How to Help
Sign Petitions
Two petitions
Write to your state and elected representatives
Suggested message
Contact your state’s governor
Contact your state’s secretary of state
Contact the electors from the electoral college
How to
contact electors from your state
Electors (2008) – by state
Electoral college and vote requirements – by state
How to Help
Dr. Orly Taitz
If you are an attorney and would like to assist Dr. Orly
Taitz, please feel free to contact her at dr_taitz@yahoo.com. Even if you are not an attorney, you can help by
1. signing petitions
2. writing to your state and federal elected representatives to express your concern
3. contacting your state governor and the
secretary of state of your state
contacting the electors from the Electoral College.
Dr. Orly Taitz
What can I do to help?
November 20, 2008
I would suggest that to start with, please consider signing the petition:
You can keep your name hidden from the public if you desire.
I suggest that you could also contact both your state and federal elected representatives to express your concern.
The reason to contact state elected representatives like your State Senator(s) and State Legislators is that they should consider
legislation to stop such a problem from occurring again.
Federal legislators can play a role in the Electoral college deliberations.
Here is a link describing one suggested method for doing this:
If you want to participate in more than that, there are projects to contact electors and collect elector contact
information, as well as other activities:
If you are interested in joining with others, there are numerous groups involved in working on various projects associated
with this controversy. Just let me know.
Please pass
these around to as many friends and family as you can. Try to recruit others if you can. Let's turn this into a signficant
movement. There is a lot at stake!
Posted by Orly
Taitz, DDS Esq. at 7:33 AM
Two Petitions
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The public interest in the Obama Eligibility Controversy
can be gauged by the number of petitions that are circulating. A few of the petitions that have been created on the internet
are listed at
Two in particular of interest. A petition that allows signatories
to also send email to their members of congress and senators has grown by over 100,000 in about six weeks:
Even more impressive is the World Net Daily petition, which
has higher visibility, and has collected over 70,000 signatures in about 4 days:
Both of these petitions need to be publicized as much as
possible, and as many people as possible encouraged to sign these to demostrate the level of interest of the public in this
Posted by Orly Taitz, DDS Esq. at 7:51 AM
A Suggested Method to Submit Email Alerts to Government Representatives
and Friends
Posted by Freedom on November 2, 2008
at 8:00 pm
Dear Citizen,
America needs your HELP NOW. Please review and sign this petition to stop Obama's fraudulent
behaviors in our government.
Please read this information
from this point of this page down to where the EMAIL instructions are written.
05 Nov. 2008
America has DEFIED the
"RACIST" accusations made by the IGNORANT minorities and others who state America is a RACIST country; when it is
NOT, and it is moving more and more to being "color blind".
Now is the time to show the world that America is also RULED by LAWS the laws that allowed Obama to be chosen to
become the president.
Now it is time for the American
people to ENFORCE its laws on Obama; the laws that REQUIRE THAT HE PROVE HE IS A "NATURAL BORN" citizen of America.
to be an "ILLEGAL ALIEN" by a DEMOCRAT attorney Philip J. Berg who is a former State "Deputy Attorney General"
for the State of Pennsylvania, U.S.A. and other bona fides follow: A) NAACP life time member, B) Authorized to practice in
the U.S.A Supreme Court,C) approximately 35 years of professional law practice.
Democrat Attorney Berg has filed, with the Supreme Court of the USA, a number of lawsuits against Democrat Obama
stating that Obama is an alleged ILLEGAL ALIEN who may occupy the office of “President of the United States of America”.
Obama is being defended in several legal actions by the same lawyers that work for the Council on American-Islamic Relations
(CAIR) an "un-indicted co-conspirator" with Hamas. Some estimate that these CAIR lawyers have cost Obama over 250,000
dollars in his efforts to avoid revealing Obama's citizenship status.
To make ABSOLUTELY certain that our Constitution is not ignored by Obama, and our government representatives; the
representatives need to be asked what they are going to do to make certain that Obama is a 'Natural Born Citizen'
of the U.S.A.
