The James Hartline Report
On The Frontlines Of The Culture War -
Urgent Alert!
This is the Battle of Our Generation:
The Battle For California!
As California Goes - So Goes Our Nation!
June 5 - 6,
Thousands of gay activists are preparing
a massive march on San Diego County
on June 6, 2009 in a public effort
to repeal Prop. 8, the California voter-approved
ban on same-sex marriages.
The radical homosexual event called
The Equality Torch Relay is part of the largest effort in California history to repeal
Prop. 8 and ensure that
same-sex marriages are once again forced on our state.
Does The Christian Community Have An Answer?
one, single foot is placed on the ground of San Diego County by
the advocates for
same-sex marriage in their efforts to repeal Prop. 8,
Christians from around San Diego
County and America will be gathering
for a historical prayer and worship event to call
upon the Spirit of the Lord
to move on California to save our generation for His Glorious
Churches, Youth Groups, Prayer
and Worship Teams Are Invited
To Attend A Historical Prayer & Worship Gathering
This is the Lord's Generation
Prayer & Worship Event
Friday - June 5, 2009
6:00pm - 9:00pm
(Doors Open at 5:30pm)
Calvary Temple Assembly of God
3911 Normal Street
San Diego CA. 92103
(next to the Hillcrest DMV - parking is
Music, prayer, prophetic declarations
and intercession for God's Spirit
to move upon our land and triumph over
our opponents
The Final Battle For
California Has Begun!
is a time of great urgency for Christians who support traditional marriage values in the state of California.
Since the passage of Prop. 8 (the ban on same-sex marriages) in California in 2008, radicalized homosexual forces have
been working non-stop in their efforts to repeal Prop. 8. The goal of our opponents is to place an initiative
on the 2010 ballot to repeal Prop. 8. If the Christian Communities of California remain on the sidelines, we could very
well see the repeal of Prop. 8 and the restarting of same-sex marriages in our state.
If Prop. 8 is repealed, these radical gay activists will then go on to sue
every pastor who does not accept and promote homosexuality from their respective church pulpits. In turn, churches will
be forced to use up all of their financial resources defending discrimination lawsuits filed by the ACLU. Christian
schools will be forced to promote gay rights and the homosexual lifestyle to their students. If they refuse, their school
charters will be revoked for violating statues banning discrimination based upon sexual orientation. The plan
is clear: the battle is at hand!
activists are using a two-pronged approach in their battle plan to repeal Prop. 8 and then to force same-sex marriages
upon the Christian Community whether churches like it or not. The first part of this plan is to sway public opinion
in favor of same-sex marriage so that a majority of persuadable California voters will vote to repeal Prop. 8 in 2010.
The other, more insidious aspect to their battle plan, is to marginalize key supporters of traditional marriage by defining such
supporters as hateful religious extremists who must be condemned and rejected via a repeal of Prop. 8. Recent
attacks against Miss California Carrie Prejean gives all of us an accurate picture of the vile hatred that homosexual
extremists are attempting to spread throughout the state of California towards anyone who supports traditional marriage values.
Make no mistake about it: San Diego, California
is ground zero for America's culture war in the battle to preserve religious liberties and traditional marriage. From
the preserving of the Mt. Soledad Cross on public property to the passage of Prop. 8 in 2008, as well as the recent outstanding
defense of marriage by San Diego's own Miss California Carrie Prejean, the County of San Diego has been uniquely
chosen by God as the center for the culture war, as well as the birthing place for the next great spiritual revival in
America. We, in San Diego, have been raised up by God for a unique and prophetic time in our nation's history.
Homosexual activists know this and that is why they are
expending so much time and energy on corrupting San Diego County leading up to the 2010 elections and their goal of repealing
Prop. 8.
Now, let me take you inside of
the war room of California's radical homosexual machine so that I can show you how these radicalized, anti-christian
soldiers are preparing to go to battle in San Diego, California to press their case to repeal Prop. 8.
