General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts STATE HOUSE, BOSTON 02133-1053
Daily Hearing List for March 17, 2010
| Joint Committee
on Telecommunication, Utilities and Energy March 17, 2010 At 10:30
AM in Hearing Room A2 | S2320 | An Act Relative to
Water Company Infrastructure Projects. |
Daily Hearing List for March 16, 2010
| Joint
Committee on TransportationMarch 16, 2010
At 11:00 AM in Hearing Room A2 | S2091 | An Act authorizing the city of Quincy to establish neighborhood
speed reduction zones. | S2246 | An Act banning texting while driving in the city of Boston. | H4394 | An
Act providing for certain distinctive license plates. | H4437 | An Act Dedicating a Certain Bridge in The Town of Westminster to Ryan
Patrick Jones . |
| Joint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional LicensureMarch
16, 2010 At 1:00 PM in Hearing Room A2 | H4518 | An Act relative to converting four (4) seasonal licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be consumed on the
premises to four (4) annual licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises and three (3) seasonal
wine and malt beverage licenses to be consumed on the premises to three (3) annual wine and malt beverage licensed to be drunk
on the premises. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Joint Committee on judiciary March
16, 2010 at 1:00 PM in Room 222 The
committee will act on certain bills heard in the previous public hearings from June 2, 2009 to March 3, 2010. | | | | Joint Committee on public health March
16, 2010 At 1:00 PM in Hearing Room A2 The committee will act on certain bills. |
General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts STATE HOUSE, BOSTON 02133-1053
Daily Hearing List for March 15, 2010
| Joint
Committee on Public Service March
15, 2010 At 11:00 AM in Hearing Room
A1 | S2297 | An Act authorizing the town of West Springfield to continue the employment
of police chief Thomas E. Burke. | H1117 | An Act limiting
termination retirement allowances. | H3940 | An Act relative
to police career incentive pay program. | H4280 | An Act relative
to certain members of the Cambridge Retirement System. | H4419 | An
Act exempting the position of chief of police of the town of Natick from the provisions of civil service law. | H4439 | An Act providing municipal pension funding schedule relief. | H4440 | An Act providing for the modernization and sustainability of the pension
system. | H4451 | An Act Relative to Health Insurance Coverage For Retired Employees
of the Town of Brookline. | H4463 | An Act to Re-Train
Disabled Firefighters. | H4487 | An Act authorizing
James M. McGarry to continue to serve as police chief in the town of Sheffield. | H4539 | An
Act relative to the definition of group four of the retirement system. | H4540 | An
Act relative to employee retirement. | H4550 | An Act relative
to retirement benefits and UMass Memorial Health Care, Inc. |
General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts STATE HOUSE, BOSTON 02133-1053 Daily Hearing List for March 10, 2010
| Joint
Committee on Public Health March
10, 2010 At 11:00 AM in Hearing Room
B2 | S2271 | An Act relative to oral cancer therapy. | H915 | An Act relative to coverage and standards of treatment of persons with
bleeding disorders. | H4386 | An Act relative
to the safe and proper disposal of unused or expired prescription drugs. | | |
covered by catch of the day video news Joint Committee on Community Development and Small Business And Joint Committee
on Health Care Financing March 10, 2010 At 1:00 PM in Hearing Room A2 | H4490 | An Act providing for job creation by small businesses (sections24-31 and sections 53-62). |
| covered by catch
of the day video news Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security March 10, 2010 At 1:30 PM in Hearing Room A1 | H2238 | An
Act relative to a report of firearms statistics. | H4401 | An
Act relative to elevator regulations. | H4418 | An Act relative to
police procedures when dealing with criminal street gangs in the city of Holyoke. | H4462 | An
Act relative to motor vehicle police chases. this bill discussed. the present fine for a police chase is 100.00
police complained that is too little. Crooks just ride off and could care less and this causes more danger to the public. |
General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts STATE HOUSE, BOSTON 02133-1053
Daily Hearing List for March 9, 2010
| Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture March 9, 2010 At 1:00 PM in Hearing Room B2 | S386 | An Act to advance the redevelopment of brownfields. | S389 | An Act to create environmental justice. | S429 | An Act establishing a lead service replacement program. | S430 | An Act establishing a lead service replacement program - municipal
reimbursement. | H605 | An
Act protecting school children from environmental toxins. | H642 | An Act relative to the Monponsett ponds located in the towns of Halifax and Hanson | H695 | An Act authorizing and directing the director of the division of
