Dear gun rights supporter,
Do you follow the rules? Do you consider yourself a law-abiding citizen?
Do you think your rights are safe now that Republicans took over the House of Representatives?
You couldn’t
be more wrong.
Just following the rules could land you in prison! Despite the legislative victories
of the last election, the anti-gunners and statists across the country are finding new ways to violate your rights.
In August, Brian Aitken -- who followed New Jersey’s draconian firearm laws to a “T” -- was convicted
by the state’s anti-gun kangaroo court of “unlawful possession of a handgun.”
“crime” was simply owning handguns in the first place.
You see, in New Jersey you’re
required to get a permit to purchase a handgun by Big Brother State Government. This is not a permit to OWN, simply to purchase:
however, the jackboots in New Jersey’s state police treat anyone in possession of a handgun without such a permit as
a felon.
While moving from Colorado to New Jersey, Brian was transporting three handguns -- which were legally
purchased in Colorado -- between his mother’s house and his new apartment.
Because of some stress factors
in his life, Brian’s mother called the police for a “welfare” check of Brian. Brian’s mother was a
social worker who had been conditioned by years of government work to trust the state to oversee emotionally charged situations.
The state police searched his car and discovered the handguns, locked in cases and separate from ammunition, as
New Jersey law requires.
Despite not violating ANY of New Jersey’s outrageous firearms laws, Brian
was arrested for the “unlawful” possession of a handgun.
Throughout his trial, the anti-gun
statists in the New Jersey legal system routinely blocked Brian’s attorney from presenting evidence of Brian’s
innocence. New Jersey law specifically states that the transportation of handguns between residences is legal.
the incontrovertible evidence that Brian was transporting his legally purchased handguns from his mother’s home to his
new apartment, the anti-gun Judge refused to permit Brian’s legal team from informing the jury of this portion of state
Jurors even asked the judge three times if state law contained exemptions for the transportation of handguns
from one residence to another, but the anti-gun crusader disguised as a judge refused to answer.
federal law allows for the transportation of firearms between residences without fear of state prosecution; however, the same
anti-gun judge refused to take federal law into consideration in Brian’s case.
Brian Aitken was
convicted of felony possession of a handgun and faces up to seven years in jail.
Think you’re safe 'cause
you live in a “pro-gun” state? Think again.
Expect to hear statists across the country calling
for increased enforcement of “existing” gun law.
That’s code for twisting current law
to maliciously prosecute gun owners, and it’s nothing new: the institutional gun lobby has been promoting this for more
than a decade.
State and local governments will respond to this anti-gun cattle call and will race to
create new ways to infringe upon your rights through bureaucratic fiat and “rule” changes.
exactly what happened in New Jersey and an innocent man was convicted simply because he owned guns.
you’re as outraged about this case as I am, there are a couple of things you can do. - Click here to sign a petition to New Jersey’s Republican Governor Chris Christie and urge him
to pardon Brian Aitken and publicly call for the repeal of New Jersey’s current law requiring a permit to own a firearm. Governor Christie has national political ambitions and this case will clearly show what he thinks about the Second
- Chip in $15 or $20 to help the National Association for Gun Rights fight anti-gun statists in state
and local governments across the country.
Brian Aitken’s prosecution and conviction is simply outrageous and it’s a cautionary tale to all gun
Anti-gunners will stop at nothing -- and I mean NOTHING -- to put law-abiding gun owners behind bars.
If you’re as outraged as I am about Brian Aitken’s malicious prosecution, please click here to send a petition to New Jersey’s Republican Governor Chris Christie urging
him to pardon Brian Aitken and publicly call for the repeal of New Jersey’s current law requiring a permit to own a firearm.
After you’ve signed the petition, please consider chipping in $15 or $20 to help the National Association for Gun
Rights fight anti-gun statists in state and local governments across the country. For Freedom,
 Dudley Brown Executive Director National Association for Gun Rights
P.S. Anti-gunners will stop at nothing-- and I mean NOTHING -- to
put law-abiding gun owners behind bars.
If you’re as outraged as I am about Brian Aitken’s malicious prosecution, please
click here to send a petition to New Jersey’s Republican Governor Chris Christie urging him to pardon Brian Aitken and publicly call for the repeal of New Jersey’s current law requiring a permit to own a firearm.
After you’ve signed the petition, please consider chipping in $15 or $20 to help the National
Association for Gun Rights fight anti-gun statists in state and local governments across the country.