This video from You Tube documents the manipulative efforts of the radical homosexual organization Equality Marriage USA - San Diego Chapter,
where one of their activists in the You Tube video unequivocally states that the goal of the homosexual movement
is: "more than tolerating - it's accepting, it's embracing (homosexuality)." The video also details
their active plans to engage the rural, outlying areas of San Diego County in their drive to overturn the ban on
same-sex marriages in California. These are this 21st century's dark evangelists for the anti-christ system.
And, if the Equality California You Tube video
does not awaken your need to re-engage yourself in this battle, than take a look at the website called Meet In The Middle 4 Equality. With the theme, "No Reservations, No Compromise" the troops for the repeal of Prop. 8 are
out in full force throughout the state of California in their drive to repeal the ban on same-sex marriages. According
to an LA Times article posted on that website, for the purposes of repealing Prop. 8, "Wednesday afternoon,
Equality California announced it was launching a massive grass-roots campaign that seeks to reach 300,000 voters in the next
100 days."
The primary question for evangelical
Christians is this: "Are we just as active for
converting the culture to
our Biblical worldview as our opponents are towards
their anti-christian worldview?"
Did Jesus Christ save us to become lukewarm
believers or did
our Father in Heaven send His only Son to give birth to a
prophetic generation
that is determined to save a nation?
The Invasion of June 6, 2009 ~
Take a look at the following event that the radical San Diego Gay Pride organization is planning for June 6, 2009 in
their efforts to attack Christian values throughout San Diego County as part of their overall plan to repeal Prop 8 and
the California ban on same-sex marriages:
The Equality Torch Relay
Saturday - June 6, 2009
The Equality Torch Relay will be carried by hundreds and hopefully
thousands of equal rights
supporters to the steps of City Hall in every city
in San Diego County. The Relay will inspire courage for many, and be a
of reflection for those who haven't considered how LGBT
discrimination could affect someone they love.
Some will walk, some will
run and together we will inspire our community as we raise awareness of
the Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual and Transgender San Diegans who embody our
community's rich history ofcourage, spirit,
achievement, and activism.
The Equality Torch will unite the San Diego Region and use the power of our neighborhoods standing arm-in-arm
to inspire change.
to the slick, pseudo-feel good advertising that the Olympics-themed "Equality" Torch Relay is putting forth in preparation
for their massive June 6th event, the real message that these radical, anti-christian gay activists
will be conveying to impressionable voters and the media throughout our San Diego neighborhoods on June 6th is revealed
in another part of the San Diego Gay Pride website called Stand Against Religious Extremism. For these socialistic, intrusive homosexual activists, love is the last thing their message conveys. Rather,
they are intent on carrying forth an angry tirade against Christians, Mormons, Catholics and pro-marriage African
American churchgoers as they march on every neighborhood and city hall in the entire County of San Diego
on June 6th as a part of a well-funded battle plan to repeal Prop. 8 and the ban on same-sex marriages in California.
Here is how the San Diego Gay Pride website describe Catholics, supporters of
Prop. 8 and anyone else
who is standing in the way of their goal of overturning
the ban on same-sex
marriages. Their vicious attack on Catholic attorney
Charles LiMandri
and his legal defense of four San Diego firemen who were
to participate in the 2007 San Diego Gay Pride Parade is described as
Stand Against Religious Extremism
The San Diego Gay Pride websites states:
was the Firefighter Lawsuit really about?
Let there be no confusion:
This lawsuit was about hate, pure and simple. Hate against you. Hate against me. Hate
against our LGBT community and our struggle for equal rights. Religious extremism is
we are all too familiar with in San Diego, from John McCusker being denied a
Catholic funeral
by the Bishop of San Diego, to the religiously funded Prop 8 Campaign,
to this most
recent settlement in favor of four firefighters who participated in the San Diego
Pride Parade.
We need your help! Take a stand against religious extremism.
Take a stand against hate.
"Stand with us and make a donation to San Diego (Gay) Pride. Our
goal is to raise
$34,301, to surpass the settlement granted to the firefighters. The funds we
raise will not
be used for hate, for divisiveness, or for discrimination. We will use the
funds raised to
celebrate Pride in our community, to fight for equal rights, and to
follow our vision to
create a world free of prejudice and bias.