waterways to dredge the harbor area surrounding Neponset River in Quincy, Massachusetts. | H702 | An Act relative to the sustainable development of water infrastructure. | H723 | An Act relative to
deer hunting. | H740 | An
Act expanding the powers of the director of Fisheries and Wildlife. | H792 | An Act regarding the Care of Wildlife by Nonprofit Organizations. | H806 | An Act relative to certain municipal costs. | H813 | An Act regulating timber harvesting. | H817 | An Act relating to establishing a trail maintenance program within
the Department of Conservation and Recreation. | H818 | An Act to advance the redevelopment of brownfields. | H819 | An Act Relative To The Saw Mill Brook In The Counties Of Suffolk,
Norfolk And Middlesex. | H822 | An
Act to Create a World Class Park System. | H829 | An
Act relative to snowmobile registration numbers. | H832 | An Act establishing an industrial hemp legalization commission. | H840 | An Act Relative to the Department of Environmental Management
Duties. | H847 | An
Act exempting towns from certain fees. | | |
H1154 | An Act to authorize the Dennis Water District to construct and
maintain a system for sewage collection treatment and discharge. | H3441 | An Act protecting the Commonwealth's lakes and ponds. | H3444 | An Act to authorize the Department of Food and Agriculture to expend
a certain sum of money for integrated pest management and control of invasive plants. | H3445 | An Act relative to create Cranberry nutrient management study commission. | H3446 | An Act further regulating
hazardous and toxic material | H3551 | An Act establishing a special commission on community farming. | H3554 | An Act relative to an underground storage tank petroleum product
cleanup fund. | H3666 | An
Act relative to the use of buildings and park land in the town of Hull for development purposes. | H3668 | An Act allowing the Water Pollution Abatement Trust Authority to
provide incentives relative to economic stimulus funding. | H3670 | An Act to form a special commission to study pharmaceutical and personal care product contamination
in our water supply. | H3673 | An
Act to make a technical consistency change to the Massachusetts environmental policy act (mepa). | H3807 | An Act relative to the composition of the Massachusetts water resources
authority board of directors. | H3808 | An Act Relative to Zoning Regulations. | H3885 | An Act requiring the use of helmets for equine riders and drivers. | H3886 | An Act regulating recreation
and all terrain vehicles. | H4465 | An Act to regulate the development of land acquired for natural resource and conservation purposes. |
| Joint
Committee on Municipalities and Regional Government March
9, 2010 At 1:30 PM in Hearing Room B1 | S2287 | An Act authorizing the town of Chelmsford to convey certain conservation
land and easements. | H4 | An
Act relative to local mandates. | H4467 | An
Act Relative to the Sewer Service Area for the town of Lunenburg. | H4485 | An Act establishing a Raynham Development Revolving Fund. | H4504 | An Act relative to an extension of a lease by the town of Watertown
for the Watertown boys and girls club. |
| Joint Committee on Financial Services March 9, 2010 At 11:00 AM in Hearing Room A1 | S464 | An
Act to Mandate Insurance Coverage For Bone Mass Measurement Testing For The Diagnosis Of Osteoporosis. | S470 | An Act Establishing the Massachusetts Childhood Vaccines Program and
the Massachusetts Immunization Registry. | S474 | An Act relative to
establishing family and employment security through temporary disability insurance and family temporary disability insurance. | S480 | An Act relative to patient care access. | S483 | An Act requiring insurers to report malpractice claims or actions for optometrists. | S500 | An Act relative to medical malpractice self insurance trust funds. | S511 | An Act to improve health care for rheumatologic patients in the commonwealth. | S519 | An Act concerning insurer's liability for losses while under the influence. | H881 | An Act eliminating the need for medical reauthorization for coverage
of nonprescription enteral formula. | H935 | An Act to Conform Private
with Public Subrogation Policy. | H941 | An Act to improve access
to child and adolescent mental health services. | H988 | An
Act relative to providing equity in the provision of prescription drug coverage. | H1011 | An
Act to recruit and retain certain physicians in the Commonwealth. | H1023 | An
Act further regulating insurance benefits. | H1033 | An
Act providing for care and treatment of patients with mitochondrial disease. | H1038 | An
Act relative to Lyme Disease treatment coverage. | H3450 | An
Act relative to urea cycle disorders. | H4111 | An Act providing for
medical coverage for acupuncture. |
House Broadcast plans to tape this week. Wednesday, March 3 Formal
Session (live streamed) 1:00 PM Full Formal Session (Webcast begins prior to Roll Calls)
The House will likely consider House bill 4421, An
Act providing for the financial stability of the City of Lawrence and House bill 344, An Act prohibiting
devocalization of dogs and cats.
