reasoning of living together. Why should two people not live together and not get caught in a bad marrage
they cannot afford to escape? The laws are so fierce in divorce and if one can avoid the legal scene it is better. But
not anymore as the legal scene now recognizes the fact and so can go after people who can prove this and not be scandalized
in court and called fornicators as the law is OK with it. Does that make the law wrong?? Yes it does. For we have
laws to spell out wrong and right for dumb people who like to tweek laws all the time to their own end. And so we have
seen the law tweeked since 2003 and we will continue to see it tweeked every year in Public Hearings and Committees on the
Hill to stop character from happening.
This Governor Patrick has vowed to produce these kinds of laws himself and
is introducing laws to lower the character of the state and eventually the nation. How can I be so cruel to say this.
I can because the character example I follow is the Bible. That states a man is known by his deeds. so be it.  12:15 pm est
Sunday, December 16, 2007 ANTI ANTI ANTI Well the feud over
God has been stewing in my head as the Holiday's are upon us and today it hit me that if the anti crowd had their way
just suppose, then a generation would be born without a reason to shop..now how would that sit with the economy?
As the economy will stop according to a news reporter the other day and the indicators are all on the shoppers who are shopping
like mad inspite of the mortgage fears of higher interest, the insurance fears of paying your own health insurance or be fined
and instead we see the usual frenzy to shop shop shop...
Oh of course we could still have the fourth of July and
New Years but what about Easter, Passover, Chanuaka, Rosh Ashana, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and a thousand other religious
feasts the Catholics like to celebrate..
We would see flatline economy and fast..no trees, to be bought..no new
Communion dresses or Bas Mitzvah parties, not one of these celebrations surrounding our Biblical Heritage would be allowed..stupid..stupid..stupid..
So ask me cause I am telling you stop it..you anti anti ant's are ruining the economy robbing all of any family
joy and stealing business from the nation. Get real. Stop it. And besides the nation that forgets their
God will suffer retribution in loss of Heaven's tax called the tithe..woe to those who forget that tax..we will be pursued
by the devourer..on other levels..in case you don't know ignorance is not an excuse. So think about it..Rend to
Ceasar the things that are Ceasar's and to God the things that are God's.
Food for thought, submitted
December 16, 2007 J Aldrich
 7:54 pm est
Friday, December 14, 2007 link to state updates on marijuana 7:59 pm est
in the Public Health committee the subject of legalization of mariijuana came up. So I was taping and the hearing was
4 hours long. This particular subject is very tense and the arguments are becoming more intelligible the more one listens.
I have never taken marijuana ever. So I am not making a personal statement. But I have been in the medical field
long enough to know there are drugs the drug culture wants and this is one of them. This works on sick people.
Just like oxycontin does on sick people. The problem is what will it do when you don't need it and you use it for
pleasure? That is what needs regulating not a medical need. But if you ask me the mere fact that someone of any
age has to start smoking is repugnant to me. And if you ask me the smoke stinks. I cannot stand it. What
about the people who smoke the aftersmoke is my problem. As a kid in the forties I slept next to the kitchen
the public melting pot of many political arguments during world war 11. What did that mean to me? Smoke slipping
under my bedroom door and to this day the smell of smoke sickens me. But did it stop me as a teenager in College from
smoking? NO. I smoked and so I realized first hand smoke was dumb. But marijuana is a medical product that is
being sold under the counter and not over the counter to the public. So do we regulate it and all drugs? I think
we need to give some control to someone. I do not think it should be grown in someones back yard or on window sills
across America. That is really dumb to ask as how then can it be regulated? But if someone is going to risk this
product being in the hands of others then they are enabling them by having a drug manufacturing plant in their house. I know this is cheap so it should not be a huge price just regulate it that is all. Then those who are in jail can
be released and if they need it for their health then the state can reward them with their own personal perscription free
pay back plus more of course as the stage is set if you call this on different terms for people to get justifiably angry.
