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Urgent: The Obama New World Order Threat?
"The Evidence Provided Below on Obama's Frightening Involvement with the New World Agenda is Under a threat of Being Taken Offline. You Must Act Now to Receive it...Fast"

WARNING: This Report is under threat of being taken offline due to its content. It is important that you read below to know how to access the rest of the information before the Report is taken offline.

Chaos In A Major Christian Denomination Regarding Obama!

My name is Mel Sanger, an international political researcher. In February 2008 I and my group of 5 political research analysts were asked by a Major American Christian Church (can't name it for obvious reasons) to investigate whether Barack Obama had any involvement with the freemason conspiracy new world order.

The Christian organization had received numerous calls and emails from its congregational members during 2007 and early 2008 asking whether Barack Obama was the Biblical Antichrist. It would seem that there were a number of teachers in the organization who were teaching this view which was conflicting with the organizations overall general major public support for Obama.

The confusion was causing major issues inside the church and they wanted a political research team without any ties to the organization or political biases to address the matter and report back on the findings. So we gladly accepted the task of tackling this subject.

I Was Put Off By the Typical Sensationalist Views At Every Election!

Up until then I had personally dismissed criticism of Barack Obama as simple attempts to discredit one of the most incredible political journeys not only in US history, but World History. Obama’s rise was on par with the release of Nelson Mandela and the Freedom speech of Martin Luther King decades ago.

I had been re-energized by his speeches and his story. I had read his biography "Dreams of My Father" and had personally bought 10 of his biographies for a local community, for them to loan out to deprived young people who needed proof that they could succeed against the odds.

My negativity to criticism on Obama (especially those saying he was the Antichrist) had largely been because of the shoddy sensationalist things written about him, especially on YouTube.

For instance, on YouTube there were many video's linking Barack Obama's name to 666 conspiracies. Others had provided pictures of Obama not saluting the American Flag. Under full research analysis, most, if not all of these accusations were simply poor primary evidence and shoddy outstretched research with absolutely no credibility.

5000 Hours of Painstaking Analysis!

Between March 2008 and September 2008 our research group examined over 4000 pieces of documentation and conspiracy theories regarding the coming New World Order and the key people involved, both those in the public spotlight and others who remain behind the scenes.

The purpose of the research was to see identify substantial links to Barack Obama or any of the key people associated with him, and to understand his political ideology, views on faith and morals and religious associations.

We studied more than 5000 hours worth of footage on all his speeches, looking out for views, comments or words which may carry coded or cryptic messages missed by the general public but discerned by others.

A New Sickening Discovery!

In June 2008 after assessing over 3000 pieces of documentation our research team uncovered some damning and frightening evidence that completely changed our view of him Totally.

The information was so startling that at first we refused to believe it but additional analysis of confidential documents made our fears come true and it was an undeniable fact. There was a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach because I literally had to undo everything I had liked about this man in light of the chilling evidence.

In September 2008 we published the findings in a report called the Antichrist Identity. The title is slightly misleading as we do not believe that he is the biblical Antichrist. However there is iron clad research and evidence that confirms that he is a major pawn in the new world order and one of the most dangerous US presidents ever to hold office.

He is also progressing the antichrist system that is is gathering pace after the recent world economic upheaval.

The report also implicates not only Barack Obama but also Javier Solana of the European Union, Prince Charles of Wales, Queen Beatrix of Netherlands and Prince Hassan of Jordan.

The report implicates a secret network of people who all know each others world roles and who are acting independently publicly, but are coercing a plan behind the public scene to use their powers of influence to take the world to a new level of world regulation.

Why Are The Christian Experts Asleep?

You would have thought that the christian community would have discerned this but unfortunately much of the christian community is asleep on this matter. Bible Prophecy Ministries who week in, week out, publish so much information about the coming new world order are silent on this specific matter.

Infact nearly all of the bible prophecy ministries we have contacted and asked to air our report all of them, 100% have refused to even respond.

Others are sitting on the fence. Clearly they can sense something weird has been triggered in the political dimension but whether its for fear of losing their airtime on TV, Radio, many simply skirt around the issue suggesting that "we need to pray for Obama" and going no further.

At a recent international bible prophecy conference, did you know that after 3 days of lectures and presentations there was absolutely nothing said about “Obama and the New World Order” or “The Masonic deception by which the New world Order will be executed"…..

