= Conspiriacy Theory People FACT: The issue is not about his birth only but about his citizenship, voter
fraud, falsified military records, foriegn scholarship money, campagign funding of foreign governments, campaign he ran for
his cousin who led a bloody coup d etat in Kenya afterwards. Obama gave him 1 million dollars.
MEDIA QUESTION or STATEMENT: It will all die down. He will be the best President
since Kennedy. These assailants to his character are just soar losers and right wingers.
If he is a usper working to bring about the
AMERO, Shariah law, Communism/Soialism in a dangerous post 9/11 era then the President of Iran and Russia will soon have all our
military secrets and damaging agreements. The soveriegnty of America that Kennedy believed in will be gone!
It is a racial right wing white thing.
FACT: The first
lawyer to come against Obama was a life long Democrat, a leader who helped chose electors, delegates and candidates.
Then there is Dr. Manning of the black church in Harlam, and ALveda King related to Dr. Martin Luther King and many others/
This is all just internet
amature hoaxes.
FACT: The lawyer Phil Berg who started the suits is the Former
Deputy Attorney General of PA a swing state. (the lower court said he didn't have standing. If someone
with that position didn't then who did?!!!)
Another lawyer filing is Alan Keys, who was also an Afro American
candidate on an independent ticket from CA.
What's the big dead about natural born? John McCain wasn't either.
FACT: Article II of the Constittuion was written based on Deut 17:15 to prevent foreign powers from uspuring
authority and gaining back all our forefathers had fought so long and bloody hard battles for. They knew Europe and others
would keep a greedy eye on America and return often to try their hand at it.
Isn't that undemocratic and unloving to block veterans who fought for us
and others just because they were not born here?
are NOT a democracy where the majority rule. Actually contrary to that misguided notion, we are a Federal Republic based on
a democractic form of Government like Ancient Babylon, Rome,and Greece, but unlike them we were also based on the Bible and
Trinity for our three branches of government to remain moral and balanced.
America was not established by our forefathers
to be a free for all for all the broken people of the earth. Though that is a lovely idea. It was instead as seen in their
writting meant to be a bulwark of Chritian faith based on Judaic Old Testament and New. It was to be salt and light among
nations and Free.
rediculous to think Obama could make it to Senate and then President without the FBI or CIA or anyone else checking his birth
certificate and passport!
FACT:Nancy Pelosie and Mr. Dean at the head of the party did NO
CHECKING. They signed off on it ! WHy? He already had a US passport and was a Senator and presented a 2007 Photoshop
laser print out certificate. Why would they have thought to demand more. No other candidate in US history had disrespected
that law in that manner so baltently. It was hard to believe. And when the Indonesian passport was yielded in exchange for
a US diplomatic passport in becoming Senator it was edging on illeagal but not as great an issue. You can be foreign born
as Senator, Govenor or Congressmen. You are supposed to be a US resident well beyond immigrant status. Now the records are
sealed and a supreme court would have to open them even for Dean and Pelosi to get a second guess and double back.
Well if he was a
lawyer wasn't he smart enough to avoid such a mistake?
FACT: He lied on his bar exam in two lines. #1:
Ever known by any other name? He said no. FACT: He was Barry Satoro in Indonesian, renamed by his step father, studied at
private school in that name and college. #2: Ever had any other citizenship? He lied and said no. In fact, now under pressure
his web site says he indeed held duel citizenship with both Kenya and England until 1984 and he never mentions Indonesia because
that is the Hot Potatoe that would sink him. Why? Indonesia did not allow duel citizenship with Kenya, USA or England. He
lost all American citizenship upon re entry to the country and was an immigrant and can show no re entry papers. According
to the lawyers, they do not exist. A HUGE ISSUE. An not important to him because he has stated he will open the boarders of
Mexico and reduce immigrant violations!
Can't you get debarred for lying on the bar exam? And the college scholarship
funds needs to be investigated because they were foreign not American and they too, if you've already guessed are locked
Hawian officials have already stated there is a birth certificate there. Factcheck.org backs them so it must be so
THey said A certificate is there. NOT an American one. There is a Box 7 C code on it and that indicates possible foreign birth.
In 1996 Hawaii allowed American women to bring their infants back to the USA before age one to surpass future immigration
hurdles and register the foreign certificate. That doesn' change the status from naturalized to natural.
.His mother
and said sister both gave too different hospitals he was born in at Honolulu. FACT: But an vestigator at the press conference
checked every single hospital and not one has a record of her or the baby. They can't say more but that much they can
say, no record.
FACT: There is no death cretificate for his mother and there are four social security uses
of her ID since her supposed death up until last year that Alan Keyes lawyer found. Is she alive or dead?
the grandmother's birth anouncement in the paper proof of his birth in Hawaii?
FACT: Many grandparents do that and
this one doesn't say where he was born.
Wasn't the birth certificate on the web enough?
Four forensic scientest say no. It is missing tel tale tri fold creases and the embossed seal, and kerning of letters is wrong
and the boarders don't match under magnification and their is gray pixels bleeding into green areas where apparently a
name was removed that appears to be similar to his sister's though it can not all be seen well enough to make out the
complete name that was errased by soaking in a solution or computer work.
It didn't pass a Hiss test by computer lab. They are able to blow up an image and determine exactly what software and printer made it and when!
Even at that,
the forgery is only a forgery of a certificate that states there is something on file in short form. The original would be
hand written or typed not laser printer in 1961 before computers. And it will say where he was born and more details about
parents, doctor hospital ect.
Why make such a fuss? Wasn't he the popular and electoral vote elected President
elect? Just leave it alone...
FACT: Do you let someone go 85 miles an hour drunk on the freeway in rush hour and
get away with it? Not hardly. The law is the law. Police chase people like that and pray everyone else with common sense gets
out of the way. It is never wrong to investigate crime, and resonable doubt like this that just keeps mounting. What kind
of a President will he be if he doesn't want the public to believe he is clean as a whistle and truthful. If there is
nothing to hide then why not comply with requestes from this many lawyers and people in his own party?
the electors get all the votes they needed?
Not all of them even exist. One named Helen in CA on the list presented
is dead since 2005!
Would a politician running for President lie? Look at Edwards. Look at the governor of IL that
Obama is now in the lime light with trying to deny anything tainted with such unblievable blatant criminal activity.
Charasmatic leader emassed the largest crowds in history to his rallies and everyone adored him for several years until he
devestated their nation and many others. Hitler. Its happened before. Don't let it happen again.
If he is proven
guilty every law he signs and every deal and appointment he makes will become null and void. What will we do then?
Well aren't you
afraid of riots?
FACT: A healthy
fear of that; Yes. But in the mean time Israel has promised to take care of their Nuclear problem with Iran themselves before
Obama gets into office. That could be world war II! And we have the blood of 50 million babies crying out of the ground against
abortion and too much ground gained to turn back and lose it all now. Will anyone be thinking of them at the Inauguration
parties and when they are happy with the wealth spread around and luxuries they are all imagining they voted for? Not likely.
God told Esther to act righteously and to fast and intercede against evil headed her way. That was risky and
that was indeed love.
God is asking the church to be his Esther and not hide her eyes.
Why don't the media cover this?
Press has it all sowed up in their sarcasim and press releases. Investigative journalism is not known much these days. The
writers clock in and out like everyone else and get it mostly all off the wire from their computers where a few download it.
The anchor people spin it colorfully just a bit different to catch ratings. Its big business and its show business. If it
doesn't bleed it doesn't read. So they don't care much for this, yet.