Thursday, March 4 Hearing on Small Business Job Growth (archived) The
Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight hear testimony on sections of H. 4490. The bill was filed
by Gov. Patrick to encourage small businesses job growth. The sections of the bill the committee is considering include a
$50 million bond authorization to fund the Growth Districts Initiative. The initiative would allow for infrastructure and
transportation improvements in areas identified as locations for new commercial, residential or mixed-use growth. (11 a.m.,
Room A-1)
March 5 Final Fiscal 2011 Budget Hearing (live streamed) Administration
and Finance Secretary Jay Gonzalez will testify before a joint committee of House and Senate Ways & Means members. The
Senate and House committees’ vice chairs, Sen. Stephen Brewer (D-Barre) and Rep. Barbara L’Italien (D-Andover),
will oversee the hearing. (10 a.m., Gardner Auditorium)
General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts STATE HOUSE, BOSTON 02133-1053
Daily Hearing List for March 3, 2010
| Joint
Committee on Revenue March
3, 2010 At 10:30 AM in Hearing Room
B2 | S1866 | An Act establishing pilot artist enterprise zones. | S2143 | An Act authorizing the town of Carver to assess excise taxes on private
water suppliers. | S2145 | An Act relative
to payment of property taxes in the town of Carver. | S2248 | An
Act establishing a study commission on the enhancement of compliance rates for payment of vessel excise taxes. | S2249 | An Act relative to the senior circuit breaker tax credit. | S2255 | An Act authorizing property tax exemption for certain small sheds and
outbuildings in the Town of Carver. | S2292 | An Act relative
to property tax benefits for senior citizen volunteers. | H3854 | An
Act to protect Massachusetts taxpayers and essential state services. | H4387 | An
Act extending the deadline for mailing quarterly tax bills. | H4420 | An
Act relative to the town of Carver. | H 4490 | An Act providing
for job creation by small businesses. (Section 3) | H4514 | An
Act relative to prepaid wireless phones. | H4531 | An Act relative
to real estate tax exemptions of certain veterans. |
| Joint Committee on Financial Services March 3, 2010 At 1:00
PM in Hearing Room A2 | S453 | An Act relative to
homeowners insurance. | S502 | An Act Relative to
Increasing Access to Homeowners Insurance . | S503 | An
Act Relative to the Credit System For Homeowner's Insurance Under The Massachusetts Property Insurance Underwriting Association. | S505 | An Act relative to homeowners' fire insurance policies. | S506 | An Act Relative to Coverage Under the Massachusetts Property Insurance
Underwriting Association. | H866 | An Act relative to
the renewal of insurance policies. | H878 | An Act to protect consumers
of homeowner's insurance. | H900 | An Act Relative To
Home Owners Insurance. | H904 | An Act relative to
coverages under the Massachusetts Property Insurance Underwriting Association. | H906 | An
Act relative to homeowners insurance. | H942 | An Act relative to
homeowner insurance. | H985 | An Act relative to
homeowners insurance. | H986 | An Act relative to
homeowners insurance . | H1010 | An Act relative to
home owners insurance. | H1018 | An Act relative to
coverage for insurance losses by windstorm and hail through the Massachusetts Property Insurance Underwriting Association. | H1057 | An Act To Increase Insurance Capacity in the Commonwealth. | H3448 | An Act relative to home owners insurance. | H3893 | An Act establishing a statewide disaster fund. | H3895 | An
Act requiring insurance companies to offer same coverage for manufactured housing. |
General Court of the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts STATE HOUSE, BOSTON 02133-1053
Daily Hearing List for March 2, 2010
| Joint Committee on the Judiciary March 2, 2010 At 1:00 PM in Hearing Room A2 | S697 | An
Act relative to mediation. | S738 | An act to establish
a public guardianship commission. | S1555 | An Act authorizing
the Massachusetts Retirement Board to provide certain retirement and medical benefits to Associate Justice Patrick J. Riley
of the Superior Court | S1574 | An Act relative to
protecting certain employees in the news media. | S1578 | An
Act relative to dog training areas in the commonwealth. | S1582 | An
Act Relative to Certain Checks Not Cashed and Deemed Abandoned. | S1589 | An
Act relative to employee records | S1602 | An Act relative to
a law student loan repayment assistance program. | S1673 | An
Act providing protection against compelled disclosure of certain information by the news media . | S1684 | An Act restricting the sale of energy drinks to minors. | S1685 | A