Sunday December 12 2010 
Dear Janet,
I warned you.
I warned you that simply because “we” won the election
in November, it didn’t mean the anti-gunners wouldn’t keep trying to steal our rights.
I was right.
While you and I are focused on the lame-duck Congress and distracted by holiday shopping, President
Obama is scheming behind the scenes to make one of his anti-gun Chicago buddies, Andrew Traver, the top gun-cop in the nation.
That’s right. An anti-gun zealot is about to be put in charge of the notoriously anti-gun Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE). And Capitol Hill sources tell me it’s going to happen while nobody
is looking.
Make no mistake, Andrew Traver is an enemy of liberty and an enemy of gun owners like you
and me.
He is:
…opposed to private firearm sales.
…opposed to civilian ownership of semi-automatic rifles and shotguns.
…in favor of banning all gun shows.
he even wants the Center for Disease Control to have oversight of the firearms industry!
is the man that Obama wants to run the most anti-gun federal agency in existence. A man that the Brady Campaign “applauded”
for his work on disarming citizens.
Despite being rebuked by the American people on election day, Obama
continues to push his anti-gun agenda.
Obama can make a “recess appointment” and commission
Traver as a top law enforcement official without a single Senator voting on him.
I’m not going to
lie to you, it’s important for Washington to know how you feel about this.
I’m urging you to contact
the White House (202-456-1111) and tell them that you oppose the recess appointment – and nomination in general –
of Andrew Traver to head the BATFE.
Andrew Traver is a man who is in favor of Chicago’s draconian
and oppressive gun laws. The same laws that the Supreme Court ruled against in the McDonald case. Do you want those laws for
your city? How about for your state?
Or, worse yet, your country?
Don’t make the mistake
of thinking that Traver won’t try to enact similar jack-booted thug tactics nationwide that he did with Chicago.
Please take a few minutes of your time to contact the White House (202-456-1111) and tell them that you oppose
the recess appointment – and nomination in general – of Andrew Traver to head the BATFE.
owners like you and me cannot stand by and let them think that the mob-style politics of Chicago work for the rest of your
country. Your freedoms are worth a few phone calls.
Tell Obama’s White House that “recess appointments”
of anti-gun zelots are unacceptable. Entrusting henchmen with large government agencies while no one is looking is what dictators
Don’t let a stooge of the Brady Campaign slide into power without a single Senate vote!
You know that Obama would love to appease his pals in the anti-gun lobby. By appointing Andrew Traver during recess,
he can make them happy without endangering his shrinking congressional cabal.
Please contact the White
House (202-456-1111). It is imperative that you tell them that you oppose the recess appointment – and nomination in
general – of Andrew Traver to head the BATFE.
The simple fact is, with a president like the one
we have now, we have to be extremely vigilant. He is going to continue to push his extreme agenda behind the scenes.
Which is why it is incredibly important for you to be as motivated as I am to shine a light on people like Obama and Traver
as they attempt to force their liberal agenda while people are distracted with things like the holidays and a Congressional
They are not going to stop for Christmas, so you and I can’t either.
I can’t do it alone.
I need you to back me up on this one. Call the White House (202-456-1111), and when you’re done, chip in $5 or $10 to help us continue
to get the word out and fight these battles.
Yours in Freedom,
 Dudley Brown Executive Director National Association for Gun Rights
Dear Janet,
After what you and I both saw on election night, I hate to be the bearer of bad news.
But the truth is, the hordes of newly-elected pro-gun Congressmen and Senators won’t be sworn in until January 3rd.
Until then, President Obama is STILL armed with massive majorities -- and they are coming back to Washington next
week to pass as much Big Government legislation as they can.
Not only that, but there are still dozens of anti-gun
Republicans in both houses of Congress, as well.
With Election Day now behind them, they’re no longer even
trying to hide their DISGUST for the Second Amendment.
That’s why what happens in the “Lame Duck”
session of Congress over the next few weeks WILL be our toughest test yet.
As Harry Reid put it, the "Lame
Duck" session is going to be a "Goose on Steroids."
So I’m counting on you to sign and
return the petition I've drafted to your U.S. Senators DEMANDING they lay off your gun rights during the “lame duck”
session of Congress.
I'll give you a link in a second, but I want you to know just how important this is.