Currently an alleged Kenya video about
Obama makes Obama a citizen of Indonesia and also points to Obama who allegedly has used "forged birth" data in
lieu of a true birth document to obtain and achieve all that he has acquired here in America.
If one is an "experienced" PC user then use this automatic EMAIL
application because, it will enter your email ADDRESS book contents into the application to send to your friends, but one
needs to enter the public officials email addresses separately.
If one is familiar with constructing a manual EMAIL application TO MAKE YOUR CONCERNS KNOWN TO THE GOVERNMENT AUTHORITIES
and YOUR FRIENDS, this example is provided to prepare the email you will send to your emal recipients:
A) In an "email" and in the box labeled "to"... place
the email addresses as shown in the following:
or Mayor,or County Commissioners, Or Bush ( we tell the top person responsible for governing what our concerns are using the
link provided. It is our representatives job to fix what is broken in our social system/s.
B) In "CC" we need all depts that the TOP responsible person directs, and ESPECIALLY
the "ELECTION DEPT", so that they know the TOP person responsible, is on notice of a governmental problem.
C) One can use " BCC" if one chooses to notify friends of your
own actions taken on this issue. the "BCC" addressee are not seen by the; "TO" or "CC" addressees.
D) In the "subject" box one can state the problem in their own
words, example;An alleged "Illegal Alien" may become president of the U.S.A.? Or another message:" Why are
we permitting an ILLEGAL ALIEN to Become President of the U.S.A."
E) In the body of the email something like the following can be entered
Dear, ????
We have "unalienable rights
given me by the creator" and all citizens swear to uphold OUR rights under the rule of law. OUR rights are being violated
because Obama is not validating his "natural born" birth necessary to be the chief executive of the U.S.A.
are WE going to do about this violation of OUR Constitutional RIGHTS? Please respond with a course of action that you will
pursue to HONOR your pledge to protect OUR "unalienable rights given US by the creator" and that cannot be changed
by anyone other than "75%" of the U.S.A. citizens.
Obama is in violation of OUR RIGHTS, and worst of all Obama is alleged to have said AFTER he was queried on this
issue during a public forum.... I will speak on the issue AFTER the election.
The Constitution law professors say that Obama, by law, has to respond to OUR question NOW and not later, after the
elections, as he allegedly stated during the forum discussions.
A letter to your governor
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Dear Governor:
This letter is to put you
on notice in regards to the following troubling facts:
From August 21 until now some 17 legal actions were filed all over this nation and at least 16 more are about to be filed
shortly: those were individual or class actions, in different State and Federal courts. The plaintiffs: US citizens, voters,
electors, different Party officials and candidates for office are alleging that Mr. Obama’s eligibility for Presidency
was never verified by any governmental agency and mounting evidence suggests that he does not qualify as a Natural Born citizen
and therefore cannot be sworn as the President of the United States. These actions were not heard on merits yet. The first
action, filed by the former Deputy Attorney general of the State of Pennsylvania, Phillip J Berg against Mr. Obama and DNC,
titled Berg v Obama el all is currently in the Supreme Court, awaiting resolution of question, whether a voter has standing
to bring an issue of eligibility to court. Regardless of the Court decision on this matter, other parties with superior standing
have filed similar actions. A second case has reached the Supreme Court recently. This case was filed by New Jersey attorney,
Leo C Donofrio against the Secretary of State of New Jersey Nina Mitchell Wells. Mr. Donofrio states in his legal action that
Ms. Wells did not fulfill her duties and did not verify the eligibility of the candidates. For example, she allowed on the
ballot not only Mr. Obama, but another candidate, representing Labor party, that admitted that he is not a Natural Born citizen,
but was rather born in Nicaragua. The very State and Federal officials that took the oath of office to uphold the Constitution,
are trampling all over the Constitution and our rights as citizens to elect a candidate that is eligible to be the President
according to the Constitution.
