Joe testifies
in Boston Statehouse on Thursday.. check out the full story here: My testimony
at State House.. Open Meeting Laws Imagine you
can only audio tape.....insane My compalint to Attorney General office Thank you for contacting the office of Attorney General Martha
Coakley. Your e-mail has been forwarded to me for response.
To pursue this matter
further, please contact the Attorney General’s Civil Right’s Division directly at telephone number 617-727-2200
ext. 2927. Unfortunately, the Civil Rights Division does not accept communication by e-mail.
hope this information is helpful.
Sincerely, Community Information and
Education Division
From: [] Sent: Monday, October 15, 2007
12:36 AM To: Email Correspondence (AGO) Subject:
What are you going to do about this?
Attorney General Martha Coakley I have already dealt with you
about this and now I want something done. As MY State Attorney
I am asking that you represent me in filing damages against the MA GLBT Youth Commission for violating MY civil rights. I was asked to leave or be arrested at this event which
was OPEN to the PUBLIC. I did NOTHING wrong at this meeting. I was far away from interfering with anybody and I was given
FALSE information as to why I could NOT videotape this meeting. The
letter I wrote about this incident is below. I am NOT going to
let this go away. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Dear Attorney Generals Office. On
Monday evening, May 21st, 2007 I and another individual, Janet Aldrich of Hamiliton MA, went to videotape an open meeting
of the newly formed GLBT Youth Commission at the Gardner Auditorium. I am an independent
video producer for our local Cable Station in Framingham and wanted some footage of this historical first meeting of this
commission. The meeting was chaired by Jason Smith. On videotape Mr. Smith
told us that we could NOT videotape the sessions. He said audio
taping was permissible. Under threat of being escorted off the premises we were told to turn our video cameras around towards
the wall. I questioned this viewpoint to no avail. Could you please enlighten me as to where the law states that
videotaping of a PUBLIC OPEN meeting is forbidden? I find this hard
to believe in view of this information taken of the League of Woman voters website Meetings Open to Any Person Any person means every person and particularly the press. If the meeting room is too
small, and provisions are not made for all observers to listen in another room, the meeting is in violation of the law. Meetings
that are described as open for an individual but not for the press are not open meetings. Both sound recording and videotaping are permitted, but these
operations should not disrupt the meeting. I would like an explanation with this above procedural information whether Mr. Smith is correct
in his assumptions or a little confused what Country he thinks he is living in. This situation isn't new to freedom of speech.
Open knowledgeable people concerned with getting to know their Government can sense when Government goes a little
bit to far with its power, then it is time to fight back. Joseph Rizoli 94 Pond
St. Framingham, MA 01702-8116 508-875-0835
Pray for your enemies
do good to those who hate you.. who is right and who is wrong here??? First Amendment is a very serious crime and we all need
to come up to the plate and let the Constitution stand.. Look what the boys are up to now.. posted 2 28 2009 open meeting
law violations are not privy to priests I guess.. Joe Rizoli 508-875-2043
Interview Guys, but you just caused yourself demolition damage in this story.. you need a mike box to identify your news page..
cc file or Comflm, but this is not recommended not state your name.. you need to identify yourselves or get an interviewer
who is balsy enough to state their names.. not a playground for infants.. posting story 6 14 2009 JAldrich found on utube
after viewing the story on Boston Pride Parade.. CCFILE interviews Pam Richardson....
Weekly Show posted Feb 4, 2009
Here is a good one, Obama plans to give illegals
drivers licenses.. go for it Rizoli's... posting Nov
1 2008
had to be there......LOLWatch the video and come to your own conclusions.. About 4 minutes into it you will see the assault that they say didn't happen.
He and his only witness had what is called convenient amnesia LOL If we did this to him we would of been
arrested. You have to understand we ask to meet with him to clear the air but they
refused.We gave them 30 days to respond, after no reply we decided to take him
to court.Even a priest has to answer to the law. In this case I guess not.Hopefully he will go to confession.