Resolve relative to the reimbursement of Chester Gorski. | S1696 | An
Act relative to the vacation rights of a certain employee of the Trial Court. | S1707 | An
Act Prohibiting the Advertisement of Fireworks. | S1735 | An
Act eliminating certain paid holidays. | S1736 | An Act Relative to
Bunker Hill Day. | S1737 | An Act relative to
insurance coverage for pervasive developmental disorders. | S1745 | An
Act Relative to Regulation and Oversight of Public Charities. | S1760 | An
Act modifying anti-discrimination laws. | S1773 | An Act relative to
acceptance of gifts or grants by the district attorneys. | S1777 | An
Act relative to the civil rights of certain medical procedures. | S1798 | An
Act creating a special commission on medical legal partnerships | S1801 | An
Act to Regulate and Tax the Cannabis Industry. | S1817 | an
act to promote fair employment and security in the Commonwealth | S1821 | An
Act further defining a bona fide coin-operated amusement machine. | S1823 | An
Act relative to producing depictions of fighting for internet broadcast. | S1838 | An
Act providing for certificates of rehabilitation and recovery and rehabilitation for substance abusers. | S1839 | An Act protecting a union agent and union member. | S1844 | An Act to update public charities law. | S1856 | An Act in favor of William J. Gormley. | S1859 | An
Act relative to charities in Massachusetts. | S2103 | An
Act relative to the relocation of electrical power transmission lines in the city of Lynn. | S2183 | An Act to combat economic crime. | S2250 | An
Act Relative to Long-Term Disability and Foreclosure Prevention. | S2289 | An
Act to protect children from sexual abuse and exploitation. |
H32 | An Act relative
to the criminal history systems board | H36 | An Act relative to community work crews | H37 | An Act relative
to work release | H38 | An Act relative to the definition of state prison | H39 | An Act relative
to the Massachusetts treatment center | H40 | An Act relative to transportation of inmates | H43 | An Act relative
to classification | H53 | An Act relative to unclaimed property | H57 | An Act relative to the composition of the sex offender registry board | H58 | An
Act relative to sex offenders in federal custody | H59 | An Act relative to victims of sex offenses | H60 | An Act relative
to prosecution for failure to register as a sex offender | H61 | An Act relative to documents of the sex offender registry board in
court proceedings | H62 | An Act relative to failure to register name changes and aliases | H67 | An Act amending
the process by which banks, credit unions and the department of the state treasurer administer the contents of unclaimed safe
deposit boxes | H68 | An Act to alleviate an existing inconsistency in the application of interest payments | H69 | An
Act to provide for timely payment of uncashed royalty payments emanating from underlying mineral interests | H70 | An
Act to reduce the dormancy period for certain bond proceeds | H87 | An Act making uniform the law regarding trade secrets | H91 | An
Act revising the uniform arbitration act for commercial disputes. | H93 | An Act revising the law recognizing foreign-court money judgments | H94 | An
Act making uniform certain aspects of mediation | H596 | An act relative to the establishment of a retained revenue account
in the civil process division of the Middlesex Sheriff's Office. | H626 | An
Act relative to children in need. | H627 | An Act relative
to the expansion of the state DNA database. | H628 | RESOLVE
providing for an investigation and study by a special commission relative to the possession of marijuana in the commonwealth. | H629 | RESOLVE
providing for an investigation and study by a special commission relative to the possession of marijuana in the commonwealth. | H1251 | An
Act Relative to Justices of the Peace. | H1253 | An Act to
establish an automated victim notification system. | H1263 | An
Act to establish an automated victim notification system. | H1271 | An
Act authorizing the department of highways to acquire land in the city of Quincy and the town of Milton for the purpose of
flood control and prevention. | H1285 | An
Act relative to entertainment contracts for performance by minors. | H1286 | Resolve providing for an investigation and study by a special
investigation commission relative to the administrative fees charged by non-profit fundraisers. |
H1288 | An Act relative
to the licensure of court reporters . | H1305 | An Act relative
to certain historic sites. | H1310 | An Act imposing
a transfer fee on mortgage foreclosures. | H1361 | An Act relative