There was lots of talk and discussion about the rapture, the tribulation, the economic meltdown, the European Union, commitment to Israel etc but absolutely nothing about the dangers of the Obama New World Order, or why is it, that the political leadership of Israel are freemasons, or the purpose of the rebuilding Of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem from an occultist perspective.

Skirting with the broad issues but not dealing with the detail.....Unfortunately the devil is in the detail!

Why You Urgently Need to Get This Report!

Because MSN and YAHOO have already blocked us from advertising this report through their advertising system. Only Google remains and we now know the days of this report are limited. Therefore you must take Action Today and Obtain This Report. We can no longer guarantee its availability.


Because The report contains confidential information that few people aside from you will have access to. Most People simply won't believe the report because they have been totally deceived by a strong delusion. You will be one of the few who has access to this report and its contents.

Because With the report you also receive a free additional 30 Page report with essays from 15 of America's Top Political Columnists on the dangers of the obama movement.
Because just like the movie the Matrix, the vast majority of people don't believe or don't want to believe. I remember the sickening feeling I had when I literally had to undo my whole perception of Obama. It not easy and wasn't nice and part of me wanted to disown the evidence we found. However I believe you want the 100% truth.......Get the Report Now to see the Truth but it may make you uneasy!
Because the findings conflict with some of the traditional major bible prophecy ministries end time views. I have been well familiar with some of the bible prophecy ministries that you are aware of. Jack Van Impe, Grant Jeffrey, Tim LaHaye...........................

However none of them for some reason or the other go to the depth of detail that is required to understand the deceptive way that the new world order is being executed. Why?................Because their research hardly penetrates the understanding of freemasonry and its occultic time bound plan that is being rolled out deceitfully to catch Christians off guard.....It is only surface level and does not deal with the root core of the coming new world order......Get the Report to see full details of the root core.......


Because the report implicates not only Obama but a secret network of people  (some you will know) who all know each others roles who are acting independently publicly but are coercing a plan behind the scenes. The plan has been so deceptive that even ministries like John Hagee's "Friends for Israel" initiative has unsuspectingly been caught up in this controversy......Get the Report Now to see Why....


You need to understand which power bloc will drive the Antichrist world government. Will it be a re-energized United Nations, the European Union as a Revived Roman Empire, The United States as a Guardian of the New World Order, an Islamic Confederacy led by the Muslims long awaited Islamic Madhi or something else?

Why is it That

On the day of Barack Obama's Inauguration, the media made reference to the fact that Barack Obama's Presidential Car has been nicknamed "The Beast ...........Is this a sign that the Masonic Conspirators behind the New World Order are purposely playing with those who have an understanding of end time prophecy?


That in 2008 were there over 3 million searches on the keywords "Obama Antichrist" and "Obama Messiah"?.......Does Barack Obama have an apocalyptic role given the global financial circumstances in which he has risen to power. Is he a man divinely appointed or an agent of the New World Order objective?


Obama, despite claiming to be a professing Christian, made a number of statements regarding the Christian faith and his view that there are different pathways to God other than through the biblical view?


There is a shocking connection between Obama's philosophy and aggressive socialist marxist ideals...........Is the United States undergoing a transition to make it finally susceptible for subversion to a new world order objective, which will initiate the formation of a world government structure and the absolute loss of personal freedom and many of the freedom amendments?

Unfortunately the Devil is in the Detail!

The Antichrist Identity is a 150 Page Report composed of the research  we did in 2008 where you will have full complete 100% access to cutting edge evidence that the new world order is moving forward now at lightening speed. No stone is unturned, we name names and provide clear documented evidence for you to observe covering the merovingian question, prince charles of wales, barack obama, javier solana, the islamic madhi, the coming maitreya, the dark apostate side of the zionist movement.....and much more.

Click here for a Sneak Preview

A Small Preview of the Vast Number of Insights For
You To Make Your Own Personal Decision on The Evidence.


