, raising the pink flag Mass Resistance posts the full tapes on FISTGATE.. please listen to the court stalled story..
posted june 18, 2009 this is critical learning of what is being stuffed down what? in your kids school!
JAldrich, catchoftheday, posts the full story on the Homosexed program in pit deep six.. or sex?? fell into the
bottomless pit?? oh well, ...lets see how the Senate revives the rant and gets more back! This is to protect the
a...of the House as the Taxed to death clean cut right brainers F A M I L I E S all sent rally cheers and signs
to the rescue to not re elect themon Wednesday April 5 2009, oooh what a spank that must have been.. too bad
you've been sent to the corner now! While all are taking a break this Patriots weekend hope to see you in
Lexington on Sunday from 12 - 3PM on the Battle Green .. lots of good stuff.. being preached.. won't match Obamas Mentor
however on I hate America rant for sure.. How about the Patriot Pastor.. et al..a few military folks and a sheriff!
Come to the rant.. for the Constitution.. wheres the birth certificate!
posting Apr 20 2009
monday patriots day .. but on the 20th the green was full of I would say 50 percent military upset with the scare tactics
of homeland security they are terrorists.. and approx 250 people showed up to show great concern for the Constitution which
they swore an oath to defend before the day was done. Awesome event.. JAldrich, CatchoftheDay has a new Anchor Woman
Abby who did a great job interviewing some of the attendees.. and we hope to be uploading to the internet as soon as we are