Please give today and help us raise $34,301 to
show our adversaries that any
action they take against us will be met with an equal and
opposite reaction of love and equality
for all people. Stand with us now. We will not be
~ The Cost Is Too High For Christians To Remain Silent ~
Because these radicalized homosexual
activists are now aware that the majority of Californians do not agree with their distorted and unbiblical views on marriage
and family, they are stooping to a well-funded campaign of targeting the Christian, Catholic and Mormon Communities by
defining all of us who helped to pass Prop. 8 as hateful religious extremists. Of course, the Christian Community is
neither hateful or extreme, but if we remain quietly on the sidelines while these radicals falsely define who we are
prior to next year's election, there is a real possibility that they could covertly sway a significant portion of the
voting population to agree with them to repeal Prop. 8.
On Saturday, June 6, 2009 gay activists plan to engage in an all out war to press
plan to repeal Prop. 8, the ban on same-sex marriages that was passed by
voters in 2008. The Equality Torch Relay, sponsored by the radical
group, San Diego Gay Pride, plans to march on every city in San
Diego County
on Saturday, June 6, 2009. Carrying multiple "Equality" torches,
like the Olympics does every four years, these radical gay activists plan to
every community in San Diego County to influence public opinion in an
effort to repeal Prop. 8 via a new ballot initiative that they seek to place on
the ballot in 2010.
should our response be?
We certainly
cannot remain neutral as we wait for the darkness to prevail. As the great orator Edmund Burke stated, "All
it takes for evil to triumph, is for a few good men (or woman) to do is nothing." We must
lay our lives before the throne of God and ask Him to intervene in the affairs of our culture. This is the goal of our
Prayer and Worship Event on Friday - June 5, 2009.
We are also reminded of a similar time in ancient Israel, when the honorable King Jehoshaphat was faced with a similar dilemma.
The land of Judah was being threatened by a massive invasion of wicked nations. The faithful King of that ancient land gathered
his people together and they cried out in unity for the mercy of their God to intervene. We read in 2 Chronicles
20:14-15,17 what the Lord had to say to King Jehoshaphat and his people when the Spirit of the Lord came upon a great prophet
in response to their pleas for God's help:
Then in the midst
of the assembly the Spirit of the LORD came upon Jahaziel the
son of Zechariah,
the son of Benaiah, the son of Jeiel, the son of Mattaniah, the
Levite of the sons
of Asaph; and he said, "Listen, all Judah and the inhabitants of
and King Jehoshaphat: thus says the LORD to you, 'Do not fear or be
dismayed because
of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but God's.
'You need not fight in this battle; station yourselves, stand and see the salvation
the LORD on your behalf, O Judah and Jerusalem.' Do not fear or be dismayed;
tomorrow go out to face them, for the LORD is with you."
And that is what we intend to do on Friday, June 5, 2009, the night before this
army of
homosexual activists march the streets of San Diego County. We will be coordinating
prayer events throughout the United States on behalf of our battle in
San Diego.
James Hartline and the Hillcrest Mission will
be holding a prayer and worship
event at Calvary Temple Assembly of God. You
are invited to join James,
worship leader Chris Cohen and
a host of other worship leaders, prophetic voices
and prayer
warriors as we take our stand before the God of heaven to plead for
His intervention in our state.
Thompson, Director of America Asleep kNOw More will be coordinating
a prayer
event in San Antonio, Texas on June 5th to support us.
Coach Dave Daubemnire
of Pass The Salt Ministries will be holding a prayer
event in Ohio
on June 5th to support us.
You can forward your ministry name to support
us as well.
Will You join us? Will you stand
in intercession on Friday evening,
June 5, 2009 as we call upon our God to help
us in this great battle to
save the state of California. As California
goes, so goes the nation.
RSVP James Hartline with your intention of participating.
For further information call James Hartline: 619-255-9378
This has been a published article from The James Hartline Report
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Educating The Church
Fighting For Our Generation
If you would
like to contact James Hartline
to make
a very much needed contribution
his ministry called the Hillcrest Mission
use the following information:
Mailing Address:
The Hillcrest Mission
P. O. Box 632763
San Diego, CA. 92163
The Hillcrest Mission is a 501(c) 3 Ministry - IRS Tax ID #57-1216738
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