BY If the House trusts the
Senate here whats going to happen. Its now law (The Bill the Senate loves), the Senate will tell the House we don't have time
to make the fixes you want! We are too busy, we working are on "Job Creation" and "Immigratiom Reform"
now. Too bad so sad! The Senate will had played the House Dems for fools post
on the Hill 31110 post 22:18 says it all{ the Vipers at work!, the FCC has a Video Portal for News and Public Hearings. There will be one on the 18th of Feb..
check in and watch.. Thank you FCC. We need to be on your page! Thank you for fighting for the public internet
space. Open Meetings are important and so is faster speed! Site sent to Comflm by! Great Work
You need
to be on email list.. there is so much happening in cyber world it is instant
cyberheadache! Free Press Media Reform
Daily" <newswire@freepress takes the headaches head on.. now is always time for action.. WHITEHOUSE DIRECTIVE! OPEN THE GOVERNMENT BEGINS HERE.. WHEN IS HERE? NOW IS HERE! COMFLM FINDS
posted february
8 2010 Breaking Open the Government Whitehouse News by the Hill so lets go after Beacon Hill today and not stop until they also post this for Boston! JAldrich
ACHU SETTS IRS SCANDAL .. Taxpayers now forced to pay for sex changes..
Hospitable Washington Trailer Park! They
are keeping The Senator WHERE? ??? Trailor's for Sale hows about 50 cents oh yeah.. Must be an
Obama Redistribution special! Watch us You'll soon see dese Dems job hunting home
alone.. So hang in there Scott ..You gotta love the arrogance revealed! You gotta lota uncles! ..the
itty bitty brown ditty! Maybe God is punishing them with Gore global freezing! I love the Bible Story Scott.. good
going! Here is a good list for starters!
Feb 5 2010 , one week ago J Aldrich went to the Right to Life March. One reason was to visit Scott Browns new office
and hand deliver a dvd. When reaching the office a photo was taken with a Scott Brown plastic sign, see, Rm317 Kirk. Upon entering the office and speaking with Staff for Kirk Aldrich was told that Scott Brown
would definitely be given the office. It would be a few days only more. Upon returning to Boston it was announced
Scott would be sworn in on the 11th of February. Today they have put Scott in a Trailer??? What is that about??? More
of the Same! news link to online WBUR NEWS

| News from The Hill:Sen. Reid doesn't have the votes to pass $15 billion version of jobs bill By Jay Heflin Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) lacks the votes to begin debating his targeted job bills,
according to sources monitoring the legislation. Read more
February 17 2010 Fox News Palin Bashes Family Guy.. Listen to the last comment that the Show Originator is not afraid to go against the tide on value issues.. Get
on the Show.. Bash Back now! Get that filthy show off the air.. Comflm Reports