This public hearing did not have all the bills up
online. 365 line item bill. I tried to upload pdf but think new system is going to stop you from copying and pasting.
will have to download hard copy then scan bill in to post online. Hopefully it will come up on soon. I stoped by the Senate Clerks office today and they stated the bills are up online now. The Clerk in the
Senate office posted it while I stood there. 3pm 042110 hardly a 48 hour notice. JAldrich Videographer this is the PDF of S2346 heard in Committee today and parties are to meet and talk for the next two weeks on this bill.
DOCKET, NO. 2355 FILED ON: 12/17/2009 SENATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 2346 The Commonwealth
of Massachusetts _______________ PRESENTED BY: Marc R. Pacheco _______________ To the Honorable
Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in General Court assembled: The undersigned legislators
and/or citizens respectfully petition for the passage of the accompanying bill: An Act further regulating business practices between motor
vehicle dealers, manufacturers, and distributors. _______________ PETITION OF: NAME: | DISTRICT/ADDRESS: | Marc R. Pacheco | First Plymouth and Bristol | Theodore C. Speliotis
| 13th Essex |
Catch of theDay Video News Freelance Reporting, taped the hearing but was met with resistance from the House
Staff. As the Interns are rotated often this person did not know me personally, even though I had been on the phone
with the Senator Pacheco's office yesterday to get the bills in question for review. Then the guard in the room decided
to join in and ask if I had permission. I do not need permission and if you keep this up I will file in Federal Court
against this place. I am recording right now. I have been harrassed for 6 years on Beacon Hill. I give Committees
copies of the hearings I cover. That is my objective to educate the Legislature to videocapture the public record and
preserve it as an archive. That way when people miss a hearing they can watch it online. There are many hearings
that are not even properly noticed as public record law does not apply on Beacon Hill. Stop this illegal practice
with me. Call your Senator and Representative and complain today. And come with me to Federal Court and we will
file with the AG office and complain. SENATE DOCKET, NO. 2355 FILED ON: 12/17/2009
SENATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 2346 The Commonwealth
of Massachusetts _______________ PRESENTED BY: Marc
R. Pacheco _______________ To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives
of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in General Court assembled: The undersigned legislators and/or
citizens respectfully petition for the passage of the accompanying bill: An Act further regulating business practices
between motor vehicle dealers, manufacturers, and distributors. __