Well Happy New Year to all of my readers and reporters involved in pro active News..
This year it is very serious
to begin with a bang.. we must reinvent the wheel and get the Legislature under the same open meeting laws we are under..
this is the plan. We have until January 14 to file the bill..if you have any ideas please email to
comflm@yahoo.com your concerns. There has been some talk that the Legislature exempted themselves a few years back and we need to find
the story and evaluate the conclusions ..no wonder they are so offended by the videography.. Will be posting a lot today...so
stay tuned.. you need to send announcements here for meetings you know about. This is a free site and so you get free
Someday that might change but at the moment this is the plan. We are grassrooting a force of Independant
Media to augment the failing Media which operates on bribe money.. pay me and I will cover your story.. a bribe if you ask
me.. so please consider supporting this effort today with a donation any amount is ok.. even a dollar.. we do not despise
small beginnings.
You can donate to the Coalition to Preserve the Public Record..not a non profit yet but watch
the Corporation page for updates..
JAldrich, Pres, Comflm, Registry, Catchoftheday, Freelancereporting