The exact form by the SJC was not able to be posted due to the program they use.
I will type in the exact 9
points for you to examine. If Press, I admonish you to
write the SJC and make yourself known. Send
a letter of identification with your
comment and ask that you be acknowledged for future appearances.
Prepared by Rule 1:19 Subcommittee
The proposed rule changes are designed to accomodate
the changing nature
of both journalists and the way news is reported while still maintaining order
decorum in the Massachusetts Courts.
1. The News Media would be defined
as those who are regularly engaged in
the reporting and publishing
of news or information about matters of
Public interest. This
would include citizen journalists and bloggers who
meet this standard.
Those seeking to cover the courts using the permitted technology would
be required to register with the Public Information Officer of the Supreme
Judicial Court, confirm that they meet the definition and agree to follow
the rules of 1:19. A Judge would have the discretion but not be required
to permit a person who had not registered to use the technology.
3. The News Media
would be allowed to use laptop computers and other
electronic communication
devices inside courtrooms so long as they did
not disrupt the proceedings.
Covert photography, recording or transmission is prohibited.
5. In addition to
one video and one still camera, a second mechanically silent
camera would be allowed for use by media other than broadcast
and still photographers.
6. A Judge still retains the right to limit or suspend
electronic coverage if it
would create a harmful consequence.
The Media will be specifically required to work out arrangements for sharing
of video and still photographs.
8. Motions to suppress are now open for electronic
9. The rule changes apply to Magistrates conducting Public proceedings.