Comflm Registry News
is looking for coverage of the Democratic Convention coming up soon. Please email and indicate which area you are able to cover. Please scroll down to the Republican
Convention for the details. The situation will be similiar. I need to have numbers soon and will be making application
for the Registry Members.
2010 Democratic State Convention Date: June 4th
and 5th Location: DCU Center in Worcester still no press contact.. ??? still hunting
Comflm Registry
News is looking for coverage of the Pride Event on the Boston Common this weekend. There is a Parade and an event after at
the Gazebo .. Please email if you would li 5ke to cover this. 5 8 2010
Comflm Registry
News, is looking for Court Watchers who will report on Family Probate Court Hearings. You will be using a form questionaire notifying
Court of your report and Comflm Registry News of your appearance. We are attempting to get video coverage of courts
also but they are on a case by case basis with notice to the Court at least 2days in advance.
Comflm Registry
News covers the Statehouse.. Please email for an assignment. Please help with public works documentary footage of Press Conferences, Public Hearings, Events,
Rallies. Join the Registry and make an Independant mark on the media frontline in Boston. We need coverage to
hunt for meetings report back and cover them.
Comflm Registry
News is looking for link coverage of Candidates events around the state. Please forward your coverage to Comflm Registry News is always looking for members.. please join us.
You call the shots!
Candidates on the run please catch some of this and
send the video links to, thanks.. we like source information : Treasurer Tim Cahill will attempt
to be in 10 places at once Monday. Independent candidate for governor hopes to appear at town hall meetings
in Abington, Burlington, Belchertown, Foxboro, Grafton, Holliston, Ludlow, Norwell, Norwood and Weston. The Abington and Burlington
meetings begin at 7 p.m., and the rest start at 7:30 p.m. (Monday)
GOP second candidate Sean Bielat of Brookline
formally announces his run for the Congressional seat currently held by Rep. Barney Frank. (Monday,
10:30 a.m., Coolidge Corner Theater, 290 Harvard Street,
second floor) The press conference will feature a video, remarks from
Bielat and a Q&A opportunity. Businessman Earl
Sholley Norwood, is also also running against Congressman Barney Frank and Sean Bielat as a Republican Candidate. Lisa Camp to find out where you can hear Earl Sholley speak next. (774)328-9850 Campaign Manager Sholley for Congress 2010
TUESDAY, MAY 11, 2010
SPECIAL STATE SENATE ELECTIONS TUESDAY: Middlesex, Suffolk and Essex district,
former Galluccio aide Sal DiDomenico won narrowly over attorney Timothy Flaherty, son of former Speaker Charles Flaherty,in the Democratic primary, and the state elections division lists no GOP opponent. In a bitter contest, Needham physician Peter Smulowitz captured the Democratic primary over longtime
Needham Rep. Lida Harkins, and has been squaring off with GOP Baker Brown endorsed Rep. Richard Ross, a Wrentham Republican.
source for this infor SHNS Salisbury Republicans The Salisbury Republican Committee is Proud
to Sponsor a “Meet The Candidate Night”
Set aside Thursday night May 13th to come and meet
Steve Cole And Sean Downing
Steve and Sean are running for the GOP spot on the First Essex District seat. The
winner in the Republican Primary will face off against Democratic incumbent Steve Baddour.
There will be plenty of time to ask questions and get to know the candidates. Place: Striper’s
Grill & Inn, 175 Bridge Road Rings
Island Salisbury, MA 01952 978-499-0400
Time: Thursday
May 13th, 7 to 9pm.
Questions, call
Marshall Maguire, Salisbury Republican Committee Phone:
978-462-0701 found this link for you to check out.. just add your zipcode and email and your on the list
Worried about lawsuits?? Here is a book for you 45.00
dollars cameras in courts et al great link to examine before thinking about online Journalism link to use to learn to make video content. I do not recommend that you use material you would not like
to be reused or reconstructed piracy possibilities here. This is a learning tool site. You can become members
free. But the variable of having important work stolen is a reality. Read the fine print. ChrisNoonanFunnell Blogs at the Convention..posting 42510
Comflm Registry News was able to find one Blogger
for the Event. However, this was an obstacle course in the making. The GOP Boston office was very nice but the
final outcome was that they tried to say they had too many Press already. That was at 4pm on Thursday. I stated
to that person at that time. If you intend to block ComflmRegistryNews again as I have been blocked for 6 years continuously
from access as Independant Press I will not be a Delegate. You can forget about that. The answer
at that point... tell your Press person to come to door 5. Then at the Door the people signing in wanted to give me
the same story and I simply said I spoke to Tarah who said to come to door 5 and somehow they came up with a list that was
not on the list they were writing in. I went to make sure my Press person got in and then to the area she was to sit.
We found the one room in the back had no internet ports at 945AM and the one in the main hall had seats available.
The Blogger stated she was not treated well during the whole event but we were there. Price to pay to wage war with
the GOP as Independant Media. And although C Span had their names on ALL the bags for the GOP
they did not seem to be there and have not posted any coverage. Thank you C Span for giving the bags and hopefully the
entire group will subliminally start to realize that the whole Legislature Elect need to be on screen for the Public to ever
trust them again. JAldrich ComflmRegistryNewsPresident, and Delegate at the GOP
2010 Convention. JAdrich also volunteered helping to assemble bags and registration envelopes for about 2 hours
on Friday morning. A ride on the train to Worcester to attend the event at 650AM got her into Worcester early where
she was able to scout out the access for Press and the available parking for Guests and even the Bus System which would be
available during the day. In fact the Bus System was not informed of the groups traveling. That was told to JAldrich
when the Chamber of Commerce was setting up their table. This was not needed as the whole event had chartered
buses arranged for the visitors. However, the chartered buses were two buses that took people on and off and were steamy
crowded and full of cranky people. I did not find the buses accomodating and got off after one ride. I preferred
to just stay at one place called the Fifth Amendment behind the DCU the Tea Party Official place to hang out. That was
cozy accomodating cheap and had the best performer ever to sing his little heart out for 4 hours. I was totally impressed
and will be back. Every Friday night he performs in case you want to check it out.
If you sign up as Comflm, for the RNC please wear white or
black shirts and no jeans. I know the Media are pretty loose but we are taking on a Lion and we need to be clean cut
and leave good impressions. Thanks JA
Additional area events are posted below the RNC post.
Most are Delegate Invitation.
Due to the Membership Requirement for Comflm Registry, if
you desire to cover this event please email me your request and I will email the Press PDF received from the GOP. All
requests are to be in the 15th with Identification . I will be making a request as Comflm Registry and will have some
Crew Slots but need to know before Wednesday night who is coming for sure. JAldrich,President Comflm Registry News.
Media Advisory below this Press Request.. can send pdf..
email if you can help out on Friday or Saturday..
If you can cover the
Convention please let me know asap. I want to secure the access and do not want to expect and be disappointed if you
change your mind. Please let me know what hours days you can cover. Will have a room to relax but need a heads up Please respond.,
Please email, asap. This coverage is for the Republican Convention in Worcester. If you can cover fill any position please let me
know. So far I have 3 people who can help and a fourth on hold for parts as a Blogger.
As soon as the Press Kit is sent or emailed I will send a followup email. looking for the following Blogger
who will post stream live coverage.. Interviewer Cameraman who works and follows Interviewer Someone who picks up flyers all over the building at tables for Candidates a floater who watches for stories with
a cell phone to Captain..videographer Bring business cards if you
have them A stationary Camera A second floater who roams with Camera