Dear FIAT members, associates & friends:
1. Reminder: Join us at the Earl Henry Sholley for
Congress Campaign
"Thank You/Christmas Party", Friday, Dec. 5, 6:30-10:00 p.m. at the VFW Post
8049, Summer
St., Norton, to honor those who worked for the 2008 campaign,
and to network and solicit ideas for the next battle.
Food provided. Free
& open to our activist community. The VFW is located just off Route 140
about one half mile from the Center and main intersection in Norton.
The second door on the right side of the facility
is the entrance to the
banquet room. For more information, contact Earl at 1-508-528-8420, or via
e-mail at
Earl said let's, "... win this war against Big Government Socialism, chronic
lies and deceptions,
economic turmoil, treason against the Republic, and the
assault against God and traditional American values. The
gathering will
welcome all new warriors. The only litmus test is to be a real Republican, a
true fiscal and social
conservative, and a belief in the Right to Life is
absolutely essential. All others are welcome, but anticipate
2. Faith-based Support for Veterans:
Serving meals to those who served
By Jay Pateakos, Herald News, Nov 21, 2008 - Twenty-six needy Swansea veterans and their families will be
treated to full turkey dinners this
Thanksgiving thanks to the efforts of
the Veterans Affairs office and New Hope Christian Church.
Robert Sampson,
Swansea director of veterans affairs, along with his
assistant Celeste LaChance picked up the full turkey dinners Friday,
delivering them to veterans and their families throughout the day.
The uncooked dinners, delivered in tote bags,
included a 15- to 20-pound
turkey, 7 pounds of potatoes, gravy, stuffing, two to three cans of
vegetables, four
to five cans of soup, pies, cakes and a large turkey
roasting pan with instructions for preparing the bird. The plan
was to
provide not only food for the holiday but portions - like the soup - that
can be used any time.
Church Mission Leader Tom Mancini said the money raised to purchase the
dinners, which cost more than $30 per person,
comes from two sources - a
general collection taken every week in church to assist those in need and
bins. He said the church's mission is to not only help those in
Swansea, but to reach out to needy people in Fall
River, Providence, East
Providence, Dorchester and others cities.
"Basically, we try to go to wherever
there is a need. We tried to put things
in the dinners that will allow them to put everything to use, not just for
Thanksgiving but for all other times," said Mancini. "We also add some info
on the church and how we can
further help them with meals, their families,
even spiritual assistance."
Mancini said the church was
also preparing turkey dinners for other families
in the area, including families at the Bennie Costa and Watuppa Heights
housing projects. Mancini said in addition to donations, many people have
stepped forward to help provide items to
go with the meals, like the
potatoes, vegetables and canned goods. The 100 turkeys purchased for the
needy costs
$1,100, with potatoes and squash totaling more than $300,
Mancini said.
"We are a Bible-loving church,
and one of our favorite verses is about
reaching out into the community and reaching out to help," said Mancini
the 600-member church. "We also reach out nationally to places like West
Virginia and internationally in
places like Haiti."
Sampson said despite the poor economy, people have stepped forward like
never before
this year to help veterans down on their luck in town and
throughout the country.
"We are getting a ton
of calls with people asking to run food drives for the
veterans or businesses providing donations," Sampson said.
"I think the
difference now as opposed to years ago, is there is more public awareness to
the plight of the
veterans and what they have done for the country. So many
people are coming forward to help them. It's a wonderful
thing to see."
But that's not all the outreach this holiday season.
Edward Miranda and members
of the First Congregational Church held a free
meat pie supper two weeks ago for veterans, taking donations in order
give back to needy veterans in the town. The dinner, along with selling
picture frames during the event, raised
a total of $2,080. Miranda, a
veteran himself along with five of the other seven deacons of the church,
said the
funds from the dinner were used to purchase $20 gift cards for
Swansea needy veterans - $1,000 worth from Seabra Market
and another $1,000
from Stop & Shop Supermarket.
"It was an idea that came to me over a year ago
that we had to do something
to help, and I thought why not put on a dinner, and the turnout was
said Miranda, a Vietnam veteran.
Although the dinner was free, donations were encouraged. Miranda said people
would often put $20 bills or more in the jars or wrote significant checks
while eating the dinner that night.
"One couple wrote a check for $60 because they said that was what they would
spend if they went out to eat at
a restaurant," said Miranda. "We'll
definitely do another one next year."
Sampson said
the gift cards will be distributed to Swansea veterans
throughout the holiday season and may coincide with their planned
food baskets they hope to deliver next month.
(You may e-mail Jay Pateakos at with comments.)