2) Numerous voters,
concerned citizens have turned to the offices of the Secretaries of States and found out that none of the Secretaries of States
verified Mr. Obama’s eligibility. Routinely the Secretaries of States simply allowed Mr. Obama to sign a form, stating
that he is able to perform the function of the President without any independent verification that his statement is truthful
and correct.
3) Numerous voters and concerned citizens
have contacted the Federal Elections Committee (FEC) and found out that FEC did not do any verification of Mr. Obama’s
eligibility either. FEC representatives have stated that they are dealing with financial aspects of the campaign, and even
that was not done by the FEC, since for roughly half of the 650 million raised by Mr. Obama, there was no documentation, no
names of the donors and there were numerous reports that there is a high probability that at least 65 million came from non
US citizens.
4) There was no investigative reporting
in the Press, since predominantly liberal media was pushing for Obama for president and was unwilling to show journalistic
integrity and investigate or report anything negative in regards to Mr. Obama.
5) Most of the States in the Union contain statues in the election codes, that characterize election fraud or aiding
and abetting election fraud, as a felony, punishable by lengthy jail terms. For example, California election statue 18500
states: “ Any person, who commits fraud and any person who aids and abets fraud or attempts to abet fraud, in connection
with any vote cast, to be cast, is guilty of a felony, punishable by imprisonment for 16 months or two years or three years”
6) We, the people, the citizens of this country demand that all of you do
not aid or abet commission of fraud, do not subject yourselves and others to the possible charges of aiding and abetting fraud
and investigate the following facts:
a. according
to affidavits presented in the Berg v. Obama to the Supreme Court, Sarah Obama, Mr.Obama’s paternal grandmother has
repeatedly stated that Barack Obama was born in Kenya and she was present at the hospital, when he was born, which means that
Mr. Obama is not a Natural Born Citizen and not qualified for Presidency. (based on 1952 code)
b. Mr. Obama has responded by posting on his web site “Fight the Smears” a “short
version” form of Certification of Live Birth’, but categorically refused to provide a copy of a vault or (long
version birth certificate), that would provide for a name of a hospital and a name and signature of the doctor. This is crucial,
since the State of Hawaii allows residents of Hawaii to register in the state of Hawaii the birth of their children, born
in another state or another country, such as Kenya. Please see in attachment a sample Certificate of Live Birth, Box 7C, asks
for the County or State or other country of birth.(this provision exists due to the fact that numerous Hawaiians historically
worked outside of the state, mostly on Solomon islands and Guadalcanal). This document also has provisions for the name of
the hospital and the name and signature of the doctor. Additionally, Hawaii became a State in 1959, only two years before
Mr. Obama’s birth. At a time numerous residents of Hawaii did not have birth certificates, therefore the state of Hawaii
allowed residents born from 1902 until 1971 to obtain a different document called Certification of Hawaiian birth, that could
be obtained simply by the statement made by a relative without any corroborating evidence. Therefore the short version birth
certificate, posted by Mr. Obama on his web site, could have been based on an affidavit made by his mother or most probably
by one of his grandparents, that he was born in Hawaii, even if he actually was born in Kenya. This could have been done not
because Mr. Obama’s relatives thought that he would run for president one day, but simply to avoid the hustle and expense
of going through some eight years of immigration procedures.
c. As of now no one was able to locate any hospital in Hawaii, any nurse, any doctor that would provide any evidence
that Mr. Obama indeed was born on Hawaii.
Mr. Obama
refused to provide any documents in Berg v Obama case.
Obama refused to consent to release of his vault or long version birth certificate.
Mr. Obama refused to consent to release of any records by any hospitals.Madelyn Dunham,
his maternal grandmother remained silent and never refuted the statements that Mr. Obama was not born in Hawaii and no access
was ever allowed to any reporters to ask Mrs. Madelyne Dunham one single question: “in what hospital on Hawaii was Mr.
Obama born?’