So please think about this folks are suffering and this helps them when they are in a lot of pain like you get when you are
under the knife and you don't refuse the pain killer do you? So when you are ready to be knifed without pain killers
then I say we should allow those who are in this great pain to have this. But they should not harass the public like
me who cannot stand the smell. Sorry to me it is not a fragrance I want around me. Anyway, the hearing was
covered by an Independant Reporter who covers Marijuana issues, and I was able to help him with the permission process this
time to tape the portion of this hearing he needed as he is only interested in this subject. I gave his card to
the Committee, on purpose but mistakenly, forgetting to ask for another as I need to record him as being on site that
day, with Comflm. I need another copy. Please call me soon so we can get you signed up in Comflm and complete the
registration process. I was thrilled to enroll another independant reporter in Comflm, Registry. Which goes to
show, this is a Registry vehicle and a partisan media pulpit and not a vehicle registry, ha.. Reporters can send me their buzz on what they are covering and any editorials and links, they want up on a page
they will have in the Sunday Views. Because of the coverage of these outspoken reporters in the Registry the true picture
will emerge of what is happening locally and on the Hill. Please encourage the independant reporter to join that you
know of in your area. I also can train reporters if anyone is interested in investing time at the Statehouse when
they have 10 meetings or events they covered I will issue them their Press Pass. As this site has been hacked
many times due to the content and style of some reporters we will be updating on this site in the new year. The old
pages will still be left in archiveable state so you can find all from 2007 when you want to research our papers. Thank you and have a great weekend, J Aldrich, Editor, Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting.. 7:53 pm est
Tuesday, December 11, 2007 VALUES VOTERS posted Dec 11, 2007 J Aldrich
just found this link on FAMILY RESEARCH COUNCIL www.frcaction.org, You will find some DVD's to order or just listen to the candidate speeches Washington Summit Briefing 2007. If you ask me we are not there yet in finding any candidate that can really take this charge. Even Oprah and
Obama are not my choice. I want true Conservative Constitutionalists and nothing less. It seems you have to spend
so much time digging into each answer that it is perilous to waste this time and money when there must be someone out there
that can truly take this on. To not have a proper leader who is willing to address the war, the veterans needs,
the immigration problem, and the new world order as a priority is such a implication of their acceptance of the now that it
is too scarry to comprehend. I am going to do my part to make government trasparent. That is my role.
I will coment as I see the information is coming to light helping the public to grasp the new world order of just being net
informed and the urgency to get all legislative hearings on line and streamed to cable access channels. This is my priority
and it does not seem to be addressed ever though it will uncover much that is needed to be in the light of all if true democracy
is to be enforced in this century. 6:31 pm est
Thursday, November 29, 2007 abstinate vs obstinate nov 29 2007 Well
yesterday in the Children and Families committee though testimony is sure of the rapid rabid herpes outbreak in school children over
12..not under 14 as preveiously stated, just listened to hearing online..at 2 hours and 30 min into the video see house
broadcast website. http://housetv.hou.state.ma.us/elements/video.php?id=178 one in five have it, as testified before committee by Mass Cath conference et al. It seems the battle is
raging to stop all mention of just being pure..or clean..or innocent..or simply a child ..before pooperty..so what can I tell
you. Watch the tape yourself when it comes up on the House Broadcast Webcast ..you will have to listen to the testimony
yourself. You won't believe little ole me anyway so just watch and see..11 28 2007 And I am really happy
with yahoo. I signed up for alerts and they alerted me today to the following link.. http://www.washingtontimes.com/article/20071128/METRO/111280055/1004/METROI think you might be interested in the extra cites they have after visiting that one. Yahoo is a great cite.
I will tell you verizon is a very controlling vehicle of veri truth suppression. They are on the front lines in the
nudy parades of the third sex and like to promote this with optic vision.. Were on to you ..that is all I can say..it is all
a matter of time anyway and there will be no place to hide don't you say? Verizon tried to steal my yahoo when I
got them as a main carrier. It took at least a year to fix it. I like yahoo. They have the best fire wire
really. check it out yourself. thanks yahoo. I really appreciate it. 1:06 pm est
| | 2008.02.01 | 2008.01.01 | 2007.12.01 | 2007.11.01 