Your view of the end times will be forever changed by the information in this report. It will seriously challenge your views, political beliefs and will cause discomfort as it reveals a major deception regarding the United States in recent times! (Part 1: Page 29)



You will fully understand why Talk Radio Stations all over America are now Facing the threat of Censorship by Obama when he becomes President under the Obama New World Order. (Part 2: Page 21)



You will understand the reason why many bible prophecy experts have been muted regarding the election of Barack Obama. What is it that they know but are simply too scared to say regarding the Obama New World Order (Part 1: Page 32)



What was the Importance and Significance of Obama's attendance at Trinity United Church of Christ. (Part 2: Page 9)


Birds of a Socialist Marxist Feather do Flock Together and because of the absolute lack of belief by many on this issue, we will provide you the names and political agenda's of some of Obama's major advisors. Once you see this list and proof of their covert connection to Obama there will be no hiding place! (Part 2: Page 13)


Why is there confusion in the Muslim World regarding their view of Barack Obama? (Part 2: Page 57)


Does Obama's moral and religious views cause fundamental conflict with the Christian Faith which he professes? (Part 2: Page 17)


Why Has Google reported over 5 million searches in 2008 for the term "Obama Antichrist" and does he have an apocalyptic role? (Part 3: Page 23)


Why is the Destruction of Islam and the removal of the Dome of the Rock from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, a significant requirement for those looking to bring about the Masonic New World Order? (Part 3: Page 12)

And Much More...............................

Your Choice!

There is no beating around the bush or hard sell with this 150 page report. If you have got this far, its because something deep inside you hasn't been fully comfortable with what you have seen in 2008. The incredible melt down of the global financial system, the rise of Barack Obama onto the world scene, the increased presence of the European Union in the Arab - Israeli negotiations, Pope Benedicts XVI recent call to return to theological discussion with the protestant movement and the media focus on the rapid emergence of Islam on a global basis.

"This special report confirms the  concerns I have had with popular bible prophecy teachings. Masonic lodges know bible prophecy and will rollout their agenda in a sinister deceitful way that will catch many of us off guard. The Antichrist Identity Report is one of the more detailed expose's of the coming new world order, and does it in a way that is refreshing and informative."

Richard Bailey, Cupertino, California.

"Considering I am usually cautious about ordering anything online there was something about your report presentation which seemed to hit a nerve with me. I had actually voted for Barack Obama and had seen the outline of your report and its assertions as downright crazy. In downloading your report and re-reading it several times over, it actually dawned on me that you guys had actually hit something. After studying biblical prophecy for 15 years and teaching in various churches I am amazed at how I did not see this coming. I believe as Americans many of us have been so worn out by the Republican administration that we wanted change whoever would bring it without doing the proper background checking. Have to applaud you and apologies for the harsh emails I sent you at the beginning."

Phil Crozier, Irving, Texas

"Excellent, well documented report. The expose of Barack Obama and Prince Charles is probably one of the best insights I have read in years. I wish you well in trying to get the publication into hard print. My only constructive criticism is that there is so much information in the report that for nearly a week my husband got no attention. May your ministry continue to be blessed as it is only through spiritual discernment that one could have identified such key issues. Really Good Information. Thanks."

Rachel Thompson, Vancouver


"I seriously recommend this document for all people who want real hard core facts. There is so much conspiracy junk on the internet that sometimes it can create a negative attitude even towards reports which are quite factual and genuine. My best section was the way you approached the debate on whether the coming antichrist world government system will be driven by the United States of Europe, United states of America, a Re-energized United Nations or an Islamic Alliance."

Ray Martinez, Miramir, Florida

You want a first opportunity to explore unique, well documented, fundamental facts rather than face the speculative amble and indecision by bible prophecy teachers on a massively controversial issue.

If you are interested in getting your hand on hard, uncompromising, evidence then you must Act Now as it may only be a matter of time before we are forced to take the Report off the Site. You need to Know the Truth...Fast!....

Click here for Details of How to Obtain It, Literally in Minutes......

P.S. I promise you, you will not have seen anything as detailed as this report.
P.P.S.With the report you will also receive an extra 2 FREE additional Massive reports for additional reading including a 30 page report detailing 15 essays from America's top political columnists on the dangers of the obama movement.
P.P.S.Make sure when you download the Reports you also subscribe to the "award winning" Vision Newsletter. A FREE Lifetime monthly insight into the "non mainstream news" which is where the real truth is seen regarding the transitioning to the New World Order in the next 4 years.

Click here for Details of How to Obtain It, Literally in Minutes......

Yours Sincerely


Mel Sanger MSc
Author, The Antichrist Identity Report
Head of the Antichrist Identity (AI) Research Team

Click here for Details of How to Obtain It, Literally in Minutes......


According to Henry Kissinger, the Nobel Peace Prize winner and former secretary of state under President Nixon,

"conflicts across the globe and an international respect for Barack Obama have created the perfect setting for establishment of “a New World Order.”  

Remark in a 2008 interview with CNBC’s “Squawk on the Street” hosts Mark Haines and Erin Burnett at the New York Stock Exchange

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