Even if Mr. Obama would have been
born in Hawaii (all the evidence states otherwise), he would have lost his citizenship by virtue of moving to Indonesia and
obtaining Indonesian citizenship. Indonesia did not allow dual citizenship and Ms. Ann Dunham- Obama-Soetoro had to relinquish
her son’s US citizenship in order to gain Indonesian citizenship.
i . In 1981, during the ban on travel to Pakistan for US citizens, Mr. Obama by his own admission had travelled to
Pakistan. The only reasonable explanation, is that he did it using his Indonesian passport and using his prior name Barry
Soetoro or his Kenyan passport, since he was entitled to the Kenyan citizenship, due to his father’s Kenyan citizenship
(in 1963 Mombasa area became a part of Kenya), or he could have had a passport of British protected person, since at the time
of his birth, in 1961, the area of Mombasa (his fathers homeland) was not independent yet (not until 1963) and was called
Omani Sultanate of Zanzibar, British Protected Area. (it was ruled at the time by the Royal family from Oman and was part
of British Protected areas).
Based on all of the
above Mr. Obama was never a Natural born citizen, and he would have lost his natural born status, even if he had it by virtue
of getting an Indonesian Citizenship, and he has divided allegiance and cannot become the President of the US.
We the People, citizens of the United States of America, demand that you
investigate these acts and refrain from certifying the vote or signing the Certificate of Ascertainment (to be signed by the
Governors and Secretaries of States before the December 15 vote by the electors.) We demand that the Electors of the Electoral
College refrain from signing the Certificate of Vote until there is verification of eligibility of Mr. Obama by properly authenticated
documents, such as vault (long version) birth certificate, that shows the name of the hospital and the name and the signature
of the doctor in Hawaii, birthing records from the hospital in Hawaii, certified copies of all and any passports held with
immigration stamps, particularly immigration stamps from Pakistan from 1981, school enrollment records from Indonesia, Occidental
college, Columbia University and Harvard college, that would show citizenship listed at the time of application. We demand
that proper investigation would be done and, if the above facts and allegations are found to be true and correct, Mr. Obama
be "decertified" and therefore removed from the ballot.
We, the People of the United States of America, the land of law and order, the land of Constitution.
Send this to your Governor. Here are some sites which have postal addresses,
email addresses and phone numbers of the State Governors:
Posted by Orly Taitz, DDS Esq. at 12:54 PM
A letter to the Secretary of State of your state
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Dear Secretary of State:
This letter is to put you on notice in regards to the following troubling facts:
1) From August 21 until now some 17 legal actions were filed all over this
nation and at least 16 more are about to be filed shortly: those were individual or class actions, in different State and
Federal courts. The plaintiffs: US citizens, voters, electors, different Party officials and candidates for office are alleging
that Mr. Obama’s eligibility for Presidency was never verified by any governmental agency and mounting evidence suggests
that he does not qualify as a Natural Born citizen and therefore cannot be sworn as the President of the United States. These
actions were not heard on merits yet. The first action, filed by the former Deputy Attorney general of the State of Pennsylvania,
Phillip J Berg against Mr. Obama and DNC, titled Berg v Obama el all is currently in the Supreme Court, awaiting resolution
of question, whether a voter has standing to bring an issue of eligibility to court. Regardless of the Court decision on this
matter, other parties with superior standing have filed similar actions. A second case has reached the Supreme Court recently.
This case was filed by New Jersey attorney, Leo C Donofrio against the Secretary of State of New Jersey Nina Mitchell Wells.
Mr. Donofrio states in his legal action that Ms. Wells did not fulfill her duties and did not verify the eligibility of the
candidates. For example, she allowed on the ballot not only Mr. Obama, but another candidate, representing Labor party, that
admitted that he is not a Natural Born citizen, but was rather born in Nicaragua. The very State and Federal officials that
took the oath of office to uphold the Constitution, are trampling all over the Constitution and our rights as citizens to
elect a candidate that is eligible to be the President according to the Constitution.