to the jurisdictional amount allowable in small claims cases. | H1380 | An
Act relative to a policeman's bill of rights. | H1403 | An
Act relative to homesteads. | H1406 | An Act relative
to advertising by a justice of the peace. | H1416 | An
Act relative to the authority of the Disabled Persons Protection Commission to seek restraining orders. | H1417 | An Act requiring the inclusion of certain civil rights offense information
in the statewide domestic violence record keeping system. | H1424 | An
Act relative to justices of the peace. | H1472 | An Act Relative
to personal property liens. | H1479 | An Act Relative
to Interest Added to Damages in Contract Actions. | H1482 | An
Act Regulating Social Referral Service Contracts. | H1503 | An
Act relative to the practice of law. | H1517 | An Act requiring
the inclusion of certain civil rights offense information in the statewide domestic violence recordkeeping system. | H1518 | An Act relative to sentencing guidelines. | H1525 | An Act authorizing the Govenor to designate an additional Justice of
the Peace to solemnize marriage in the Town of Abington. | H1552 | An
Act relative to the bankruptcy relief and protection . | H1561 | An
Act relative to attorney client privilege and attorney work product materials. | H1569 | An
Act relative to attorney's lien for fees. | H1579 | An
Act relative to loan forgiveness. | H1586 | An Act making
uniform the law regarding trade secrets. | H1596 | An Act relative
to the interest rate to be paid by the Commonwealth. | H1597 | An
Act relative to interest on judgments. | H1600 | An Act relative
to certain proceedings relating to corporations. | H1620 | An
Act to require the reporting of satisfaction of judgments awarding money damages. | H1655 | An
Act restricting the use of certain contracts. | H1672 | An
Act relative to proof of identification for marriage. | H1718 | An
Act Relative to the Supervisor of Public Records. | H1722 | An
Act clarifying, correcting and amending certain business entity laws. | H1723 | An
Act relative to substantive changes to the Massachusetts Business Act. | H1748 | An
Act Relative to Administration of the Government. | H1772 | An
Act relative to controlled release Oxycodone. |
H1773 | An Act relative
to controlled release Hydromorphone. | H1783 | An Act to
Modify Section 3 of Chapter 150(e) bargaining units; Rules and Regulations; procedure; and officers excepted . | H1787 | An Act to increase access to information regarding drug overdose deaths
. | H1922 | An Act establishing a public guardianship. | H2950 | An Act relative to legislative conduct. | H3518 | An Act to protect trees in public parks. | H3843 | An Act Increasing the Number of Massachusetts appointees to the National
Commission to Create Uniform State Laws. | H3988 | An Act relative
to justices of the peace. | H3991 | An Act Relative
to hearings before the Department of Public Safety. | H3999 | An
Act relative to the donations of leftover food by restaurants and cafeterias. | H4000 | An
Act relative to farmers markets. | H4002 | An Act relative
to farmers' markets. | H4059 | An Act relative
to possession of armor-piercing ammunition in the city of Boston. | H4083 | An Act establishing judicial review of foreclosures in the city of
Lawrence. | H4176 | An Act regarding small claims procedure. | H4276 | An Act to
establish a moratorium on foreclosures in the city of Brockton. | H4277 | An Act protecting tenants from unjustified evictions on foreclosured
properties in the city of Brockton | H4278 | An Act requiring judicial approval of foreclosures of residential mortgages
in the city of Brockton. | H4282 | An Act relative to the electronic monitoring of sex offenders found to be in violation of the
conditions of probation. | H4372 | An Act to create a narcotics offender registry. | H4425 | An Act relat6ive
to court officers. | H4429 | An Act Relative to Recreation Officers Within the Department of Correction. | H4445 | An Act providing for the health care needs of children with child support
orders and the enforcement of child support. | H4446 | An
Act reforming community supervision of criminal defendants and offenders by establishing the department of community supervision
within the executive office of public safety and security. | H4484 | An
Act Relative to the insanity defense . | H4489 | An Act relative
to obscene material | H4502 | An Act relative to service member's custodial rights. | H4527 | An
Act Relative to Repeat Domestic Violence Offenders. | H4528 | An
Act to prohibit the electronic transmission of harmful material to minors. | H4529 | An
Act further defining the dissemination of obscene material. |