Berg Case - Supreme Court - update re the Dec. 1st deadline
Donofio Case - Supreme Court - NO NEWS yet on today's conference among the justices
(... apparently we must wait until Monday)
Berg Case - U.S. Supreme Court
FROM: Obama Crimes - Philip Berg website
www.obamacrimes.com U.S. Supreme Court Update Regarding The December 01, 2008 Deadline
Obama Crimes - Thursday, 04 December
2008 01:46
http://www.obamacrimes.com/ We understand everyone is eager to learn what occurred on December 1, 2008, at the U.S. Supreme Court. There
is a rumor claiming Mr. Obama was Court Ordered by Justice Souter to turn over his birth certificate by December 1, 2008.
This is NOT true.
When a Petition for a Writ of Certiorari is filed the Defendants automatically are given thirty
(30) days to respond. They are not required to respond. The end of thirty (30) Days in the Berg v. Obama case was December
1, 2008. Keep in mind, the Defendants could have mailed in a response to the Petition for Writ of Certiorari and the Court
allows approximately a week for mail. If this is the case, the envelopes must be postmarked December 1, 2008.
the afternoon, December 1, 2008, Lisa, Mr. Berg's Assistant contacted the U.S. Supreme Court and spoke with the Clerk.
The Clerk informed Lisa Mr. Berg's Petition for Writ of Certiorari would be distributed to all nine (9) Justices and a
conference should be set within ten (10) days. As I'm sure you are aware, during the conference the Justices will discuss
Mr. Berg's Petition for the Writ of Certiorari and decide whether or not to grant or deny the Petition. It only takes
four (4) out of nine (9) Justices to agree to grant Mr. Berg's Petition for Writ of Certiorari. The Justices can also
make other Orders during the Conference.
Mr. Berg's Office also learned the Solicitor General is only representing
the Federal Election Commission.
Additional documents will be filed within the next couple of days. All Legal briefs
will be posted on our website, so please continue checking back for updates.
Last Updated on Thursday, 04 December 2008
Donofrio Case - U.S. Supreme Court
Conference on this case among the nine justices. The cour's
order issued for the day mentioned two cases, this one not among them. We apparently must wait for news on Monday...
Natural Born Citizen - Leo Donofrio blog
http://naturalborncitizen.wordpress.com/ DOCKET CONFUSION - WND LETTER CAMPAIGN - DEC. 5th RADIO INTERVIEWS
Posted in Uncategorized
on December 5, 2008 by naturalborncitizen
I must admit
that past comments of mine regarding the docket entries of Nov. 19, one for the Justice Thomas referral and one for the distribution
for conference, might not signify any affirmative action. I cannot get a straight answer from the Supreme Court
despite many attempts. Different press sources have also received various explanations as well.
examined other dockets for applications and I cannot say with any degree of certainty what the docket entries mean.
I have requested an explanation from the Clerk numerous times and guidance from the Public Information Office. The PIO
did try to help, moreso than the Clerk’s office, but I am more confused than ever.
Muddying the waters is
the Reporter’s Guide to Applications Pending Before the United States Supreme Court, specifically page 3.
am removing from my blog, all references which indicate any knowledge of what the docket entries mean. And let me go
on the record to apologize if it turns out that my analysis of the docket was erroneous. I did the best I could
with the information I had.
I was told by the stay clerk on Nov. 6 that Justice Thomas would deny a renewed application.
But, if what the Reporter’s Guide says is true - that it’s current standard practice for the renewed application
to be referred to the full court - then the stay clerk, whose job it is to handle applications, had no business telling me
Justice Thomas would deny the renewed application.
And he didn’t deny it. (Donofrio resists temptation
to stick out his tongue and say, “Nah na nah na na”… barely.)
The communication and tactics taken
by the Supreme Court Clerk’s office have been abysmal. I have absolutely no respect for that office.
I take full responsibility for the confusion and must go on record now as saying I have no idea what the docket entries mean,
or if they mean anything at all.
I have not been given any information on the disposition of the application
at the conference today. SCOTUS did issue a miscellaneous order granting certiorari in two cases today.
rest of their orders for today should come out on Monday. If I had to read into this, I would say it doesn’t look
good, but it’s just a guess. The Public Information Office said they have no information other than what the Court
published today. The full order list will be out on Monday.
I wish I could give better guidance, but
I can’t.
(See link for remainder of article.)
(see link for full info...)
More articles are coming forth in the press. However, there are errors
in the articles, which can be misleading to the public. Please PRAY for accuracy in the press and reporting. Yet
we GIVE THANKS to the Lord that the news IS breaking forth - and that getting ANY information out to the public at this point
is progress and a real BREAKTHROUGH and victory! Thank you Lord, for hearing our cries and answering our prayers!
Bring forth the Truth! Raise up YOUR media spokesmen. Bring for accuracy in reporting! Let the truth ring
forth to the four corners of our nation! In Jesus' Name, AMEN and AMEN!
Leo Donofrio describes
in his blog some of the errors in various articles, along with his contacts with the press and their corrections; Mr. Donofrio
is very gracious to acknowledge their willingness to listen and make corrections, and notes this in his blog. He also
expresses his own difficulty understanding all of the intricacies of the Supreme Court process and conflicting information
he has been given. His expression of humility is to be respected and admired. This expresses integrity. See his
blog for information:
http://naturalborncitizen.wordpress.com/ NEWS ARTICLES...
Court to weigh question about obama citizenship
Times - December 5, 2008
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2008/dec/05/court-to-weigh-question-about-obama-citizenship/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------