2) Numerous voters, concerned citizens have turned to the offices of the Secretaries of
States and found out that none of the Secretaries of States verified Mr. Obama’s eligibility. Routinely the Secretaries
of States simply allowed Mr. Obama to sign a form, stating that he is able to perform the function of the President without
any independent verification that his statement is truthful and correct.
3) Numerous voters and concerned citizens have contacted the Federal Elections Committee (FEC) and found out that
FEC did not do any verification of Mr. Obama’s eligibility either. FEC representatives have stated that they are dealing
with financial aspects of the campaign, and even that was not done by the FEC, since for roughly half of the 650 million raised
by Mr. Obama, there was no documentation, no names of the donors and there were numerous reports that there is a high probability
that at least 65 million came from non US citizens.
There was no investigative reporting in the Press, since predominantly liberal media was pushing for Obama for president and
was unwilling to show journalistic integrity and investigate or report anything negative in regards to Mr. Obama.
5) Most of the States in the Union contain statues in the election codes,
that characterize election fraud or aiding and abetting election fraud, as a felony, punishable by lengthy jail terms. For
example, California election statue 18500 states: “ Any person, who commits fraud and any person who aids and abets
fraud or attempts to abet fraud, in connection with any vote cast, to be cast, is guilty of a felony, punishable by imprisonment
for 16 months or two years or three years”
We, the people, the citizens of this country demand that all of you do not aid or abet commission of fraud, do not subject
yourselves and others to the possible charges of aiding and abetting fraud and investigate the following facts:
a. according to affidavits presented in the Berg v. Obama to the Supreme
Court, Sarah Obama, Mr.Obama’s paternal grandmother has repeatedly stated that Barack Obama was born in Kenya and she
was present at the hospital, when he was born, which means that Mr. Obama is not a Natural Born Citizen and not qualified
for Presidency. (based on 1952 code)
b. Mr. Obama
has responded by posting on his web site “Fight the Smears” a “short version” form of Certification
of Live Birth’, but categorically refused to provide a copy of a vault or (long version birth certificate), that would
provide for a name of a hospital and a name and signature of the doctor. This is crucial, since the State of Hawaii allows
residents of Hawaii to register in the state of Hawaii the birth of their children, born in another state or another country,
such as Kenya. Please see in attachment a sample Certificate of Live Birth, Box 7C, asks for the County or State or other
country of birth.(this provision exists due to the fact that numerous Hawaiians historically worked outside of the state,
mostly on Solomon islands and Guadalcanal). This document also has provisions for the name of the hospital and the name and
signature of the doctor. Additionally, Hawaii became a State in 1959, only two years before Mr. Obama’s birth. At a
time numerous residents of Hawaii did not have birth certificates, therefore the state of Hawaii allowed residents born from
1902 until 1971 to obtain a different document called Certification of Hawaiian birth, that could be obtained simply by the
statement made by a relative without any corroborating evidence. Therefore the short version birth certificate, posted by
Mr. Obama on his web site, could have been based on an affidavit made by his mother or most probably by one of his grandparents,
that he was born in Hawaii, even if he actually was born in Kenya. This could have been done not because Mr. Obama’s
relatives thought that he would run for president one day, but simply to avoid the hustle and expense of going through some
eight years of immigration procedures.
c. As of
now no one was able to locate any hospital in Hawaii, any nurse, any doctor that would provide any evidence that Mr. Obama
indeed was born on Hawaii.
Mr. Obama refused to provide
any documents in Berg v Obama case.
Mr. Obama refused
to consent to release of his vault or long version birth certificate.
Mr. Obama refused to consent to release of any records by any hospitals.Madelyn Dunham, his maternal grandmother
remained silent and never refuted the statements that Mr. Obama was not born in Hawaii and no access was ever allowed to any
reporters to ask Mrs. Madelyne Dunham one single question: “in what hospital on Hawaii was Mr. Obama born?’
Even if Mr. Obama would have been born in Hawaii (all the evidence states
otherwise), he would have lost his citizenship by virtue of moving to Indonesia and obtaining Indonesian citizenship. Indonesia
did not allow dual citizenship and Ms. Ann Dunham- Obama-Soetoro had to relinquish her son’s US citizenship in order
to gain Indonesian citizenship.
i . In 1981, during
the ban on travel to Pakistan for US citizens, Mr. Obama by his own admission had travelled to Pakistan. The only reasonable
explanation, is that he did it using his Indonesian passport and using his prior name Barry Soetoro or his Kenyan passport,
since he was entitled to the Kenyan citizenship, due to his father’s Kenyan citizenship (in 1963 Mombasa area became
a part of Kenya), or he could have had a passport of British protected person, since at the time of his birth, in 1961, the
area of Mombasa (his fathers homeland) was not independent yet (not until 1963) and was called Omani Sultanate of Zanzibar,
British Protected Area. (it was ruled at the time by the Royal family from Oman and was part of British Protected areas).
Based on all of the above Mr. Obama was never a Natural born citizen, and
he would have lost his natural born status, even if he had it by virtue of getting an Indonesian Citizenship, and he has divided
allegiance and cannot become the President of the US.
the People, citizens of the United States of America, demand that you investigate these acts and refrain from certifying the
vote or signing the Certificate of Ascertainment (to be signed by the Governors and Secretaries of States before the December
15 vote by the electors.) We demand that the Electors of the Electoral College refrain from signing the Certificate of Vote
until there is verification of eligibility of Mr. Obama by properly authenticated documents, such as vault (long version)
birth certificate, that shows the name of the hospital and the name and the signature of the doctor in Hawaii, birthing records
from the hospital in Hawaii, certified copies of all and any passports held with immigration stamps, particularly immigration
stamps from Pakistan from 1981, school enrollment records from Indonesia, Occidental college, Columbia University and Harvard
college, that would show citizenship listed at the time of application. We demand that proper investigation would be done
and, if the above facts and allegations are found to be true and correct, Mr. Obama be "decertified" and therefore
removed from the ballot.
We, the People of the United
States of America, the land of law and order, the land of Constitution.
Send this letter to the Secretary of State of your State, or all secretaries of state. Email addresses for all the
secretaries of state, in alphabetical order, are found at the following link:
Posted by Orly Taitz, DDS Esq. at 12:55 PM
to contact electors
To contact electors by email, phone, fax or by regular mail, one must have the contact information. Contact information
for the electors from each state is available at Electors (2008). The states that have most information available have
a green check mark (i.e., Y) next to the blue-highlighted article name for each state.
A sample email letter to send to the electors is available at Sample elector email. A longer
sample email letter is at Long sample elector email.
can also add more information if you like, but try to keep the email short so it is read. Extra information is available at
Evidence, Overview and Articles of interest.
you want to help add contact information to these articles, please feel free to do so. Anyone can edit these articles.
Sample elector email
Long sample elector email
There are multiple efforts underway to investigate the eligibility of President-Elect Barack Hussein Obama to hold
the office of President of the United States. These fall into several categories:
1 Lawsuits
§ 1.1 Dismissed Federal lawsuits
§ 1.2 Active Federal lawsuits
§ 1.3 Settled Federal Lawsuits
1.4 Dismissed State lawsuits
§ 1.5 Active
State lawsuits
§ 1.6 Settled State lawsuits
§ 1.7 Other Reported lawsuits
§ 1.8 Lawsuit Disinformation Campaign
2 Petitions
3 Rallys, Marches, Vigils, etc
4 Letter writing efforts
5 Internet discussion
6 Internet information sites
§ 6.1 General background information
§ 6.2 Legal information
§ 6.3 Websites organizing information collection
§ 6.4 Websites about advertisements
§ 6.5 Lawyer's websites
7 Videos
8 See also
9 Links
10 References
of interest
This is a very small selection of the large number of articles of interest: …..
(see link for articles)