24, 2008, Are your Cell Phones Safe from intruders??? In this article www.FreePress.Net , goes into the technology used in prisons to block usage of wireless phones by slamming them.. I think
they are trying this in more than prisons.. So if you are a little bit suspicious like me, then write us and let us know your
thoughts??, And by the way the, link is a great place to see what is going on in Cyber world.. they are getting really great at tracking
the political cyber snoops.. so stay tuned.. JAldrich, catchoftheday..
March 29, 2008 J Aldrich
Well, what do you think about the Governors Council vote to appoint Cheryl Jacques,
Esq the principle precursor to Gay anything in Massachusetts as a Judge over UNEMPLOYMENT AND WORKMENS COMPENSATION??????
Is that really Kosher??? as a non partisan Judgeship??? Well we need a few right wings in place too don't
you think??? so they can waste tax money fighting .. Now in my estimation unemployment commission is the worst example of
liars we have in the Commonwealth. Everyone lies... the public the employer the lawyer the employee whoever needs
their back covered will face the liars all of them at once.
Do you think the employers will leave Massachusetts
now?? NO they won't ..they have just been given the go ahead to fire at will in at will country anyone they want and be
relieved of having to pay based on the trumped up cause of discrimination etc..
Do we have anyone out there
who wants to assign themselves to unemplyment court from this date forth??? Let's watch the thing play out.. I am not
kidding or stupid.. this is the first day of real persecution in Massachusetts, the day Cheryl Jacques got elected to
be a Judge for unemployment and workmens compensation....remember I told you ..
This is why we need Independant
Reporter's everywhere.. so sign up the battle is just beginning.,.
Things are going to get real messy from
here out.. I wanna thank you.. We need real men and real women to run this race to the finish..d n a does not argue...
35 states voting and only 12% of Blacks have been
voting even with the Obama front runner??? Where is the notice here??? I have been saying all along since I came on the
scenes with my camera we have a problem. Now unless we can show these figures are wrong the picture is still a white
eletist problem and a black no responsibility problem. Black preachers wake are allowing this country to become dereft
of the moral character you were given. This mess is not going to be solved with the current status quo. I rest
my case and will watch the coming weeks to see what the media will do with this truth. The churches are filled on Sunday
morning with Black men and women who are negligent on Monday to take care of political business. So when does this stop and
what will happen??? Even the numbers are still wrong and in spite of the biggest turnouts we have a lobsided voting public.
take heed Ameica Democracy works when people vote. Do not suppress voting by giving wrong polls, slanted media distortions
and whatever. We are so off here. Even the religious evangelicals got in on the disfunctional voting mania and
helped pump up a man who was only in it to wreck the real man's vote. IS that American at all??? It should not be
tolerated to sabotage someone's vote in the name of competition is the same as parents beating up other players in a school
athletic competition. This is taking us down folks and all the money in the world is not going to fix it. We have to
see it first to stop it. posted February 10, JAldrich, Catch of the Day, video News, freelance Reporting.
posted February 10, 2008 I have been hunting
down some ideas to cut my this weekend I signed up on vonage..and was told if I recommend someone or they recommend
me, I will get two months free on my phone bill. So a confirmation number was given to me to use when someone wants
to get the service. I say go for it. Let's tell Verizon where to get off.. You can pass this on and we all
can have a few breaks in the phone bill. Let's see how long it takes to stop the promotion.. anyway the prices are
right to use vonage 24.95 per month for the whole usa and 30.00 tax included. Plus you get the equipment free if you
already have high speed internet a must.. You just pay postage. They are really great to speak to on the phone. No arrogance
detected. The only thing is the contract is a year for the first year as I understood it. That is something verizon
does not do. Yet they are implementing it when they give a bonus pack of all three. So beware the times they are a changing
and the verizon no contract may be a thing of the past but then the price is higher so they are not loosing really.
By the way conservatives Verizon was right front and center in the Pride Parade this summer along with the Governor..oh
well...I guess they are into politics too. Here is my confirmation number to use as a promotion reference S3G299AEW1
RECORD IN 2008.. THIS WILL HELP ME TO LOBBY FOR DOCKET 4527 A proposed bill to require the legislature to videotape archive
stream to internet and cable access all public hearings at the statehouse.
Please consider the value this has to
our process. Is it possible we have such apathy because we are so ignorant of the goings on in our government on a daily basis
because we do not see what is going on??? we do have to work and save up taxes to pay the legislative salaries now don't
we? So is that reason to get them to act on docket 4527 ???? I wanna thank ya....
TO ORDER VONAGE BY PHONE 1 866 243 4357 1