The fact is, the gun-grabbers believe that right now is the best chance to ram through their entire agenda, including:
*** The Disarming American Citizens Act --
H.R. 2159, the so-called “Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2009” -- allowing anti-gun
Attorney General Eric Holder to revoke the Second Amendment rights of ANY American he chooses based on pure “suspicion;” *** A new so-called “Assault Weapons”
Ban, targeting ALL semi-automatic rifles and shotguns -- which, unlike the Clinton ban, will NEVER expire; *** H.R. 45, the “Catch-All” Obama Gun Control Bill,
which would create a national gun registry, require a two-day waiting period, hike taxes on gun sales, federally ban ALL private
firearms sales and FORCE you to take a written exam just to prove you’re “fit” to own a firearm; *** The U.N.’s so-called “Small Arms Treaty,”
which would confiscate and destroy ALL “unauthorized” civilian firearms and set the stage for INTERNATIONAL gun
confiscation. Recently, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, “The United States is committed to actively pursuing
a strong and robust [small-arms] treaty.” ***
The free speech killing DISCLOSE ACT designed to silence any political organization which refuses to submit to their
unconstitutional regulations and stands up for its members' right to privacy. I’m not going to sugarcoat this.
Unless you act today, I’m afraid all our hard work
over the past two years could go up in smoke.

I don’t know about you, but I can barely stomach that thought.
But I have to face facts.
Dozens of vulnerable Congressmen and Senators who were “riding the fence” on our gun rights -- worried about
what could happen in their reelection campaigns if they voted for more gun control -- no longer have that worry.
Many who were defeated want REVENGE.
Others who have skated through by the skin of their teeth are
now emboldened.
And gun-grabbers think you and I won’t be paying attention.
They think
we’ve already declared “mission accomplished.”
They think we’ll be too engrossed
in preparing for the upcoming holidays to stomach a big legislative fight.
Our one chance is to prove them
And the key to winning will be the U.S. Senate.
The good news is, after watching many of their
anti-gun colleagues go down in flames on Election Day, U.S. Senators who are up in 2012 are already thinking about their own
They’re nervous.
They’re worried they could be next.
why our job is to send this message that any U.S. Senator who decides to vote against our gun rights better start looking
for another job.

But time is not on our side.
You and I may only have days to mobilize Second Amendment supporters.
That means this fight won’t be cheap -- so I’m counting on your immediate support.
As it stands
today, the National Association for Gun Rights does not have the money it will take to defeat the gun-grabbers in the “lame
duck” session.
Like you, I was gratified that November 2 was an Election Day to remember. And NAGR
did everything it could to make sure anti-gun legislators couldn’t lie and hide their voting records.
to those efforts, you and I are sending a message that supporting assaults on our Second Amendment rights is political suicide.
But our fight is NOT over.
So I’m counting on your support once again.
Starting today,
the National Association for Gun Rights is launching a nationwide phone, mail and e-mail program to contact Second Amendment
supporters from all over the country.
That’s where your signed petition to your U.S. Senators --DEMANDING they lay off your gun rights during the
“lame duck” session -- comes in.
My goal is to make a preemptive strike to make sure no U.S. Senator believes the pro-gun grassroots will be
caught napping.
Of course, going up against the full force of the gun-grabbers and the deep pockets of anti-gun
zealots like BILLIONAIRE Mayor Michael Bloomberg, I don’t begin to believe just a national phone and e-mail program
will “cut it.”
You and I MUST do more.
But as you know, internet, radio and newspaper ads
can be very expensive -- not to mention the high cost of TV.
That’s why I’m counting on your
EMERGENCY support.
So, in addition to your signed petition, won’t you please rush me your most generous contribution TODAY?
My friend, you and hundreds of thousands of other National Association for Gun Rights members have defied the
odds these past two years.
But all that will mean nothing if the gun-grabbers succeed in their scheme to RAM through
their entire gun control agenda during the “lame duck” session of Congress.
They want the last laugh.
They want nothing more than to see you and me DEFEATED.
We can’t let up now.
So please sign your petition and make your most generous contribution TODAY.
Please don’t lay this letter aside. Please act IMMEDIATELY.
For Freedom,
 Dudley Brown Executive Director National Association for Gun Rights
P.S. The hordes of new pro-gun Congressmen and Senators aren’t
set to be sworn in until January 3.
That means President Obama and his anti-gun Congressional allies have until
then to RAM the gun-grabbers entire agenda into law.
So please rush me your signed petition to your U.S. Senators along with your most generous EMERGENCY contribution
to help me fight the gun-grabbers’ schemes. 