March 20, 2010
PROTESTING OBAMACARE IN WASHINGTON: Reader Barrett Cunningham sends this photo and reports: “It’s an incredible turnout Glenn, and people just keep coming.”
And reader Alan Poston sends this pic and reports a crowd estimate of 30,000 was given at the scene. Not sure of the source.
UPDATE: Here’s another pic from Randy Barnett.
ANOTHER UPDATE: Another pic from Randy Barnett:
Blackberries, iPhones, etc. sure make blogging these things easier.
On crowd size, Randy emails: “They announced 25K about 15 minutes ago. I cannot see side to side but it goes solidly from steps to pond and then around to the other side of the water. Before things got started it was full between the 2 walk ways leading up to Capital. Is now wider than that but I cannot see the edges from where I am.”
Photos from high vantage points, or descriptions of exactly how far the crowd spreads in various directions, would be much appreciated.
ANOTHER UPDATE: Another from Barnett, this time facing south.
And Randy emails: “Been reading your posts. Speaker just said, ‘The President is like a used car salesman. We tell him we don’t want to buy what he’s selling but he won’t let us off the lot.’”