Rizolis' complaint against priest denied
By John Hilliard/Daily News staff GateHouse News Service Posted Feb 03, 2009 @ 02:13 PM
A clerk magistrate decided this morning that the pastor of St. Tarcisius Church won't face trial after being
accused of assault and battery by an illegal immigration opponent. Today's hearing at Framingham District Court
stemmed from an assault and battery complaint against the Rev. Joe Pranzo, which was filed by illegal immigration opponent
Joe Rizoli. Rizoli claimed that Pranzo tried to take away Rizoli's video camera as he filmed a Dec. 6 public forum held
at the church. But the clerk magistrate ruled that there was no probable cause to bring the case to trial. The hearing
itself lasted less than an hour. Pranzo wouldn't comment to a reporter. His attorney, Beirne Lovely, said his client
didn't commit any assault or battery against Rizoli. Lovely, who is the general counsel for the Archdiocese of Boston,
said his client is willing to talk to the Rizolis. "We're happy to meet with them," said Lovely. Joe
Rizoli, and his brother Jim, said after the hearing they will continue taping in public venues and want to meet with Pranzo.
The pair frequently use footage from public events on a local cable TV show about illegal immigration. "We'll
see if we can work it out," said Jim Rizoli shortly after the hearing. For more on this story, see tomorrow's
MetroWest Daily News.
December 21,
2008 JRizoli sends link to story on Brazilian law suit that hopes to silence Christians, check it out: Joe Rizoli show 44 a must see posted january 15 2009
December 14, 2008
Fanuel Hall, Patriot Pastor gives homily on the topic..Someone Has Stolen My Country, and I want Her Back! videotaped
and produced by the Rizoli's.. order the tape from them 508 875 0835
Here they
go again check out the latest show..posted December 5, 2008 CCFIILE Show 189 Framingham
has a new Fire Chief, Brazilian businesses bad for the town, and watch out for militant gays!
are finally being exposed. After trashing our sacred Nevins hall on more than one occasion the Framingham board of Selectmen
have finally caught on to these users. The damage they do to our buildings is hopefully going to stop and the Brazilians are
going to have to find another place to booze it up for the new year 2009. Jim talks about the whole situation in the Weekly
show. Also talked about is the WEZE Christian radio
podcast that was videotaped by Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, about the fight over Obamas Citizenship.Go
41 min into video for that. Joe Rizoli
News.. Rizoli's take on GBLT.. GOTTA SEE THIS STORY .. link sent today by JRizoli, comflm member 10 02 08 4 video's by the tri voter values organizations..see link
for more details.. a must see.. consider yourself warned..
Raise Flag of Brazil in Framingham .. what do the Rizoli Brothers Raise???? story coming soon right here.... Sunday September
7, 2008 posted by JAldrich, Comflm Press Prez..
Oh, remember way back in spring... the new Committee on Gay and Lesbian Issues at the Statehouse had their first
Hearing??? Well
the Rizoli Brothers decided to attend.. set up the camera in Auditorium on back raised area where coincidentally there is
a platform for cameras to sit.. but due to attendance of maybe 35 in all.. the place was empty.. Sure enough the Committee
ask the Rizoli Brothers to take down the camera..of which they did..and then.. decided to file a complaint with the AG.. well this
weekend the AG sent the Rizoli Brothers a letter.. link to be posted here soon.. waiting on both stories.. Anyway, the Press has a bone to pick.. Comflm Registry
wants to respond to this insurrection of our liberties.. Comflm was there.. the brothers are members but chose to be there
as citizens..because they do not usualy cover these types of stories..there were no kids in this meeting.. no innocent babes
listening.. the camera was far away from obstucting anything.. and the right to tape by any citizen is not to be disrupted
by the gay army.. they are under the same laws as everyone else. This special interest group Committee wants to get special
interesting attention and we plan to give it to them.. we will be posting more on this subject as the petition signatures one more bony subject.. are
being gathered on the 1913 law about town, which I understand this group is against. So let's see how many
signatures they put up on Know thy neighbor.. this time.. lot's of good venom from the pascifists.. I would say.. and want a new reason to hate??? try visiting this
J Rizoli posts weekly show April 8, 2008
Breaking News.. March 29, 2008
Here is the
audio of the police escorting the Rizoli's out of the St. Tarsicius Parish Hall per
order of Rev. Joseph F. Pranzo,
C.S. i.e. Father Joe. The police were denying us our constitutional rights for being there, what
else is new? They unjustly threatened us with arrest -- hear what they said here. JR
Here is a link to a Washington Post Story on immigration
all would like to see: