To the Editor,
RE: Cops,
DA question judge's action. A. Lopes, Gatehouse News Service, Dec. 12, 2008
"A city man failed a breathalyzer after appearing before court........allowed to drive home..."
Imagine if this proceeding were broadcast over the local cable TV?
The outrage would still be continuing
even today.
At Stoughton District Court before Justice Sheiber a 7 time drunk driver was released by Sheiber
to go home. This was in 2000.
The few people in court who saw this were shocked.
Judges do not
like to have their actions seen by the public.
A Stoughton police officer was railroaded by the Norfolk Superior
Court when the court was closed to the public during voir dire. I saw the sign hanging from the door barring the
public from entering.
Let's face it folks, the Massachusetts "justice" system is broken.
We need to let the "Sun shine in" by putting broadcasting feeds into every courtroom in Massachusetts
for local broadcasting and recording for the litigants.
Time to get rid of the antiquated "transcription"
of proceedings and bring the Mass. courts from the 17th century to the 21st century.
If 3 year olds in
Kindergarten can have "MYSPACE" videos online, why aren't our courts be online too?
Where are
the responsible adults in Massachusetts?
Don Schwarz Stoughton, Mass 781-344-5405
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